#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import sys import json import time import datetime import random import hashlib import subprocess import re import requests import atexit import socket import ssh2 from ssh2.error_codes import LIBSSH2_ERROR_EAGAIN from ssh2.utils import wait_socket import telnetlib import ftplib EXPLOIT_VIA_DROPBEAR = True def die(*args): err = 1 prefix = "ERROR: " msg = "" if len(args) > 0: if isinstance(args[0], int): err = args[0] else: msg = args[0] if (err == 0): prefix = "" if len(args) > 1: msg = args[1] print(" ") print(prefix + msg) print(" ") sys.exit(err) def get_http_headers(): headers = {} headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8" headers["User-Agent"] = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:65.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/65.0" return headers class Gateway(): use_ssh = EXPLOIT_VIA_DROPBEAR verbose = 2 timeout = 4 config = {} device_name = None rom_version = None rom_channel = None webpassword = None status = -2 ftp = None socket = None # TCP socket for SSH ssh = None # SSH session ssh_port = 122 def __init__(self, timeout = 4, verbose = 2, detect_device = True): self.verbose = verbose self.timeout = timeout self.config['device_ip_addr'] = None self.load_config() self.device_name = None self.webpassword = None self.status = -2 atexit.register(self.shutdown) os.makedirs('outdir', exist_ok = True) os.makedirs('tmp', exist_ok = True) if detect_device: self.detect_device() def detect_device(self): self.device_name = None self.rom_version = None self.rom_channel = None self.status = -2 try: r0 = requests.get("http://{ip_addr}/cgi-bin/luci/web".format(ip_addr = self.ip_addr), timeout = self.timeout) r0.raise_for_status() #with open("r0.txt", "wb") as file: # file.write(r0.text.encode("utf-8")) hardware = re.findall(r'hardware = \'(.*?)\'', r0.text) if hardware and len(hardware) > 0: self.device_name = hardware[0] else: hardware = re.findall(r'hardwareVersion: \'(.*?)\'', r0.text) if hardware and len(hardware) > 0: self.device_name = hardware[0] self.device_name = self.device_name.lower() romver = re.search(r'romVersion: \'(.*?)\'', r0.text) self.rom_version = romver.group(1).strip() if romver else None romchan = re.search(r'romChannel: \'(.*?)\'', r0.text) self.rom_channel = romchan.group(1).strip().lower() if romchan else None except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: print("Http Error:", e) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: #print("Error Connecting:", e) return self.status except requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout as e: print ("ConnectTimeout Error:", e) except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e: print ("Timeout Error:", e) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print("Request Exception:", e) except Exception: pass if not self.device_name: die("You need to make the initial configuration in the WEB of the device!") self.status = -1 x = -1 try: x = r0.text.find('a href="/cgi-bin/luci/web/init/hello') except: return self.status if (x > 10): self.webpassword = 'admin' die("You need to make the initial configuration in the WEB of the device!") self.status = 1 return self.status def shutdown(self): if self.use_ssh: try: self.ssh.disconnect() except Exception: pass try: self.socket.close() except Exception: pass else: try: self.ftp.quit() except Exception: pass try: self.ftp.close() except Exception: pass self.ftp = None self.ssh = None self.socket = None @property def ip_addr(self): return self.config['device_ip_addr'] @ip_addr.setter def ip_addr(self, value): self.config['device_ip_addr'] = value def load_config(self): self.config = {} with open('config.txt', 'r') as file: self.config = json.load(file) self.config['device_ip_addr'] = (self.config['device_ip_addr']).strip() def save_config(self): with open('config.txt', 'w') as file: json.dump(self.config, file, indent=4, sort_keys=True) def set_config_param(self, key, value): self.config[key] = value self.save_config() def get_ssh(self, verbose = 0): if self.ssh: try: self.ssh.keepalive_send() return self.ssh except Exception: pass self.shutdown() try: self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.socket.connect((self.ip_addr, self.ssh_port)) self.ssh = ssh2.session.Session() self.ssh.handshake(self.socket) self.ssh.userauth_password('root', 'root') self.ssh.set_blocking(True) self.ssh.set_timeout(self.timeout * 1000); return self.ssh except Exception as e: #print(e) if verbose: die("SSH server not responding (IP: {})".format(self.ip_addr)) self.shutdown() return None def get_telnet(self, verbose = 0): try: tn = telnetlib.Telnet(self.ip_addr) tn.read_until(b"login: ") tn.write(b"root\n") tn.read_until(b"Password: ") tn.write(b"root\n") tn.read_until(b"root@XiaoQiang:~#") return tn except Exception as e: #print(e) if verbose: die("TELNET not responding (IP: {})".format(self.ip_addr)) return None def get_ftp(self, verbose = 0): if self.ftp and self.ftp.sock: try: self.ftp.voidcmd("NOOP") return self.ftp #Already connected except Exception: pass self.shutdown() try: #timeout = 10 if self.timeout < 10 else self.timeout self.ftp = ftplib.FTP(self.ip_addr, user='root', passwd='root', timeout=self.timeout) self.ftp.voidcmd("NOOP") return self.ftp except Exception: if verbose: die("ftp not responding (IP: {})".format(self.ip_addr)) self.shutdown() return None def ping(self, verbose = 2): if self.use_ssh: ssh = self.get_ssh(verbose) if not ssh: return False else: tn = self.get_telnet(verbose) if not tn: return False ftp = self.get_ftp(verbose) if not ftp: return False return True def run_cmd(self, cmd, msg = None): if self.use_ssh: ssh = self.get_ssh(self.verbose) else: tn = self.get_telnet(self.verbose) if (msg): print(msg) cmdlist = [] if isinstance(cmd, str): cmdlist.append(cmd) else: cmdlist = cmd for idx, cmd in enumerate(cmdlist): if self.use_ssh: channel = ssh.open_session() #channel.pty('xterm') #print("exec = '{}'".format(cmd)) channel.execute(cmd) try: channel.wait_eof() except ssh2.exceptions.Timeout: die("SSH execute command timedout! CMD: \"{}\"".format(cmd)) try: channel.close() channel.wait_closed() except Exception: pass #status = channel.get_exit_status() else: cmd = (cmd + '\n').encode('ascii') tn.write(cmd) tn.read_until(b"root@XiaoQiang:~#") if not self.use_ssh: tn.write(b"exit\n") return True def download(self, fn_remote, fn_local, verbose = 1): if self.use_ssh: ssh = self.get_ssh(self.verbose) channel, fileinfo = ssh.scp_recv2(fn_remote) total_size = fileinfo.st_size read_size = 0 with open(fn_local, 'wb') as file: while read_size < total_size: size, data = channel.read() if size > 0: if read_size + len(data) > total_size: file.write(data[:total_size - read_size]) else: file.write(data) read_size += size else: ftp = self.get_ftp(self.verbose) file = open(fn_local, 'wb') if verbose and self.verbose: print('Download file: "{}" ....'.format(fn_remote)) ftp.retrbinary('RETR ' + fn_remote, file.write) file.close() return True def upload(self, fn_local, fn_remote, verbose = 1): try: file = open(fn_local, 'rb') except Exception: die('File "{}" not found.'.format(fn_local)) if self.use_ssh: ssh = self.get_ssh(self.verbose) finfo = os.stat(fn_local) channel = ssh.scp_send64(fn_remote, finfo.st_mode & 0o777, finfo.st_size, finfo.st_mtime, finfo.st_atime) size = 0 for data in file: channel.write(data) size = size + len(data) #except ssh2.exceptions.SCPProtocolError as e: else: ftp = self.get_ftp(self.verbose) if verbose and self.verbose: print('Upload file: "{}" ....'.format(fn_local)) ftp.storbinary('STOR ' + fn_remote, file) file.close() return True if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) > 1: ip_addr = sys.argv[1] gw = Gateway(detect_device = False) gw.ip_addr = ip_addr gw.save_config() print("Device IP-address changed to {}".format(ip_addr))