You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

78 lines
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package op
import (
type Client struct {
u *User
r *Room
c chan Message
wg sync.WaitGroup
conn *websocket.Conn
timeOut time.Duration
closed uint32
func newClient(user *User, room *Room, conn *websocket.Conn) *Client {
return &Client{
r: room,
u: user,
c: make(chan Message, 128),
conn: conn,
timeOut: 10 * time.Second,
func (c *Client) User() *User {
return c.u
func (c *Client) Room() *Room {
return c.r
func (c *Client) Broadcast(msg Message, conf ...BroadcastConf) error {
return c.r.hub.Broadcast(msg, conf...)
func (c *Client) Send(msg Message) error {
defer c.wg.Done()
if c.Closed() {
return ErrAlreadyClosed
c.c <- msg
return nil
func (c *Client) Close() error {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&c.closed, 0, 1) {
return ErrAlreadyClosed
return nil
func (c *Client) Closed() bool {
return atomic.LoadUint32(&c.closed) == 1
func (c *Client) GetReadChan() <-chan Message {
return c.c
func (c *Client) NextWriter(messageType int) (io.WriteCloser, error) {
return c.conn.NextWriter(messageType)
func (c *Client) NextReader() (int, io.Reader, error) {
return c.conn.NextReader()