function parseDepArgs() { while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case "${1}" in --version=*) VERSION="${1#*=}" shift ;; --skip-init-web) SKIP_INIT_WEB="true" shift ;; --web-version=*) WEB_VERSION="${1#*=}" shift ;; --web-repo=*) WEB_REPO="${1#*=}" shift ;; *) return 1 ;; esac done } function printDepHelp() { echo -e " ${COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW}--version=${COLOR_RESET} - Set the build version (default: 'dev')" echo -e " ${COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW}--web-version=${COLOR_RESET} - Set the web dependency version (default: same as build version)" echo -e " ${COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW}--web-repo=${COLOR_RESET} - Set the web repository (default: '/synctv-web')" echo -e " ${COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW}--skip-init-web${COLOR_RESET} - Skip initializing the web dependency" } function printDepEnvHelp() { echo -e " ${COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN}VERSION${COLOR_RESET} - Set the build version (default: 'dev')" echo -e " ${COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN}WEB_VERSION${COLOR_RESET} - Set the web dependency version (default: same as build version)" echo -e " ${COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN}WEB_REPO${COLOR_RESET} - Set the web repository (default: '/synctv-web')" echo -e " ${COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN}SKIP_INIT_WEB${COLOR_RESET} - Skip initializing the web dependency (set to any non-empty value to enable)" } function initDep() { setDefault "VERSION" "dev" VERSION="$(echo "$VERSION" | sed 's/ //g' | sed 's/"//g' | sed 's/\n//g')" echo -e "${COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE}Version:${COLOR_RESET} ${COLOR_LIGHT_CYAN}${VERSION}${COLOR_RESET}" if [[ "${VERSION}" != "dev" ]] && [[ ! "${VERSION}" =~ ^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(-beta.*|-rc.*|-alpha.*)?$ ]]; then echo -e "${COLOR_LIGHT_RED}Version format error: ${VERSION}${COLOR_RESET}" return 1 fi setDefault "WEB_VERSION" "${VERSION}" # 使用 git 命令获取仓库所有者,如果失败则使用默认值 "synctv-org" local repo_owner repo_owner=$(git config 2>/dev/null || echo "synctv-org") setDefault "WEB_REPO" "${repo_owner}/synctv-web" setDefault "SKIP_INIT_WEB" "" addLDFLAGS "-X '${VERSION}'" setDefault "WEB_VERSION" "${VERSION}" addLDFLAGS "-X '${WEB_VERSION}'" local git_commit git_commit="$(git log --pretty=format:"%h" -1)" || git_commit="unknown" addLDFLAGS "-X '${git_commit}'" if [[ -z "${SKIP_INIT_WEB}" ]] && [[ -n "${WEB_VERSION}" ]]; then echo -e "${COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE}Web repository:${COLOR_RESET} ${COLOR_LIGHT_CYAN}${WEB_REPO}${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e "${COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE}Web version:${COLOR_RESET} ${COLOR_LIGHT_CYAN}${WEB_VERSION}${COLOR_RESET}" downloadAndUnzip "${WEB_REPO}/releases/download/${WEB_VERSION}/dist.tar.gz" "${SOURCE_DIR}/public/dist" fi addTags "jsoniter" }