@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ function printEnvHelp() {
echo -e " ${ COLOR_CYAN } HOST_CXX ${ COLOR_RESET } - Set the host C++ compiler (default: ${ DEFAULT_CXX } ). "
echo -e " ${ COLOR_CYAN } FORCE_CC ${ COLOR_RESET } - Force the use of a specific C compiler. "
echo -e " ${ COLOR_CYAN } FORCE_CXX ${ COLOR_RESET } - Force the use of a specific C++ compiler. "
echo -e " ${ COLOR_CYAN } *_ALLOWED_PLATFORM${ COLOR_RESET } - Set allowed platforms for a specific OS (e.g., LINUX_ALLOWED_PLATFORM=\"linux/amd64\" )."
echo -e " ${ COLOR_CYAN } CGO_ *_ALLOWED_PLATFORM${ COLOR_RESET } - Set allowed platforms for CGO for a specific OS (e.g., CGO_LINUX_ALLOWED_PLATFORM=\"linux/amd64\" )."
echo -e " ${ COLOR_CYAN } CGO_FLAGS${ COLOR_RESET } - Set CGO flags (default: ${ DEFAULT_CGO_FLAGS } )."
echo -e " ${ COLOR_CYAN } CGO_ LDFLAGS${ COLOR_RESET } - Set CGO linker flags (default: ${ DEFAULT_CGO_LDFLAGS } )."
echo -e " ${ COLOR_CYAN } GH_PROXY ${ COLOR_RESET } - Set the GitHub proxy mirror (e.g., https://mirror.ghproxy.com/). "
if declare -f printDepEnvHelp >/dev/null; then
@ -83,15 +83,15 @@ function printHelp() {
echo -e " ${ COLOR_BLUE } --more-go-cmd-args='<args>' ${ COLOR_RESET } - Pass additional arguments to the 'go build' command. "
echo -e " ${ COLOR_BLUE } --disable-micro ${ COLOR_RESET } - Disable building micro architecture variants. "
echo -e " ${ COLOR_BLUE } --ldflags='<flags>' ${ COLOR_RESET } - Set linker flags (default: \" ${ DEFAULT_LDFLAGS } \"). "
echo -e " ${ COLOR_BLUE } - -platforms=<platforms>${ COLOR_RESET } - Specify target platform(s) (default: host platform, supports: all, linux, linux/arm*, ...)."
echo -e " ${ COLOR_BLUE } - p=<platforms>, - -platforms=<platforms>${ COLOR_RESET } - Specify target platform(s) (default: host platform, supports: all, linux, linux/arm*, ...)."
echo -e " ${ COLOR_BLUE } --result-dir=<dir> ${ COLOR_RESET } - Specify the build result directory (default: ${ DEFAULT_RESULT_DIR } ). "
echo -e " ${ COLOR_BLUE } --tags='<tags>' ${ COLOR_RESET } - Set build tags. "
echo -e " ${ COLOR_BLUE } --show-all- target s${ COLOR_RESET } - Display all supported target platforms. "
echo -e " ${ COLOR_BLUE } --show-all- platform s${ COLOR_RESET } - Display all supported target platforms. "
echo -e " ${ COLOR_BLUE } --github-proxy-mirror=<url> ${ COLOR_RESET } - Use a GitHub proxy mirror (e.g., https://mirror.ghproxy.com/). "
echo -e " ${ COLOR_BLUE } --force-gcc=<path> ${ COLOR_RESET } - Force the use of a specific C compiler. "
echo -e " ${ COLOR_BLUE } --force-g++=<path> ${ COLOR_RESET } - Force the use of a specific C++ compiler. "
echo -e " ${ COLOR_BLUE } --host- cc=<path>${ COLOR_RESET } - Specify the host C compiler (default: ${ DEFAULT_CC } ). "
echo -e " ${ COLOR_BLUE } --host- cxx =<path>${ COLOR_RESET } - Specify the host C++ compiler (default: ${ DEFAULT_CXX } ). "
echo -e " ${ COLOR_BLUE } --host- g cc=<path>${ COLOR_RESET } - Specify the host C compiler (default: ${ DEFAULT_CC } ). "
echo -e " ${ COLOR_BLUE } --host- g++ =<path>${ COLOR_RESET } - Specify the host C++ compiler (default: ${ DEFAULT_CXX } ). "
if declare -f printDepHelp >/dev/null; then
echo -e " ${ COLOR_PURPLE } $( getSeparator) ${ COLOR_RESET } "
@ -160,6 +160,8 @@ function fixArgs() {
setDefault "LDFLAGS" " ${ DEFAULT_LDFLAGS } "
setDefault "BUILD_ARGS" ""
setDefault "CGO_FLAGS" " ${ DEFAULT_CGO_FLAGS } "
# Checks if CGO is enabled.
@ -217,124 +219,64 @@ function downloadAndUnzip() {
# --- Platform Management ---
declare -A allowed_platforms
allowed_platforms = (
[ "linux" ] = "linux/386,linux/amd64,linux/arm,linux/arm64,linux/loong64,linux/mips,linux/mips64,linux/mips64le,linux/mipsle,linux/ppc64,linux/ppc64le,linux/riscv64,linux/s390x"
[ "darwin" ] = "darwin/amd64,darwin/arm64"
[ "windows" ] = "windows/386,windows/amd64,windows/arm,windows/arm64"
declare -A cgo_allowed_platforms
cgo_allowed_platforms = (
[ "linux" ] = "linux/386,linux/amd64,linux/arm,linux/arm64,linux/loong64,linux/mips,linux/mips64,linux/mips64le,linux/mipsle,linux/ppc64le,linux/riscv64,linux/s390x "
[ "windows" ] = "windows/386,windows/amd64 "
# Removes duplicate platforms from a comma-separated list.
# Arguments:
# $1: Comma-separated list of platforms.
# Returns:
# Comma-separated list of platforms with duplicates removed.
function removeDuplicatePlatforms( ) {
local all_platforms = " $1 "
all_platforms = " $( echo " ${ all_platforms } " | tr ',' '\n' | sort | uniq | paste -s -d ',' -) "
all_platforms = " ${ all_platforms #, } "
all_platforms = " ${ all_platforms %, } "
echo " ${ all_platforms } "
# Adds platforms to the allowed platforms list.
# Arguments:
# $1: Comma-separated list of platforms to add.
function addToAllowedPlatforms( ) {
local platforms = " $1 "
local platform = ""
for platform in ${ platform //,/ } ; do
local os = " ${ platform %%/* } "
if [ [ -z " ${ allowed_platforms [ ${ os } ] } " ] ] ; then
allowed_platforms[ ${ os } ] = " ${ platform } "
allowed_platforms[ ${ os } ] = " ${ allowed_platforms [ ${ os } ] } , ${ platform } "
[ [ -z " $ALLOWED_PLATFORMS " ] ] && ALLOWED_PLATFORMS = " $1 " || ALLOWED_PLATFORMS = $( removeDuplicatePlatforms " $ALLOWED_PLATFORMS , $1 " )
# Adds platforms to the CGO allowed platforms list.
# Arguments:
# $1: Comma-separated list of platforms to add.
function addToCGOAllowedPlatforms( ) {
local platforms = " $1 "
local platform = ""
for platform in ${ platforms //,/ } ; do
local os = " ${ platform %%/* } "
if [ [ -z " ${ cgo_allowed_platforms [ ${ os } ] } " ] ] ; then
cgo_allowed_platforms[ ${ os } ] = " ${ platform } "
cgo_allowed_platforms[ ${ os } ] = " ${ cgo_allowed_platforms [ ${ os } ] } , ${ platform } "
[ [ -z " $CGO_ALLOWED_PLATFORMS " ] ] && CGO_ALLOWED_PLATFORMS = " $1 " || CGO_ALLOWED_PLATFORMS = $( removeDuplicatePlatforms " $CGO_ALLOWED_PLATFORMS , $1 " )
# Removes platforms from the allowed platforms list.
# Arguments:
# $1: Comma-separated list of platforms to remove.
function deleteFromAllowedPlatforms( ) {
local platforms = " $1 "
local platform = ""
for platform in ${ platforms //,/ } ; do
local os = " ${ platform %%/* } "
if [ [ -n " ${ allowed_platforms [ ${ os } ] } " ] ] ; then
allowed_platforms[ ${ os } ] = $( echo " ${ allowed_platforms [ ${ os } ] } " | sed " s| ${ platform } $||g " | sed " s| ${ platform } ,||g " )
ALLOWED_PLATFORMS = $( echo " ${ ALLOWED_PLATFORMS } " | sed " s| ${ 1 } $||g " | sed " s| ${ 1 } ,||g " )
# Removes platforms from the CGO allowed platforms list.
# Arguments:
# $1: Comma-separated list of platforms to remove.
function deleteFromCGOAllowedPlatforms( ) {
local platforms = " $1 "
local platform = ""
for platform in ${ platforms //,/ } ; do
local os = " ${ platform %%/* } "
if [ [ -n " ${ cgo_allowed_platforms [ ${ os } ] } " ] ] ; then
cgo_allowed_platforms[ ${ os } ] = $( echo " ${ cgo_allowed_platforms [ ${ os } ] } " | sed " s| ${ platform } $||g " | sed " s| ${ platform } ,||g " )
CGO_ALLOWED_PLATFORMS = $( echo " ${ CGO_ALLOWED_PLATFORMS } " | sed " s| ${ 1 } $||g " | sed " s| ${ 1 } ,||g " )
# Initializes the host platforms.
function initHostPlatforms( ) {
addToAllowedPlatforms " ${ GOHOSTOS } / ${ GOHOSTARCH } "
addToCGOAllowedPlatforms " ${ GOHOSTOS } / ${ GOHOSTARCH } "
addToAllowedPlatforms "linux/386,linux/amd64,linux/arm,linux/arm64,linux/loong64,linux/mips,linux/mips64,linux/mips64le,linux/mipsle,linux/ppc64,linux/ppc64le,linux/riscv64,linux/s390x"
addToAllowedPlatforms "darwin/amd64,darwin/arm64"
addToAllowedPlatforms "windows/386,windows/amd64,windows/arm,windows/arm64"
# Removes duplicate platforms from a comma-separated list.
# Arguments:
# $1: Comma-separated list of platforms.
# Returns:
# Comma-separated list of platforms with duplicates removed.
function removeDuplicatePlatforms( ) {
local all_platforms = " $1 "
all_platforms = " $( echo " ${ all_platforms } " | tr ',' '\n' | sort | uniq | paste -s -d ',' -) "
all_platforms = " ${ all_platforms #, } "
all_platforms = " ${ all_platforms %, } "
echo " ${ all_platforms } "
addToCGOAllowedPlatforms "linux/386,linux/amd64,linux/arm,linux/arm64,linux/loong64,linux/mips,linux/mips64,linux/mips64le,linux/mipsle,linux/ppc64le,linux/riscv64,linux/s390x"
addToCGOAllowedPlatforms "windows/386,windows/amd64"
addToAllowedPlatforms " ${ GOHOSTOS } / ${ GOHOSTARCH } "
addToCGOAllowedPlatforms " ${ GOHOSTOS } / ${ GOHOSTARCH } "
# Initializes the platforms based on environment variables and allowed platforms.
function initPlatforms( ) {
for os in " ${ !allowed_platforms[@] } " ; do
ALLOWED_PLATFORM = " ${ ALLOWED_PLATFORM } , ${ allowed_platforms [ ${ os } ] } "
if [ [ -n " ${ cgo_allowed_platforms [ ${ os } ] } " ] ] ; then
CGO_ALLOWED_PLATFORM = " ${ CGO_ALLOWED_PLATFORM } , ${ cgo_allowed_platforms [ ${ os } ] } "
ALLOWED_PLATFORM = $( removeDuplicatePlatforms " ${ ALLOWED_PLATFORM } " )
CGO_ALLOWED_PLATFORM = $( removeDuplicatePlatforms " ${ CGO_ALLOWED_PLATFORM } " )
for os in " ${ !allowed_platforms[@] } " ; do
local var = " ${ os ^^ } _ALLOWED_PLATFORM "
local cgo_var = " CGO_ ${ var } "
eval " CURRENT_ ${ var } =\" ${ !var } \" "
eval " CURRENT_ ${ cgo_var } =\" ${ !cgo_var } \" "
if declare -f initDepPlatforms >/dev/null; then
@ -344,14 +286,14 @@ function initPlatforms() {
# Checks if a platform is allowed.
# Arguments:
# $1: Target platform to check.
# $2: Optional. List of allowed platforms. If not provided, CURRENT_ALLOWED_PLATFORM is used.
# $2: Optional. List of allowed platforms. If not provided, CURRENT_ALLOWED_PLATFORM S is used.
# Returns:
# 0: Platform is allowed.
# 1: Platform is not allowed.
# 2: Platform is not allowed for CGO.
function checkPlatform( ) {
local target_platform = " $1 "
local current_allowed_platform = " ${ 2 :- ${ CURRENT_ALLOWED_PLATFORM } } "
local current_allowed_platform = " ${ 2 :- ${ CURRENT_ALLOWED_PLATFORM S } } "
if [ [ " ${ current_allowed_platform } " = ~ ( ^| ,) ${ target_platform } ( $| ,) ] ] ; then
return 0
@ -371,9 +313,7 @@ function checkPlatform() {
# 2: At least one platform is not allowed for CGO.
# 3: Error checking platforms.
function checkPlatforms( ) {
local platforms = " $1 "
for platform in ${ platforms //,/ } ; do
for platform in ${ 1 //,/ } ; do
case $(
checkPlatform " ${ platform } "
echo $?
@ -400,14 +340,13 @@ function checkPlatforms() {
# --- CGO Dependencies ---
declare -A cgo_deps
cgo_deps = (
[ "CC" ] = ""
[ "CXX" ] = ""
[ "MORE_CGO_CFLAGS" ] = ""
function resetCGO( ) {
CC = ""
CXX = ""
# Initializes CGO dependencies based on the target operating system and architecture.
# Arguments:
@ -418,13 +357,14 @@ cgo_deps=(
# 0: CGO dependencies initialized successfully.
# 1: Error initializing CGO dependencies.
function initCGODeps( ) {
local goos = " $1 "
local goarch = " $2 "
local micro = " $3 "
if [ [ -n " ${ FORCE_CC } " ] ] && [ [ -n " ${ FORCE_CXX } " ] ] ; then
cgo_deps[ "CC" ] = " ${ FORCE_CC } "
cgo_deps[ "CXX" ] = " ${ FORCE_CXX } "
CC = " ${ FORCE_CC } "
CXX = " ${ FORCE_CXX } "
return 0
elif [ [ -n " ${ FORCE_CC } " ] ] || [ [ -n " ${ FORCE_CXX } " ] ] ; then
echo -e " ${ COLOR_RED } Both FORCE_CC and FORCE_CXX must be set at the same time. ${ COLOR_RESET } "
@ -463,26 +403,26 @@ function initCGODeps() {
local cc_command cc_options
read -r cc_command cc_options <<< " ${ cgo_deps[ " CC"] } "
read -r cc_command cc_options <<< " ${ CC} "
cc_command = " $( command -v " ${ cc_command } " ) "
if [ [ " ${ cc_command } " != /* ] ] ; then
cgo_deps[ "CC" ] = " $( cd " $( dirname " ${ cc_command } " ) " && pwd ) / $( basename " ${ cc_command } " ) "
[ [ -n " ${ cc_options } " ] ] && cgo_deps[ "CC" ] = " ${ cgo_deps [ "CC" ] } ${ cc_options } "
CC = " $( cd " $( dirname " ${ cc_command } " ) " && pwd ) / $( basename " ${ cc_command } " ) "
[ [ -n " ${ cc_options } " ] ] && CC = " ${ CC } ${ cc_options } "
local cxx_command cxx_options
read -r cxx_command cxx_options <<< " ${ cgo_deps[ " CXX"] } "
read -r cxx_command cxx_options <<< " ${ CXX} "
cxx_command = " $( command -v " ${ cxx_command } " ) "
if [ [ " ${ cxx_command } " != /* ] ] ; then
cgo_deps[ "CXX" ] = " $( cd " $( dirname " ${ cxx_command } " ) " && pwd ) / $( basename " ${ cxx_command } " ) "
[ [ -n " ${ cxx_options } " ] ] && cgo_deps[ "CXX" ] = " ${ cgo_deps [ "CXX" ] } ${ cxx_options } "
CXX = " $( cd " $( dirname " ${ cxx_command } " ) " && pwd ) / $( basename " ${ cxx_command } " ) "
[ [ -n " ${ cxx_options } " ] ] && CXX = " ${ CXX } ${ cxx_options } "
# Initializes CGO dependencies for the host platform.
function initHostCGODeps( ) {
cgo_deps[ "CC" ] = " ${ HOST_CC } "
cgo_deps[ "CXX" ] = " ${ HOST_CXX } "
CC = " ${ HOST_CC } "
CXX = " ${ HOST_CXX } "
# Initializes default CGO dependencies based on the target operating system, architecture, and micro architecture.
@ -599,8 +539,8 @@ function initLinuxCGO() {
local arch_prefix = " $1 "
local abi = " $2 "
local micro = " $3 "
local cc_var = " CC_LINUX_ ${ arch_prefix ^^ } ${ abi ^^ } ${ micro ^^ } "
local cxx_var = " CXX_LINUX_ ${ arch_prefix ^^ } ${ abi ^^ } ${ micro ^^ } "
local cc_var = $( echo " CC_LINUX_ ${ arch_prefix } ${ abi } ${ micro } " | awk '{print tolower($0)}' )
local cxx_var = $( echo " CXX_LINUX_ ${ arch_prefix } ${ abi } ${ micro } " | awk '{print tolower($0)}' )
if [ [ -z " ${ !cc_var } " ] ] && [ [ -z " ${ !cxx_var } " ] ] ; then
local cross_compiler_name = " ${ arch_prefix } -linux-musl ${ abi } ${ micro } -cross "
@ -623,8 +563,8 @@ function initLinuxCGO() {
return 1
cgo_deps[ "CC" ] = " ${ !cc_var } -static --static "
cgo_deps[ "CXX" ] = " ${ !cxx_var } -static --static "
CC = " ${ !cc_var } -static --static "
CXX = " ${ !cxx_var } -static --static "
return 0
@ -633,8 +573,8 @@ function initLinuxCGO() {
# $1: Architecture prefix (e.g., "i686", "x86_64").
function initWindowsCGO( ) {
local arch_prefix = " $1 "
local cc_var = " CC_WINDOWS_ ${ arch_prefix ^^ } "
local cxx_var = " CXX_WINDOWS_ ${ arch_prefix ^^ } "
local cc_var = $( echo " CC_WINDOWS_ ${ arch_prefix } " | awk '{print tolower($0)}' )
local cxx_var = $( echo " CXX_WINDOWS_ ${ arch_prefix } " | awk '{print tolower($0)}' )
if [ [ -z " ${ !cc_var } " ] ] && [ [ -z " ${ !cxx_var } " ] ] ; then
local cross_compiler_name = " ${ arch_prefix } -w64-mingw32-cross "
@ -657,8 +597,8 @@ function initWindowsCGO() {
return 1
cgo_deps[ "CC" ] = " ${ !cc_var } -static --static "
cgo_deps[ "CXX" ] = " ${ !cxx_var } -static --static "
CC = " ${ !cc_var } -static --static "
CXX = " ${ !cxx_var } -static --static "
return 0
@ -714,7 +654,6 @@ function buildTarget() {
supportPIE " ${ platform } " && build_mode = "-buildmode=pie"
local build_env = (
" GOOS= ${ goos } "
" GOARCH= ${ goarch } "
@ -788,6 +727,8 @@ function buildTargetWithMicro() {
local target_file = " ${ RESULT_DIR } / ${ BIN_NAME } - ${ goos } - ${ goarch } ${ micro : + " - $micro " } ${ ext } "
local default_target_file = " ${ RESULT_DIR } / ${ BIN_NAME } - ${ goos } - ${ goarch } ${ ext } "
isCGOEnabled && build_env += ( "CGO_ENABLED=1" ) || build_env += ( "CGO_ENABLED=0" )
# Set micro architecture specific environment variables.
case " ${ goarch } " in
"386" )
@ -825,11 +766,11 @@ function buildTargetWithMicro() {
# Set CGO specific environment variables.
if isCGOEnabled; then
build_env += ( " CGO_CFLAGS= ${ DEFAULT_CGO_FLAGS} ${ cgo_deps [ "MORE_CGO_CFLAGS" ] } " )
build_env += ( " CGO_CXXFLAGS= ${ DEFAULT_CGO_FLAGS} ${ cgo_deps [ "MORE_CGO_CXXFLAGS" ] } " )
build_env += ( " CGO_LDFLAGS= ${ DEFAULT_CGO_LDFLAGS} ${ cgo_deps [ "MORE_CGO_LDFLAGS" ] } " )
build_env += ( " CC= ${ cgo_deps[ " CC"] } " )
build_env += ( " CXX= ${ cgo_deps[ " CXX"] } " )
build_env += ( " CGO_CFLAGS= ${ CGO_FLAGS} ${ MORE_CGO_CFLAGS : + ${ MORE_CGO_CFLAGS } } " )
build_env += ( " CGO_CXXFLAGS= ${ CGO_FLAGS} ${ MORE_CGO_CXXFLAGS : + ${ MORE_CGO_CXXFLAGS } } " )
build_env += ( " CGO_LDFLAGS= ${ CGO_LDFLAGS} ${ MORE_CGO_LDFLAGS : + ${ MORE_CGO_LDFLAGS } } " )
build_env += ( " CC= ${ CC} " )
build_env += ( " CXX= ${ CXX} " )
echo -e " ${ COLOR_PURPLE } Building ${ goos } / ${ goarch } ${ micro : +/ ${ micro } } ... ${ COLOR_RESET } "
@ -855,11 +796,11 @@ function expandPlatforms() {
local platform = ""
for platform in ${ platforms //,/ } ; do
if [ [ " ${ platform } " = = "all" ] ] ; then
return 0
elif [ [ " ${ platform } " = = *\* * ] ] ; then
local tmp_var = ""
for tmp_var in ${ CURRENT_ALLOWED_PLATFORM //,/ } ; do
for tmp_var in ${ CURRENT_ALLOWED_PLATFORM S //,/ } ; do
[ [ " ${ tmp_var } " = = ${ platform } ] ] && expanded_platforms = " ${ expanded_platforms } ${ tmp_var } "
elif [ [ " ${ platform } " != */* ] ] ; then
@ -914,7 +855,6 @@ function loadBuildConfig() {
# --- Main Script ---
# Parse command-line arguments.
while [ [ $# -gt 0 ] ] ; do
@ -942,7 +882,7 @@ while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
--ldflags= *)
addLDFLAGS " ${ 1 #*= } "
; ;
--platforms= *)
-p= * | - -platforms= *)
PLATFORMS = " ${ 1 #*= } "
; ;
--result-dir= *)
@ -951,9 +891,9 @@ while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
--tags= *)
addTags " ${ 1 #*= } "
; ;
--show-all-target s)
--show-all-platform s)
exit 0
; ;
--github-proxy-mirror= *)
@ -965,10 +905,10 @@ while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
--force-g++= *)
FORCE_CXX = " ${ 1 #*= } "
; ;
--host-cc= *)
--host-g cc= *)
HOST_CC = " ${ 1 #*= } "
; ;
--host-cxx = *)
--host-g++ = *)
HOST_CXX = " ${ 1 #*= } "
; ;