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/* Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Open Information Security Foundation
* You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free
* Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* version 2 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301, USA.
* \file
* \author Victor Julien <victor@inliniac.net>
* \author Pablo Rincon Crespo <pablo.rincon.crespo@gmail.com>
* Threading functions defined as macros
#ifndef __THREADS_H__
#define __THREADS_H__
#if defined OS_FREEBSD || __OpenBSD__
#if ! defined __OpenBSD__
#include <sys/thr.h>
enum {
#include <mach/mach_init.h>
enum {
#elif OS_WIN32
#include <windows.h>
enum {
#else /* LINUX */
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <sys/prctl.h>
#define THREAD_NAME_LEN 16
enum {
#endif /* OS_FREEBSD */
#include <pthread.h>
/** The mutex/spinlock/condition definitions and functions are used
* in the same way as the POSIX definitionsr; Anyway we are centralizing
* them here to make an easier portability process and debugging process;
* Please, make sure you initialize mutex and spinlocks before using them
* because, some OS doesn't initialize them for you :)
//#define DBG_THREADS
/** Suricata Mutex */
#define SCMutex pthread_mutex_t
#define SCMutexAttr pthread_mutexattr_t
#define SCMutexDestroy pthread_mutex_destroy
/** Suricata RWLocks */
#define SCRWLock pthread_rwlock_t
#define SCRWLockDestroy pthread_rwlock_destroy
/** Get the Current Thread Id */
#define SCGetThreadIdLong(...) ({ \
long tmpthid; \
thr_self(&tmpthid); \
u_long tid = (u_long)tmpthid; \
tid; \
#elif __OpenBSD__
#define SCGetThreadIdLong(...) ({ \
pid_t tpid; \
tpid = getpid(); \
u_long tid = (u_long)tpid; \
tid; \
#elif OS_WIN32
#define SCGetThreadIdLong(...) ({ \
u_long tid = (u_long)GetCurrentThreadId(); \
tid; \
#define SCGetThreadIdLong(...) ({ \
thread_port_t tpid; \
tpid = mach_thread_self(); \
u_long tid = (u_long)tpid; \
tid; \
#define SCGetThreadIdLong(...) ({ \
pid_t tmpthid; \
tmpthid = syscall(SYS_gettid); \
u_long tid = (u_long)tmpthid; \
tid; \
#endif /* OS FREEBSD */
/** Mutex Functions */
/** When dbg threads is defined, if a mutex fail to lock, it's
* initialized, logged, and does a second try; This is to prevent the system to freeze;
* It is for Mac OS X users;
* If you see a mutex, spinlock or condiion not initialized, report it please!
#define SCMutexLock_dbg(mut) ({ \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") locking mutex %p\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), mut); \
int retl = pthread_mutex_lock(mut); \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") locked mutex %p ret %" PRId32 "\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), mut, retl); \
if (retl != 0) { \
switch (retl) { \
case EINVAL: \
printf("The value specified by attr is invalid\n"); \
retl = pthread_mutex_init(mut, NULL); \
if (retl != 0) \
retl = pthread_mutex_lock(mut); \
break; \
case EDEADLK: \
printf("A deadlock would occur if the thread blocked waiting for mutex\n"); \
break; \
} \
} \
retl; \
#define SCMutexTrylock_dbg(mut) ({ \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") trylocking mutex %p\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), mut); \
int rett = pthread_mutex_trylock(mut); \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") trylocked mutex %p ret %" PRId32 "\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), mut, rett); \
if (rett != 0) { \
switch (rett) { \
case EINVAL: \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): The value specified by attr is invalid\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
break; \
case EBUSY: \
printf("Mutex is already locked\n"); \
break; \
} \
} \
rett; \
#define SCMutexInit_dbg(mut, mutattr) ({ \
int ret; \
ret = pthread_mutex_init(mut, mutattr); \
if (ret != 0) { \
switch (ret) { \
case EINVAL: \
printf("The value specified by attr is invalid\n"); \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") mutex %p initialization returned %" PRId32 "\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), mut, ret); \
break; \
case EAGAIN: \
printf("The system temporarily lacks the resources to create another mutex\n"); \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") mutex %p initialization returned %" PRId32 "\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), mut, ret); \
break; \
case ENOMEM: \
printf("The process cannot allocate enough memory to create another mutex\n"); \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") mutex %p initialization returned %" PRId32 "\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), mut, ret); \
break; \
} \
} \
ret; \
#define SCMutexUnlock_dbg(mut) ({ \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") unlocking mutex %p\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), mut); \
int retu = pthread_mutex_unlock(mut); \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") unlocked mutex %p ret %" PRId32 "\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), mut, retu); \
if (retu != 0) { \
switch (retu) { \
case EINVAL: \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): The value specified by attr is invalid\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
break; \
case EPERM: \
printf("The current thread does not hold a lock on mutex\n"); \
break; \
} \
} \
retu; \
#define SCMutexInit(mut, mutattrs) SCMutexInit_dbg(mut, mutattrs)
#define SCMutexLock(mut) SCMutexLock_dbg(mut)
#define SCMutexTrylock(mut) SCMutexTrylock_dbg(mut)
#define SCMutexUnlock(mut) SCMutexUnlock_dbg(mut)
#define SCMutexInit(mut, mutattr ) pthread_mutex_init(mut, mutattr)
#define SCMutexLock(mut) pthread_mutex_lock(mut)
#define SCMutexTrylock(mut) pthread_mutex_trylock(mut)
#define SCMutexUnlock(mut) pthread_mutex_unlock(mut)
/** Conditions/Signals */
/* Here we don't need to do nothing atm */
#define SCCondT pthread_cond_t
#define SCCondInit pthread_cond_init
#define SCCondSignal pthread_cond_signal
#define SCCondTimedwait pthread_cond_timedwait
#define SCCondDestroy pthread_cond_destroy
#define SCCondWait_dbg(cond, mut) ({ \
int ret = pthread_cond_wait(cond, mut); \
switch (ret) { \
case EINVAL: \
printf("The value specified by attr is invalid (or a SCCondT not initialized!)\n"); \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") failed SCCondWait %p ret %" PRId32 "\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), mut, retu); \
break; \
} \
ret; \
#define SCCondWait SCondWait_dbg
#define SCCondWait(cond, mut) pthread_cond_wait(cond, mut)
/** Spinlocks */
#define SCSpinlock pthread_spinlock_t
/** If posix spin not supported, use mutex */
#if ((_POSIX_SPIN_LOCKS - 200112L) < 0L)
#define pthread_spinlock_t pthread_mutex_t
#define pthread_spin_init(target,arg) SCMutexInit(target, NULL)
#define pthread_spin_lock(spin) SCMutexLock(spin)
#define pthread_spin_trylock(spin) SCMutexTrylock(spin)
#define pthread_spin_unlock(spin) SCMutexUnlock(spin)
#define pthread_spin_destroy(spin) SCMutexDestroy(spin)
#endif /* End Spin not supported */
#define SCSpinLock_dbg(spin) ({ \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") locking spin %p\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), spin); \
int ret = pthread_spin_lock(spin); \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") unlocked spin %p ret %" PRId32 "\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), spin, ret); \
switch (ret) { \
case EINVAL: \
printf("The value specified by attr is invalid\n"); \
break; \
case EDEADLK: \
printf("A deadlock would occur if the thread blocked waiting for spin\n"); \
break; \
} \
ret; \
#define SCSpinTrylock_dbg(spin) ({ \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") trylocking spin %p\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), spin); \
int ret = pthread_spin_trylock(spin); \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") trylocked spin %p ret %" PRId32 "\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), spin, ret); \
switch (ret) { \
case EINVAL: \
printf("The value specified by attr is invalid\n"); \
break; \
case EDEADLK: \
printf("A deadlock would occur if the thread blocked waiting for spin\n"); \
break; \
case EBUSY: \
printf("A thread currently holds the lock\n"); \
break; \
} \
ret; \
#define SCSpinUnlock_dbg(spin) ({ \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") unlocking spin %p\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), spin); \
int ret = pthread_spin_unlock(spin); \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") unlockedspin %p ret %" PRId32 "\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), spin, ret); \
switch (ret) { \
case EINVAL: \
printf("The value specified by attr is invalid\n"); \
break; \
case EPERM: \
printf("The calling thread does not hold the lock\n"); \
break; \
} \
ret; \
#define SCSpinInit_dbg(spin, spin_attr) ({ \
int ret = pthread_spin_init(spin, spin_attr); \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") spinlock %p initialization returned %" PRId32 "\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), spin, ret); \
switch (ret) { \
case EINVAL: \
printf("The value specified by attr is invalid\n"); \
break; \
case EBUSY: \
printf("A thread currently holds the lock\n"); \
break; \
case ENOMEM: \
printf("The process cannot allocate enough memory to create another spin\n"); \
break; \
case EAGAIN: \
printf("The system temporarily lacks the resources to create another spin\n"); \
break; \
} \
ret; \
#define SCSpinDestroy_dbg(spin) ({ \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") condition %p waiting\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), spin); \
int ret = pthread_spin_destroy(spin); \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") condition %p passed %" PRId32 "\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), spin, ret); \
switch (ret) { \
case EINVAL: \
printf("The value specified by attr is invalid\n"); \
break; \
case EBUSY: \
printf("A thread currently holds the lock\n"); \
break; \
case ENOMEM: \
printf("The process cannot allocate enough memory to create another spin\n"); \
break; \
case EAGAIN: \
printf("The system temporarily lacks the resources to create another spin\n"); \
break; \
} \
ret; \
#define SCSpinLock SCSpinLock_dbg
#define SCSpinTrylock SCSpinTrylock_dbg
#define SCSpinUnlock SCSpinUnlock_dbg
#define SCSpinInit SCSpinInit_dbg
#define SCSpinDestroy SCSpinDestroy_dbg
#else /* if no dbg threads defined... */
#define SCSpinLock(spin) pthread_spin_lock(spin)
#define SCSpinTrylock(spin) pthread_spin_trylock(spin)
#define SCSpinUnlock(spin) pthread_spin_unlock(spin)
#define SCSpinInit(spin, spin_attr) pthread_spin_init(spin, spin_attr)
#define SCSpinDestroy(spin) pthread_spin_destroy(spin)
#endif /* DBG_THREADS */
* OS specific macro's for setting the thread name. "top" can display
* this name.
#ifndef PR_SET_NAME /*PR_SET_NAME */
#define SCSetThreadName(n)
#elif defined OS_FREEBSD || __OpenBSD__ /* FreeBSD or OpenBSD */
/** \todo Add implementation for FreeBSD */
#define SCSetThreadName(n)
#elif OS_WIN32 /* Windows */
/** \todo Add implementation for Windows */
#define SCSetThreadName(n)
#elif OS_DARWIN /* Mac OS X */
/** \todo Add implementation for MacOS */
#define SCSetThreadName(n)
#else /* Linux */
* \brief Set the threads name
#define SCSetThreadName(n) ({ \
char tname[THREAD_NAME_LEN + 1] = ""; \
if (strlen(n) > THREAD_NAME_LEN) \
SCLogDebug("Thread name is too long, truncating it..."); \
strlcpy(tname, n, THREAD_NAME_LEN); \
int ret = 0; \
if ((ret = prctl(PR_SET_NAME, tname, 0, 0, 0)) < 0) \
SCLogDebug("Error setting thread name \"%s\": %s", tname, strerror(errno)); \
ret; \
/** RWLock Functions */
/** When dbg threads is defined, if a rwlock fail to lock, it's
* initialized, logged, and does a second try; This is to prevent the system to freeze;
* If you see a rwlock, spinlock or condiion not initialized, report it please!
#define SCRWLockRDLock_dbg(rwl) ({ \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") locking rwlock %p\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), rwl); \
int retl = pthread_rwlock_rdlock(rwl); \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") locked rwlock %p ret %" PRId32 "\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), rwl, retl); \
if (retl != 0) { \
switch (retl) { \
case EINVAL: \
printf("The value specified by attr is invalid\n"); \
retl = pthread_rwlock_init(rwl, NULL); \
if (retl != 0) \
retl = pthread_rwlock_rdlock(rwl); \
break; \
case EDEADLK: \
printf("A deadlock would occur if the thread blocked waiting for rwlock\n"); \
break; \
} \
} \
retl; \
#define SCRWLockWRLock_dbg(rwl) ({ \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") locking rwlock %p\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), rwl); \
int retl = pthread_rwlock_wrlock(rwl); \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") locked rwlock %p ret %" PRId32 "\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), rwl, retl); \
if (retl != 0) { \
switch (retl) { \
case EINVAL: \
printf("The value specified by attr is invalid\n"); \
retl = pthread_rwlock_init(rwl, NULL); \
if (retl != 0) \
retl = pthread_rwlock_wrlock(rwl); \
break; \
case EDEADLK: \
printf("A deadlock would occur if the thread blocked waiting for rwlock\n"); \
break; \
} \
} \
retl; \
#define SCRWLockTryWRLock_dbg(rwl) ({ \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") trylocking rwlock %p\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), rwl); \
int rett = pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(rwl); \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") trylocked rwlock %p ret %" PRId32 "\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), rwl, rett); \
if (rett != 0) { \
switch (rett) { \
case EINVAL: \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): The value specified by attr is invalid\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
break; \
case EBUSY: \
printf("RWLock is already locked\n"); \
break; \
} \
} \
rett; \
#define SCRWLockTryRDLock_dbg(rwl) ({ \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") trylocking rwlock %p\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), rwl); \
int rett = pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(rwl); \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") trylocked rwlock %p ret %" PRId32 "\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), rwl, rett); \
if (rett != 0) { \
switch (rett) { \
case EINVAL: \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): The value specified by attr is invalid\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
break; \
case EBUSY: \
printf("RWLock is already locked\n"); \
break; \
} \
} \
rett; \
#define SCRWLockInit_dbg(rwl, rwlattr) ({ \
int ret; \
ret = pthread_rwlock_init(rwl, rwlattr); \
if (ret != 0) { \
switch (ret) { \
case EINVAL: \
printf("The value specified by attr is invalid\n"); \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") rwlock %p initialization returned %" PRId32 "\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), rwl, ret); \
break; \
case EAGAIN: \
printf("The system temporarily lacks the resources to create another rwlock\n"); \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") rwlock %p initialization returned %" PRId32 "\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), rwl, ret); \
break; \
case ENOMEM: \
printf("The process cannot allocate enough memory to create another rwlock\n"); \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") rwlock %p initialization returned %" PRId32 "\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), rwl, ret); \
break; \
} \
} \
ret; \
#define SCRWLockUnlock_dbg(rwl) ({ \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") unlocking rwlock %p\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), rwl); \
int retu = pthread_rwlock_unlock(rwl); \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): (thread:%"PRIuMAX") unlocked rwlock %p ret %" PRId32 "\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (uintmax_t)pthread_self(), rwl, retu); \
if (retu != 0) { \
switch (retu) { \
case EINVAL: \
printf("%16s(%s:%d): The value specified by attr is invalid\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
break; \
case EPERM: \
printf("The current thread does not hold a lock on rwlock\n"); \
break; \
} \
} \
retu; \
#define SCRWLockInit(rwl, rwlattrs) SCRWLockInit_dbg(rwl, rwlattrs)
#define SCRWLockRDLock(rwl) SCRWLockRDLock_dbg(rwl)
#define SCRWLockWRLock(rwl) SCRWLockWRLock_dbg(rwl)
#define SCRWLockTryWRLock(rwl) SCRWLockTryWRLock_dbg(rwl)
#define SCRWLockTryRDLock(rwl) SCRWLockTryRDLock_dbg(rwl)
#define SCRWLockUnlock(rwl) SCRWLockUnlock_dbg(rwl)
#define SCRWLockInit(rwl, rwlattr ) pthread_rwlock_init(rwl, rwlattr)
#define SCRWLockWRLock(rwl) pthread_rwlock_wrlock(rwl)
#define SCRWLockRDLock(rwl) pthread_rwlock_rdlock(rwl)
#define SCRWLockTryWRLock(rwl) pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(rwl)
#define SCRWLockTryRDLock(rwl) pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(rwl)
#define SCRWLockUnlock(rwl) pthread_rwlock_unlock(rwl)
/** End of RWLock functions */
void ThreadMacrosRegisterTests(void);
#endif /* __THREADS_H__ */