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* Copyright (c) 2010 Open Information Security Foundation.
* \author Anoop Saldanha <poonaatsoc@gmail.com>
#include "suricata-common.h"
/* compile in, only if we have a CUDA enabled on this machine */
#ifdef __SC_CUDA_SUPPORT__
#include "util-cuda.h"
/* The min no of packets that we allot the buffer for. We will make
* this user configurable(yaml) based on the traffic they expect. Either ways
* for a low/medium traffic network with occasional sgh matches, we shouldn't
* be enabling cuda. We will only end up screwing performance */
/* the maximum payload size we're sending to the card (defined in decode.h) */
* \brief Implement the template SCDQGenericQData to transfer the cuda
* packet buffer from the cuda batcher thread to the dispatcher
* thread using the queue SCDQDataQueue.
typedef struct SCCudaPBPacketsBuffer_ {
/* these members from the template SCDQGenericQData that have to be
* compulsarily implemented */
struct SCDQGenericQData_ *next;
struct SCDQGenericQData_ *prev;
/* if we want to consider this pointer as the head of a list, this var
* holds the no of elements in the list */
//uint16_t len;
/* in case this data instance is the head of a list, we can refer the
* bottomost instance directly using this var */
//struct SCDQGenericaQData *bot;
/* our own members from here on*/
/* current count of packets held in packets_buffer. nop = no of packets */
uint32_t nop_in_buffer;
/* the packets buffer. We will assign buffer for SC_CUDA_PB_MIN_NO_OF_PACKETS
* packets. Basically the size of this buffer would be
* SC_CUDA_PB_MIN_NO_OF_PACKETS * sizeof(SCCudaPBPacketDataForGPU), so that
* we can hold mininum SC_CUDA_PB_MIN_NO_OF_PACKETS */
uint8_t *packets_buffer;
/* length of data buffered so far in packets_buffer, which would be sent
* to the GPU. We will need this to copy the buffered data from the
* packets_buffer here on the host, to the buffer on the GPU */
uint32_t packets_buffer_len;
/* packet offset within the packets_buffer. Each packet would be stored in
* packets buffer at a particular offset. This buffer would indicate the
* offset of a packet inside the packet buffer. We will allot space to hold
* offsets for SC_CUDA_PB_MIN_NO_OF_PACKETS packets
* \todo change it to holds offsets for more than SC_CUDA_PB_MIN_NO_OF_PACKETS
* when we use the buffer to hold packets based on the remaining size in the
* buffer rather than on a fixed limit like SC_CUDA_PB_MIN_NO_OF_PACKETS */
uint32_t *packets_offset_buffer;
/* the total packet payload lengths buffered so far. We will need this to
* transfer the total length of the results buffer that has to be transferred
* back from the gpu */
uint32_t packets_total_payload_len;
/* the payload offsets for the different payload lengths buffered in. For
* example if we buffer 4 packets of lengths 3, 4, 5, 6, we will store four
* offsets in the buffer {0, 3, 7, 12, 18} */
uint32_t *packets_payload_offset_buffer;
/* packet addresses for all the packets buffered in the packets_buffer. We
* will allot space to hold packet addresses for SC_CUDA_PB_MIN_NO_OF_PACKETS.
* We will need this, so that the cuda mpm b2g dispatcher thread can inform
* and store the b2g cuda mpm results for the packet*/
Packet **packets_address_buffer;
} SCCudaPBPacketsBuffer;
* \brief Structure for each packet that is being batched to the GPU.
typedef struct SCCudaPBPacketDataForGPU_ {
/* holds B2gCudaCtx->m */
unsigned int m;
/* holds B2gCudaCtx->cuda_B2g */
CUdeviceptr table;
/* holds the length of the payload */
unsigned int payload_len;
/* holds the payload. While we actually store the payload in the buffer,
* we may not end up using the entire 1480 bytes if the payload is smaller */
uint8_t payload[SC_CUDA_PB_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE];
} SCCudaPBPacketDataForGPU;
* \brief Same as struct SCCudaPBPacketDataForGPU_ except for the payload part.
* We will need this for calculating the size of the non-payload part
* of the packet data to be buffered.
typedef struct SCCudaPBPacketDataForGPUNonPayload_ {
/* holds B2gCudaCtx->m */
unsigned int m;
/* holds B2gCudaCtx->cuda_B2g */
CUdeviceptr table;
/* holds the length of the payload */
unsigned int payload_len;
} SCCudaPBPacketDataForGPUNonPayload;
* \brief The cuda packet batcher threading context.
typedef struct SCCudaPBThreadCtx_ {
/* we need the detection engine context to retrieve the sgh while we start
* receiving and batching the packets */
DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx;
/* packets buffer currently in use inside the cuda batcher thread */
SCCudaPBPacketsBuffer *curr_pb;
} SCCudaPBThreadCtx;
SCCudaPBPacketsBuffer *SCCudaPBAllocSCCudaPBPacketsBuffer(void);
void SCCudaPBDeAllocSCCudaPBPacketsBuffer(SCCudaPBPacketsBuffer *);
void SCCudaPBSetBufferPacketThreshhold(uint32_t);
void SCCudaPBCleanUpQueuesAndBuffers(void);
void SCCudaPBSetUpQueuesAndBuffers(void);
void SCCudaPBKillBatchingPackets(void);
TmEcode SCCudaPBBatchPackets(ThreadVars *, Packet *, void *, PacketQueue *, PacketQueue *);
TmEcode SCCudaPBThreadInit(ThreadVars *, void *, void **);
TmEcode SCCudaPBThreadDeInit(ThreadVars *, void *);
void SCCudaPBThreadExitStats(ThreadVars *, void *);
void SCCudaPBRegisterTests(void);
void TmModuleCudaPacketBatcherRegister(void);
void *SCCudaPBTmThreadsSlot1(void *);
void SCCudaPBRunningTests(int);
#endif /* __SC_CUDA_SUPPORT__ */
#endif /* __CUDA_PACKET_BATCHER_H__ */