/* Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Open Information Security Foundation * * You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of * the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 2 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * \file * * \author Nick Rogness * \author Eric Leblond * * IPFW packet acquisition support */ #include "suricata-common.h" #include "suricata.h" #include "decode.h" #include "packet-queue.h" #include "threads.h" #include "threadvars.h" #include "tm-queuehandlers.h" #include "tm-threads.h" #include "source-ipfw.h" #include "util-debug.h" #include "conf.h" #include "util-byte.h" #include "util-privs.h" #include "util-device.h" #include "runmodes.h" #define IPFW_ACCEPT 0 #define IPFW_DROP 1 #define IPFW_SOCKET_POLL_MSEC 300 #ifndef IP_MAXPACKET #define IP_MAXPACKET 65535 #endif #ifndef IPFW /* Handle the case if --enable-ipfw was not used * */ TmEcode NoIPFWSupportExit(ThreadVars *, void *, void **); void TmModuleReceiveIPFWRegister (void) { tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEIPFW].name = "ReceiveIPFW"; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEIPFW].ThreadInit = NoIPFWSupportExit; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEIPFW].Func = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEIPFW].ThreadExitPrintStats = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEIPFW].ThreadDeinit = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEIPFW].RegisterTests = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEIPFW].flags = TM_FLAG_RECEIVE_TM; } void TmModuleVerdictIPFWRegister (void) { tmm_modules[TMM_VERDICTIPFW].name = "VerdictIPFW"; tmm_modules[TMM_VERDICTIPFW].ThreadInit = NoIPFWSupportExit; tmm_modules[TMM_VERDICTIPFW].Func = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_VERDICTIPFW].ThreadExitPrintStats = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_VERDICTIPFW].ThreadDeinit = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_VERDICTIPFW].RegisterTests = NULL; } void TmModuleDecodeIPFWRegister (void) { tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEIPFW].name = "DecodeIPFW"; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEIPFW].ThreadInit = NoIPFWSupportExit; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEIPFW].Func = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEIPFW].ThreadExitPrintStats = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEIPFW].ThreadDeinit = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEIPFW].RegisterTests = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEIPFW].cap_flags = 0; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEIPFW].flags = TM_FLAG_DECODE_TM; } TmEcode NoIPFWSupportExit(ThreadVars *tv, void *initdata, void **data) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_IPFW_NOSUPPORT,"Error creating thread %s: you do not have support for ipfw " "enabled please recompile with --enable-ipfw", tv->name); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #else /* We have IPFW compiled in */ extern int max_pending_packets; /** * \brief Structure to hold thread specific variables. */ typedef struct IPFWThreadVars_ { /* data link type for the thread, probably not needed */ int datalink; /* this one should be not changing after init */ uint16_t port_num; /* position into the NFQ queue var array */ uint16_t ipfw_index; /* counters */ uint32_t pkts; uint64_t bytes; uint32_t errs; uint32_t accepted; uint32_t dropped; } IPFWThreadVars; static IPFWThreadVars ipfw_t[IPFW_MAX_QUEUE]; static IPFWQueueVars ipfw_q[IPFW_MAX_QUEUE]; static uint16_t receive_port_num = 0; static SCMutex ipfw_init_lock; /* IPFW Prototypes */ void *IPFWGetQueue(int number); TmEcode ReceiveIPFWThreadInit(ThreadVars *, void *, void **); TmEcode ReceiveIPFW(ThreadVars *, Packet *, void *, PacketQueue *, PacketQueue *); TmEcode ReceiveIPFWLoop(ThreadVars *tv, void *data, void *slot); void ReceiveIPFWThreadExitStats(ThreadVars *, void *); TmEcode ReceiveIPFWThreadDeinit(ThreadVars *, void *); TmEcode IPFWSetVerdict(ThreadVars *, IPFWThreadVars *, Packet *); TmEcode VerdictIPFW(ThreadVars *, Packet *, void *, PacketQueue *, PacketQueue *); TmEcode VerdictIPFWThreadInit(ThreadVars *, void *, void **); void VerdictIPFWThreadExitStats(ThreadVars *, void *); TmEcode VerdictIPFWThreadDeinit(ThreadVars *, void *); TmEcode DecodeIPFWThreadInit(ThreadVars *, void *, void **); TmEcode DecodeIPFWThreadDeinit(ThreadVars *tv, void *data); TmEcode DecodeIPFW(ThreadVars *, Packet *, void *, PacketQueue *, PacketQueue *); /** * \brief Registration Function for RecieveIPFW. * \todo Unit tests are needed for this module. */ void TmModuleReceiveIPFWRegister (void) { SCMutexInit(&ipfw_init_lock, NULL); tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEIPFW].name = "ReceiveIPFW"; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEIPFW].ThreadInit = ReceiveIPFWThreadInit; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEIPFW].Func = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEIPFW].PktAcqLoop = ReceiveIPFWLoop; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEIPFW].ThreadExitPrintStats = ReceiveIPFWThreadExitStats; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEIPFW].ThreadDeinit = ReceiveIPFWThreadDeinit; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEIPFW].cap_flags = SC_CAP_NET_ADMIN | SC_CAP_NET_RAW | SC_CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE | SC_CAP_NET_BROADCAST; /** \todo untested */ tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEIPFW].RegisterTests = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEIPFW].flags = TM_FLAG_RECEIVE_TM; } /** * \brief Registration Function for VerdictIPFW. * \todo Unit tests are needed for this module. */ void TmModuleVerdictIPFWRegister (void) { tmm_modules[TMM_VERDICTIPFW].name = "VerdictIPFW"; tmm_modules[TMM_VERDICTIPFW].ThreadInit = VerdictIPFWThreadInit; tmm_modules[TMM_VERDICTIPFW].Func = VerdictIPFW; tmm_modules[TMM_VERDICTIPFW].ThreadExitPrintStats = VerdictIPFWThreadExitStats; tmm_modules[TMM_VERDICTIPFW].ThreadDeinit = VerdictIPFWThreadDeinit; tmm_modules[TMM_VERDICTIPFW].cap_flags = SC_CAP_NET_ADMIN | SC_CAP_NET_RAW | SC_CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE; /** \todo untested */ tmm_modules[TMM_VERDICTIPFW].RegisterTests = NULL; } /** * \brief Registration Function for DecodeIPFW. * \todo Unit tests are needed for this module. */ void TmModuleDecodeIPFWRegister (void) { tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEIPFW].name = "DecodeIPFW"; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEIPFW].ThreadInit = DecodeIPFWThreadInit; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEIPFW].Func = DecodeIPFW; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEIPFW].ThreadExitPrintStats = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEIPFW].ThreadDeinit = DecodeIPFWThreadDeinit; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEIPFW].RegisterTests = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEIPFW].flags = TM_FLAG_DECODE_TM; } static inline void IPFWMutexInit(IPFWQueueVars *nq) { char *active_runmode = RunmodeGetActive(); if (active_runmode && !strcmp("workers", active_runmode)) { nq->use_mutex = 0; SCLogInfo("IPFW running in 'workers' runmode, will not use mutex."); } else { nq->use_mutex = 1; } if (nq->use_mutex) SCMutexInit(&nq->socket_lock, NULL); } static inline void IPFWMutexLock(IPFWQueueVars *nq) { if (nq->use_mutex) SCMutexLock(&nq->socket_lock); } static inline void IPFWMutexUnlock(IPFWQueueVars *nq) { if (nq->use_mutex) SCMutexUnlock(&nq->socket_lock); } TmEcode ReceiveIPFWLoop(ThreadVars *tv, void *data, void *slot) { SCEnter(); IPFWThreadVars *ptv = (IPFWThreadVars *)data; IPFWQueueVars *nq = NULL; uint8_t pkt[IP_MAXPACKET]; int pktlen=0; struct pollfd IPFWpoll; struct timeval IPFWts; Packet *p = NULL; nq = IPFWGetQueue(ptv->ipfw_index); if (nq == NULL) { SCLogWarning(SC_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Can't get thread variable"); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } SCLogInfo("Thread '%s' will run on port %d (item %d)", tv->name, nq->port_num, ptv->ipfw_index); while (1) { if (unlikely(suricata_ctl_flags != 0)) { SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } IPFWpoll.fd = nq->fd; IPFWpoll.events = POLLRDNORM; /* Poll the socket for status */ if ( (poll(&IPFWpoll, 1, IPFW_SOCKET_POLL_MSEC)) > 0) { if (!(IPFWpoll.revents & (POLLRDNORM | POLLERR))) continue; } if ((pktlen = recvfrom(nq->fd, pkt, sizeof(pkt), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&nq->ipfw_sin, &nq->ipfw_sinlen)) == -1) { /* We received an error on socket read */ if (errno == EINTR || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { /* Nothing for us to process */ continue; } else { SCLogWarning(SC_WARN_IPFW_RECV, "Read from IPFW divert socket failed: %s", strerror(errno)); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } } /* We have a packet to process */ memset (&IPFWts, 0, sizeof(struct timeval)); gettimeofday(&IPFWts, NULL); /* make sure we have at least one packet in the packet pool, to prevent * us from alloc'ing packets at line rate */ PacketPoolWait(); p = PacketGetFromQueueOrAlloc(); if (p == NULL) { SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } PKT_SET_SRC(p, PKT_SRC_WIRE); SCLogDebug("Received Packet Len: %d", pktlen); p->ts.tv_sec = IPFWts.tv_sec; p->ts.tv_usec = IPFWts.tv_usec; ptv->pkts++; ptv->bytes += pktlen; p->datalink = ptv->datalink; p->ipfw_v.ipfw_index = ptv->ipfw_index; PacketCopyData(p, pkt, pktlen); SCLogDebug("Packet info: pkt_len: %" PRIu32 " (pkt %02x, pkt_data %02x)", GET_PKT_LEN(p), *pkt, GET_PKT_DATA(p)); if (TmThreadsSlotProcessPkt(tv, ((TmSlot *) slot)->slot_next, p) != TM_ECODE_OK) { TmqhOutputPacketpool(tv, p); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } SCPerfSyncCountersIfSignalled(tv); } SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } /** * \brief Init function for RecieveIPFW. * * This is a setup function for recieving packets * via ipfw divert, binds a socket, and prepares to * to read from it. * * \param tv pointer to ThreadVars * \param initdata pointer to the divert port passed from the user * \param data pointer gets populated with IPFWThreadVars * */ TmEcode ReceiveIPFWThreadInit(ThreadVars *tv, void *initdata, void **data) { struct timeval timev; int flag; IPFWThreadVars *ntv = (IPFWThreadVars *) initdata; IPFWQueueVars *nq = IPFWGetQueue(ntv->ipfw_index); sigset_t sigs; sigfillset(&sigs); pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sigs, NULL); SCEnter(); IPFWMutexInit(nq); /* We need a divert socket to play with */ if ((nq->fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_DIVERT)) == -1) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_IPFW_SOCK,"Can't create divert socket: %s", strerror(errno)); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } /* set a timeout to the socket so we can check for a signal * in case we don't get packets for a longer period. */ timev.tv_sec = 1; timev.tv_usec = 0; if (setsockopt(nq->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &timev, sizeof(timev)) == -1) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_IPFW_SETSOCKOPT,"Can't set IPFW divert socket timeout: %s", strerror(errno)); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } /* set SO_BROADCAST on the divert socket, otherwise sendto() * returns EACCES when reinjecting broadcast packets. */ flag = 1; if (setsockopt(nq->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, &flag, sizeof(flag)) == -1) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_IPFW_SETSOCKOPT,"Can't set IPFW divert socket broadcast flag: %s", strerror(errno)); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } nq->ipfw_sinlen=sizeof(nq->ipfw_sin); memset(&nq->ipfw_sin, 0, nq->ipfw_sinlen); nq->ipfw_sin.sin_family = PF_INET; nq->ipfw_sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; nq->ipfw_sin.sin_port = htons(nq->port_num); /* Bind that SOB */ if (bind(nq->fd, (struct sockaddr *)&nq->ipfw_sin, nq->ipfw_sinlen) == -1) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_IPFW_BIND,"Can't bind divert socket on port %d: %s",nq->port_num,strerror(errno)); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } ntv->datalink = DLT_RAW; *data = (void *)ntv; SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } /** * \brief This function prints stats to the screen at exit. * \todo Unit tests are needed for this module. * \param tv pointer to ThreadVars * \param data pointer that gets cast into IPFWThreadVars for ptv */ void ReceiveIPFWThreadExitStats(ThreadVars *tv, void *data) { IPFWThreadVars *ptv = (IPFWThreadVars *)data; SCEnter(); SCLogNotice("(%s) Treated: Pkts %" PRIu32 ", Bytes %" PRIu64 ", Errors %" PRIu32 "", tv->name, ptv->pkts, ptv->bytes, ptv->errs); SCLogNotice("(%s) Verdict: Accepted %"PRIu32", Dropped %"PRIu32 "", tv->name, ptv->accepted, ptv->dropped); SCReturn; } /** * \brief DeInit function closes divert socket at exit. * \todo Unit tests are needed for this module. * \param tv pointer to ThreadVars * \param data pointer that gets cast into IPFWThreadVars for ptv */ TmEcode ReceiveIPFWThreadDeinit(ThreadVars *tv, void *data) { IPFWThreadVars *ptv = (IPFWThreadVars *)data; IPFWQueueVars *nq = IPFWGetQueue(ptv->ipfw_index); SCEnter(); /* Attempt to shut the socket down...close instead? */ if (shutdown(nq->fd, SHUT_RD) < 0) { SCLogWarning(SC_WARN_IPFW_UNBIND,"Unable to disable ipfw socket: %s",strerror(errno)); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } /** * \brief This function passes off to link type decoders. * \todo Unit tests are needed for this module. * * DecodeIPFW reads packets from the PacketQueue and passes * them off to the proper link type decoder. * * \param tv pointer to ThreadVars * \param p pointer to the current packet * \param data pointer that gets cast into IPFWThreadVars for ptv * \param pq pointer to the PacketQueue */ TmEcode DecodeIPFW(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, void *data, PacketQueue *pq, PacketQueue *postpq) { IPV4Hdr *ip4h = (IPV4Hdr *)GET_PKT_DATA(p); IPV6Hdr *ip6h = (IPV6Hdr *)GET_PKT_DATA(p); DecodeThreadVars *dtv = (DecodeThreadVars *)data; SCEnter(); /* XXX HACK: flow timeout can call us for injected pseudo packets * see bug: https://redmine.openinfosecfoundation.org/issues/1107 */ if (p->flags & PKT_PSEUDO_STREAM_END) return TM_ECODE_OK; /* update counters */ SCPerfCounterIncr(dtv->counter_pkts, tv->sc_perf_pca); SCPerfCounterAddUI64(dtv->counter_bytes, tv->sc_perf_pca, GET_PKT_LEN(p)); SCPerfCounterAddUI64(dtv->counter_avg_pkt_size, tv->sc_perf_pca, GET_PKT_LEN(p)); SCPerfCounterSetUI64(dtv->counter_max_pkt_size, tv->sc_perf_pca, GET_PKT_LEN(p)); /* Process IP packets */ if (IPV4_GET_RAW_VER(ip4h) == 4) { SCLogDebug("DecodeIPFW ip4 processing"); DecodeIPV4(tv, dtv, p, GET_PKT_DATA(p), GET_PKT_LEN(p), pq); } else if(IPV6_GET_RAW_VER(ip6h) == 6) { SCLogDebug("DecodeIPFW ip6 processing"); DecodeIPV6(tv, dtv, p, GET_PKT_DATA(p), GET_PKT_LEN(p), pq); } else { /* We don't support anything besides IP packets for now, bridged packets? */ SCLogInfo("IPFW unknown protocol support %02x", *GET_PKT_DATA(p)); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } PacketDecodeFinalize(tv, dtv, p); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } /** * \brief This function initializes the DecodeThreadVariables * * * \param tv pointer to ThreadVars * \param initdata pointer for passing in args * \param data pointer that gets cast into IPFWThreadVars for ptv */ TmEcode DecodeIPFWThreadInit(ThreadVars *tv, void *initdata, void **data) { DecodeThreadVars *dtv = NULL; dtv = DecodeThreadVarsAlloc(tv); if (dtv == NULL) SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); DecodeRegisterPerfCounters(dtv, tv); *data = (void *)dtv; SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } TmEcode DecodeIPFWThreadDeinit(ThreadVars *tv, void *data) { if (data != NULL) DecodeThreadVarsFree(tv, data); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } /** * \brief This function sets the Verdict and processes the packet * * * \param tv pointer to ThreadVars * \param p pointer to the Packet */ TmEcode IPFWSetVerdict(ThreadVars *tv, IPFWThreadVars *ptv, Packet *p) { uint32_t verdict; struct pollfd IPFWpoll; IPFWQueueVars *nq = NULL; SCEnter(); if (p == NULL) { SCLogWarning(SC_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Packet is NULL"); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } nq = IPFWGetQueue(p->ipfw_v.ipfw_index); if (nq == NULL) { SCLogWarning(SC_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "No thread found"); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } IPFWpoll.fd = nq->fd; IPFWpoll.events = POLLWRNORM; if (PACKET_TEST_ACTION(p, ACTION_DROP)) { verdict = IPFW_DROP; } else { verdict = IPFW_ACCEPT; } if (verdict == IPFW_ACCEPT) { SCLogDebug("IPFW Verdict is to Accept"); ptv->accepted++; /* For divert sockets, accepting means writing the * packet back to the socket for ipfw to pick up */ SCLogDebug("IPFWSetVerdict writing to socket %d, %p, %u", nq->fd, GET_PKT_DATA(p),GET_PKT_LEN(p)); #if 0 while ((poll(&IPFWpoll,1,IPFW_SOCKET_POLL_MSEC)) < 1) { /* Did we receive a signal to shutdown */ if (TmThreadsCheckFlag(tv, THV_KILL) || TmThreadsCheckFlag(tv, THV_PAUSE)) { SCLogInfo("Received ThreadShutdown: IPFW divert socket writing interrupted"); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } } #endif IPFWMutexLock(nq); if (sendto(nq->fd, GET_PKT_DATA(p), GET_PKT_LEN(p), 0,(struct sockaddr *)&nq->ipfw_sin, nq->ipfw_sinlen) == -1) { int r = errno; switch (r) { default: SCLogWarning(SC_WARN_IPFW_XMIT,"Write to ipfw divert socket failed: %s",strerror(r)); IPFWMutexUnlock(nq); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); case EHOSTDOWN: case ENETDOWN: break; } } IPFWMutexUnlock(nq); SCLogDebug("Sent Packet back into IPFW Len: %d",GET_PKT_LEN(p)); } /* end IPFW_ACCEPT */ if (verdict == IPFW_DROP) { SCLogDebug("IPFW SetVerdict is to DROP"); ptv->dropped++; /** \todo For divert sockets, dropping means not writing the packet back to the socket. * Need to see if there is some better way to free the packet from the queue */ } /* end IPFW_DROP */ SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } /** * \brief This function handles the Verdict processing * \todo Unit tests are needed for this module. * * * \param tv pointer to ThreadVars * \param p pointer to the Packet * \param data pointer that gets cast into IPFWThreadVars for ptv * \param pq pointer for the Packet Queue access (Not used) */ TmEcode VerdictIPFW(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, void *data, PacketQueue *pq, PacketQueue *postpq) { IPFWThreadVars *ptv = (IPFWThreadVars *)data; TmEcode retval = TM_ECODE_OK; SCEnter(); /* can't verdict a "fake" packet */ if (p->flags & PKT_PSEUDO_STREAM_END) { SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } /* This came from NFQ. * if this is a tunnel packet we check if we are ready to verdict * already. */ if (IS_TUNNEL_PKT(p)) { char verdict = 1; SCMutex *m = p->root ? &p->root->tunnel_mutex : &p->tunnel_mutex; SCMutexLock(m); /* if there are more tunnel packets than ready to verdict packets, * we won't verdict this one */ if (TUNNEL_PKT_TPR(p) > TUNNEL_PKT_RTV(p)) { SCLogDebug("VerdictIPFW: not ready to verdict yet: " "TUNNEL_PKT_TPR(p) > TUNNEL_PKT_RTV(p) = %" PRId32 " > %" PRId32 "", TUNNEL_PKT_TPR(p), TUNNEL_PKT_RTV(p)); verdict = 0; } SCMutexUnlock(m); /* don't verdict if we are not ready */ if (verdict == 1) { SCLogDebug("Setting verdict on tunnel"); retval = IPFWSetVerdict(tv, ptv, p->root ? p->root : p); } else { TUNNEL_INCR_PKT_RTV(p); } } else { /* no tunnel, verdict normally */ SCLogDebug("Setting verdict on non-tunnel"); retval = IPFWSetVerdict(tv, ptv, p); } /* IS_TUNNEL_PKT end */ SCReturnInt(retval); } /** * \brief This function initializes the VerdictThread * * * \param t pointer to ThreadVars * \param initdata pointer for passing in args * \param data pointer that gets cast into IPFWThreadVars for ptv */ TmEcode VerdictIPFWThreadInit(ThreadVars *tv, void *initdata, void **data) { IPFWThreadVars *ptv = NULL; SCEnter(); /* Setup Thread vars */ if ( (ptv = SCMalloc(sizeof(IPFWThreadVars))) == NULL) SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); memset(ptv, 0, sizeof(IPFWThreadVars)); *data = (void *)ptv; SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } /** * \brief This function deinitializes the VerdictThread * * * \param tv pointer to ThreadVars * \param data pointer that gets cast into IPFWThreadVars for ptv */ TmEcode VerdictIPFWThreadDeinit(ThreadVars *tv, void *data) { SCEnter(); /* We don't need to do anything...not sure quite yet */ SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } /** * \brief This function prints stats for the VerdictThread * * * \param tv pointer to ThreadVars * \param data pointer that gets cast into IPFWThreadVars for ptv */ void VerdictIPFWThreadExitStats(ThreadVars *tv, void *data) { IPFWThreadVars *ptv = (IPFWThreadVars *)data; SCLogInfo("IPFW Processing: - (%s) Pkts accepted %" PRIu32 ", dropped %" PRIu32 "", tv->name, ptv->accepted, ptv->dropped); } /** * \brief Add an IPFW divert * * \param string with the queue name * * \retval 0 on success. * \retval -1 on failure. */ int IPFWRegisterQueue(char *queue) { IPFWThreadVars *ntv = NULL; IPFWQueueVars *nq = NULL; /* Extract the queue number from the specified command line argument */ uint16_t port_num = 0; if ((ByteExtractStringUint16(&port_num, 10, strlen(queue), queue)) < 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "specified queue number %s is not " "valid", queue); return -1; } SCMutexLock(&ipfw_init_lock); if (receive_port_num >= IPFW_MAX_QUEUE) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "too much IPFW divert port registered (%d)", receive_port_num); SCMutexUnlock(&ipfw_init_lock); return -1; } if (receive_port_num == 0) { memset(&ipfw_t, 0, sizeof(ipfw_t)); memset(&ipfw_q, 0, sizeof(ipfw_q)); } ntv = &ipfw_t[receive_port_num]; ntv->ipfw_index = receive_port_num; nq = &ipfw_q[receive_port_num]; nq->port_num = port_num; receive_port_num++; SCMutexUnlock(&ipfw_init_lock); LiveRegisterDevice(queue); SCLogDebug("Queue \"%s\" registered.", queue); return 0; } /** * \brief Get a pointer to the IPFW queue at index * * \param number idx of the queue in our array * * \retval ptr pointer to the IPFWThreadVars at index * \retval NULL on error */ void *IPFWGetQueue(int number) { if (number >= receive_port_num) return NULL; return (void *)&ipfw_q[number]; } /** * \brief Get a pointer to the IPFW thread at index * * This function is temporary used as configuration parser. * * \param number idx of the queue in our array * * \retval ptr pointer to the IPFWThreadVars at index * \retval NULL on error */ void *IPFWGetThread(int number) { if (number >= receive_port_num) return NULL; return (void *)&ipfw_t[number]; } #endif /* End ifdef IPFW */ /* eof */