File Keywords ============= Suricata comes with several rule keywords to match on various file properties. They depend on properly configured :doc:`../file-extraction/file-extraction`. --------- ```` is a sticky buffer that is used to look at filenames that are seen in flows that Suricata evaluates. The various payload keywords can be used (e.g. ``startswith``, ``nocase`` and ``bsize``) with ````. Example::; content:"examplefilename"; ```` supports multiple buffer matching, see :doc:`multi-buffer-matching`. **Note** ``filename`` can still be used. A notable difference between ```` and ``filename`` is that ``filename`` assumes ``nocase`` by default. In the example below the two signatures are considered the same. Example:: filename:"examplefilename";; content:"examplefilename"; nocase; fileext ------- Matches on the extension of a file name. Syntax:: fileext:; Example:: fileext:"jpg"; filemagic --------- Matches on the information libmagic returns about a file. Syntax:: filemagic:; Example:: filemagic:"executable for MS Windows"; Note: as libmagic versions differ between installations, the returned information may also slightly change. See also #437. ``file.magic`` supports multiple buffer matching, see :doc:`multi-buffer-matching`. filestore --------- Stores files to disk if the signature matched. Syntax:: filestore:,; direction can be: * request/to_server: store a file in the request / to_server direction * response/to_client: store a file in the response / to_client direction * both: store both directions scope can be: * file: only store the matching file (for filename,fileext,filemagic matches) * tx: store all files from the matching HTTP transaction * ssn/flow: store all files from the TCP session/flow. If direction and scope are omitted, the direction will be the same as the rule and the scope will be per file. filemd5 ------- Match file :ref:`MD5 ` against list of MD5 checksums. Syntax:: filemd5:[!]filename; The filename is expanded to include the rule dir. In the default case it will become /etc/suricata/rules/filename. Use the exclamation mark to get a negated match. This allows for white listing. Examples:: filemd5:md5-blacklist; filemd5:!md5-whitelist; *File format* The file format is simple. It's a text file with a single md5 per line, at the start of the line, in hex notation. If there is extra info on the line it is ignored. Output from md5sum is fine:: 2f8d0355f0032c3e6311c6408d7c2dc2 util-path.c b9cf5cf347a70e02fde975fc4e117760 util-pidfile.c 02aaa6c3f4dbae65f5889eeb8f2bbb8d util-pool.c dd5fc1ee7f2f96b5f12d1a854007a818 util-print.c Just MD5's are good as well:: 2f8d0355f0032c3e6311c6408d7c2dc2 b9cf5cf347a70e02fde975fc4e117760 02aaa6c3f4dbae65f5889eeb8f2bbb8d dd5fc1ee7f2f96b5f12d1a854007a818 *Memory requirements* Each MD5 uses 16 bytes of memory. 20 Million MD5's use about 310 MiB of memory. See also: filesha1 -------- Match file SHA1 against list of SHA1 checksums. Syntax:: filesha1:[!]filename; The filename is expanded to include the rule dir. In the default case it will become /etc/suricata/rules/filename. Use the exclamation mark to get a negated match. This allows for white listing. Examples:: filesha1:sha1-blacklist; filesha1:!sha1-whitelist; *File format* Same as md5 file format. filesha256 ---------- Match file SHA256 against list of SHA256 checksums. Syntax:: filesha256:[!]filename; The filename is expanded to include the rule dir. In the default case it will become /etc/suricata/rules/filename. Use the exclamation mark to get a negated match. This allows for white listing. Examples:: filesha256:sha256-blacklist; filesha256:!sha256-whitelist; *File format* Same as md5 file format. filesize -------- Match on the size of the file as it is being transferred. Syntax:: filesize:; Possible units are KB, MB and GB, without any unit the default is bytes. Examples:: filesize:100; # exactly 100 bytes filesize:100<>200; # greater than 100 and smaller than 200 filesize:>100MB; # greater than 100 megabytes filesize:<100MB; # smaller than 100 megabytes **Note**: For files that are not completely tracked because of packet loss or stream.reassembly.depth being reached on the "greater than" is checked. This is because Suricata can know a file is bigger than a value (it has seen some of it already), but it can't know if the final size would have been within a range, an exact value or smaller than a value.