Autogenerated on 2012-01-11 from - Installation with PF RING This is the installation guide for Suricata with PF_RING support and a guide to install PF_RING. To install DKMS, enter: sudo apt-get install dkms To get subversion for checking out the PF_RING code, flex and bison for libpcap, enter: sudo apt-get install subversion flex bison To install the debs needed for Suricata, enter the following: sudo apt-get install libpcre3-dev libpcap-dev libyaml-dev zlib1g-dev libcap- ng-dev libnet1-dev In the example you will build from the GIT repository, so you will need some extra packages: sudo apt-get install git-core automake autoconf libtool To build your modules, please go to: cd /usr/src/ Checkout the PF_RING code: sudo svn --force export PF_RING_CURRENT_SVN Create the DKMS build directory and copy files over for the main PF_RING module by entering the following: sudo mkdir /usr/src/pf_ring-4 sudo cp -Rf /usr/src/PF_RING_CURRENT_SVN/kernel/* /usr/src/pf_ring-4/ cd /usr/src/pf_ring-4/ Create a file called 'dkms.conf' sudo nano dkms.conf and place the following into the file: PACKAGE_NAME="pf_ring" PACKAGE_VERSION="4" BUILT_MODULE_NAME[0]="pf_ring" DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[0]="/kernel/net/pf_ring/" AUTOINSTALL="yes" To close the file, do so by pressing Ctrl and X at the same time, followed by y and enter. Build and install the kernel -module of PF_RING: sudo dkms add -m pf_ring -v 4 sudo dkms build -m pf_ring -v 4 sudo dkms install -m pf_ring -v 4 development headers.(zie aantekeningen) sudo mkdir -p /opt/PF_RING/{bin,lib,include/linux,sbin} Next, build and install the userland lib.: sudo cp -f /usr/src/PF_RING_CURRENT_SVN/kernel/linux/pf_ring.h /opt/PF_RING/ include/linux/ cd /usr/src/PF_RING_CURRENT_SVN/userland/lib sudo ./configure sudo sed -i -e 's/INSTDIR = \${DESTDIR}\/usr\/local/INSTDIR = \$ {DESTDIR}\/opt\/PF_RING/' Makefile sudo cp -f pfring_e1000e_dna.h /opt/PF_RING/include sudo make sudo make install Enter the following to pull down the latest version of Suricata from the git repository and build with PF_RING support: cd /usr/src/PF_RING_CURRENT_SVN/userland/ sudo git clone git:// oisfnew cd oisfnew sudo ./ sudo ./configure --enable-pfring --with-libpfring-libraries=/opt/PF_RING/lib --with-libpfring-includes=/opt/PF_RING/include --with-libpcap-libraries=/opt/ PF_RING/lib --with-libpcap-includes=/opt/PF_RING/include LD_RUN_PATH="/opt/ PF_RING/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib" --prefix=/opt/PF_RING/ sudo make install sudo make sudo mkdir etc/suricata To make config and log directories for a more complete getting started, see: Basic_Setup. sudo mkdir /etc/suricata sudo cp suricata.yaml /etc/suricata/ sudo cp classification.config /etc/suricata/ sudo mkdir /var/log/suricata The information about the setup options for when you initialise the module: min_num_slots:Number of ring slots (uint) transparent_mode:0=standard Linux, 1=direct2pfring+transparent, 2=direct2pfring+non transparent. For 1 and 2 you need to use a PF_RING aware driver (uint) . enable_tx_capture:Set to 1 to capture outgoing packets (uint) enable_ip_defrag:Set to 1 to enable IP defragmentation(only rx traffic is defragmentead) (uint) Enter the following as super-user: echo "options pf_ring transparent_mode=0 min_num_slots=32768 enable_tx_capture=0" > /etc/modprobe.d/pf_ring.conf To check the status of PF_RING : sudo modprobe pf_ring sudo modinfo pf_ring && cat /proc/net/pf_ring/info Start up Suricata with PF_RING support: sudo /opt/PF_RING/bin/suricata --pfring-int=eth0 --pfring-cluster-id=99 -- pfring-cluster-type=cluster_flow -c /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml If you need to uninstall PF_RING or rollback your PF_RING aware drivers to their previous state you can do so with the following commands: sudo dkms remove -m pf_ring -v 4 --all Optional The following part is optional. sudo dkms remove -m e1000e-pf_ring -v 1.0.15 --all If you issue the following command, you can see that PF_RING should now be installed as DKMS module: dkms status Now go through the steps to build a PF_RING aware driver: sudo mkdir /usr/src/e1000e-pf_ring-1.0.15 sudo cp -Rf /usr/src/PF_RING_CURRENT_SVN/drivers/intel/e1000e/old/e1000e- 1.0.15/src/* /usr/src/e1000e-pf_ring-1.0.15/ Enter the following so that DKMS can find it for driver rebuilds: sudo cp -f /usr/src/PF_RING_CURRENT_SVN/kernel/linux/pf_ring.h /usr/src/ e1000e-pf_ring-1.0.15/ cd /usr/src/e1000e-pf_ring-1.0.15/ After that, fix the path to pf_ring.h: sed -i -e 's/\.\.\/\.\.\/\.\.\/\.\.\/kernel\/linux\/pf\_ring\.h/pf\_ring\.h/ ' netdev.c Then create a file called 'dkms.conf'. sudo nano dkms.conf and place the following into the file: PACKAGE_NAME="e1000e-pf_ring" PACKAGE_VERSION="1.0.15" BUILT_MODULE_NAME[0]="e1000e" DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[0]="/kernel/drivers/net/e1000e/" AUTOINSTALL="yes" Build and install the module of the e1000e-pf_ring network driver: sudo dkms add -m e1000e-pf_ring -v 1.0.15 sudo dkms build -m e1000e-pf_ring -v 1.0.15 sudo dkms install -m e1000e-pf_ring -v 1.0.15 After that, build and install the PF_RING enabled libpcap: cd /usr/src/PF_RING_CURRENT_SVN/userland/libpcap-1.0.0-ring ./configure sed -i -e 's/\.\.\/lib\/libpfring\.a/\/opt\/PF_RING\/lib\/libpfring\.a/ ' Makefile sed -i -e 's/\.\.\/lib\/libpfring\.a/\/opt\/PF_RING\/lib\/libpfring\.a/ ' ./configure --prefix=/opt/PF_RING && make && make install Subsequently, build and install tcpdump using the PF_RING enabled version of libpcap: cd /usr/src/PF_RING_CURRENT_SVN/userland/tcpdump-4.0.0 sudo ./configure sudo sed -i -e 's/\.\.\/lib\/libpfring\.a/\/opt\/PF_RING\/lib\/libpfring\.a/ ' Makefile sudo sed -i -e 's/\.\.\/lib\/libpfring\.a/\/opt\/PF_RING\/lib\/libpfring\.a/ ' sudo sed -i -e 's/-I \.\.\/libpcap-1\.0\.0-ring/-I \/opt\/PF_RING\/include/ ' Makefile sudo sed -i -e 's/-I \.\.\/libpcap-1\.0\.0-ring/-I \/opt\/PF_RING\/include/ ' sudo sed -i -e 's/-L \.\.\/libpcap-1\.0\.0-ring\/-L /\/opt\/PF_RING\/lib\// ' Makefile sed -i -e 's/-L \.\.\/libpcap-1\.0\.0-ring\/-L /\/opt\/PF_RING\/lib\// ' sudo ./configure LD_RUN_PATH="/opt/PF_RING/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib" -- prefix=/opt/PF_RING/ --enable-ipv6 && make && make install