Runmodes ======== Suricata consists of several 'building blocks' called threads, thread-modules and queues. A thread is like a process that runs on a computer. Suricata is multi-threaded, so multiple threads are active at once. A thread-module is a part of a functionality. One module is for example for decoding a packet, another is the detect-module and another one the output-module. A packet can be processed by more than one thread. The packet will then be passed on to the next thread through a queue. Packets will be processed by one thread at a time, but there can be multiple packets being processed at a time by the engine (see :ref:`suricata-yaml-max-pending-packets`). A thread can have one or more thread-modules. If they have more modules, they can only be active one a a time. The way threads, modules and queues are arranged together is called the "Runmode". Different runmodes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can choose a runmode out of several predefined runmodes. The command line option ``--list-runmodes`` shows all available runmodes. All runmodes have a name: single, workers, autofp. Generally, the ``workers`` runmode performs the best. In this mode the NIC/driver makes sure packets are properly balanced over Suricata's processing threads. Each packet processing thread then contains the full packet pipeline. .. image:: runmodes/workers.png For processing PCAP files, or in case of certain IPS setups (like NFQ), ``autofp`` is used. Here there are one or more capture threads, that capture the packet and do the packet decoding, after which it is passed on to the ``flow worker`` threads. .. image:: runmodes/autofp1.png .. image:: runmodes/autofp2.png Finally, the ``single`` runmode is the same as the ``workers`` mode, however there is only a single packet processing thread. This is mostly useful during development. .. image:: runmodes/single.png For more information about the command line options concerning the runmode, see :doc:`../command-line-options`. Load balancing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Suricata may use different ways to load balance the packets to process between different threads with the configuration option `autofp-scheduler`. The default value is `hash`, which means the packet is assigned to threads using the 5-7 tuple hash, which is also used anyways to store the flows in memory. This option can also be set to - `ippair` : packets are assigned to threads using addresses only. - `ftp-hash` : same as `hash` except for flows that may be ftp or ftp-data so that these flows get processed by the same thread. Like so, there is no concurrency issue in recognizing ftp-data flows due to processing them before the ftp flow got processed. In case of such a flow, a variant of the hash is used.