.. Consider converting `.. description` to `.. option` when the minimum version of Sphinx on the primary distributions are all updated to generate duplicate reference links. For example, we can't use `.. option` on CentOS 7 which has Sphinx 1.1.3, but Fedora 30 with Sphinx 1.8.4 is fine. .. Start with the most common basic commands. .. describe:: shutdown Shut Suricata instance down. .. describe:: command-list List available commands. .. describe:: help Get help about the available commands. .. describe:: version Print the version of Suricata instance. .. describe:: uptime Display the uptime of Suricata. .. describe:: running-mode Display running mode. This can either be *workers*, *autofp* or *single*. .. describe:: capture-mode Display the capture mode. This can be either of *PCAP_DEV*, *PCAP_FILE*, *PFRING(DISABLED)*, *NFQ*, *NFLOG*, *IPFW*, *ERF_FILE*, *ERF_DAG*, *AF_PACKET_DEV*, *NETMAP(DISABLED)*, *UNIX_SOCKET* or *WINDIVERT(DISABLED)*. .. describe:: conf-get Get configuration value for a given variable. Variable to be provided can be either of the configuration parameters that are written in suricata.yaml. .. describe:: dump-counters Dump Suricata's performance counters. .. describe:: ruleset-reload-rules Reload the ruleset and wait for completion. .. describe:: reload-rules Alias .. describe *ruleset-reload-rules*. .. describe:: ruleset-reload-nonblocking Reload ruleset and proceed without waiting. .. describe:: ruleset-reload-time Return time of last reload. .. describe:: ruleset-stats Display the number of rules loaded and failed. .. describe:: ruleset-failed-rules Display the list of failed rules. .. describe:: register-tenant-handler [hargs] Register a tenant handler with the specified mapping. .. describe:: unregister-tenant-handler [hargs] Unregister a tenant handler with the specified mapping. .. describe:: register-tenant Register tenant with a particular ID and filename. .. describe:: reload-tenant Reload a tenant with specified ID and filename. .. describe:: unregister-tenant Unregister tenant with a particular ID. .. describe:: add-hostbit Add hostbit on a host IP with a particular bit name and time of expiry. .. describe:: remove-hostbit Remove hostbit on a host IP with specified IP address and bit name. .. describe:: list-hostbit List hostbit for a particular host IP. .. describe:: reopen-log-files Reopen log files to be run after external log rotation. .. describe:: memcap-set Update memcap value of a specified item. .. describe:: memcap-show Show memcap value of a specified item. .. describe:: memcap-list List all memcap values available.