/* Copyright (C) 2011,2012 Open Information Security Foundation * * You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of * the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 2 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * \ingroup afppacket * * @{ */ /** * \file * * \author Eric Leblond * * AF_PACKET socket runmode * */ #include "suricata-common.h" #include "config.h" #include "tm-threads.h" #include "conf.h" #include "runmodes.h" #include "runmode-af-packet.h" #include "log-httplog.h" #include "output.h" #include "detect-engine-mpm.h" #include "alert-fastlog.h" #include "alert-prelude.h" #include "alert-unified2-alert.h" #include "alert-debuglog.h" #include "util-debug.h" #include "util-time.h" #include "util-cpu.h" #include "util-affinity.h" #include "util-device.h" #include "util-runmodes.h" #include "util-ioctl.h" #include "source-af-packet.h" extern int max_pending_packets; static const char *default_mode_workers = NULL; const char *RunModeAFPGetDefaultMode(void) { return default_mode_workers; } void RunModeIdsAFPRegister(void) { RunModeRegisterNewRunMode(RUNMODE_AFP_DEV, "single", "Single threaded af-packet mode", RunModeIdsAFPSingle); RunModeRegisterNewRunMode(RUNMODE_AFP_DEV, "workers", "Workers af-packet mode, each thread does all" " tasks from acquisition to logging", RunModeIdsAFPWorkers); default_mode_workers = "workers"; RunModeRegisterNewRunMode(RUNMODE_AFP_DEV, "autofp", "Multi socket AF_PACKET mode. Packets from " "each flow are assigned to a single detect " "thread.", RunModeIdsAFPAutoFp); return; } void AFPDerefConfig(void *conf) { AFPIfaceConfig *pfp = (AFPIfaceConfig *)conf; /* Pcap config is used only once but cost of this low. */ if (SC_ATOMIC_SUB(pfp->ref, 1) == 0) { SCFree(pfp); } } /** * \brief extract information from config file * * The returned structure will be freed by the thread init function. * This is thus necessary to or copy the structure before giving it * to thread or to reparse the file for each thread (and thus have * new structure. * * \return a AFPIfaceConfig corresponding to the interface name */ void *ParseAFPConfig(const char *iface) { char *threadsstr = NULL; ConfNode *if_root; ConfNode *if_default = NULL; ConfNode *af_packet_node; AFPIfaceConfig *aconf = SCMalloc(sizeof(*aconf)); char *tmpclusterid; char *tmpctype; char *copymodestr; intmax_t value; int boolval; char *bpf_filter = NULL; char *out_iface = NULL; if (unlikely(aconf == NULL)) { return NULL; } if (iface == NULL) { SCFree(aconf); return NULL; } strlcpy(aconf->iface, iface, sizeof(aconf->iface)); aconf->threads = 1; SC_ATOMIC_INIT(aconf->ref); (void) SC_ATOMIC_ADD(aconf->ref, 1); aconf->buffer_size = 0; aconf->cluster_id = 1; aconf->cluster_type = PACKET_FANOUT_HASH; aconf->promisc = 1; aconf->checksum_mode = CHECKSUM_VALIDATION_KERNEL; aconf->DerefFunc = AFPDerefConfig; aconf->flags = 0; aconf->bpf_filter = NULL; aconf->out_iface = NULL; aconf->copy_mode = AFP_COPY_MODE_NONE; if (ConfGet("bpf-filter", &bpf_filter) == 1) { if (strlen(bpf_filter) > 0) { aconf->bpf_filter = bpf_filter; SCLogInfo("Going to use command-line provided bpf filter '%s'", aconf->bpf_filter); } } /* Find initial node */ af_packet_node = ConfGetNode("af-packet"); if (af_packet_node == NULL) { SCLogInfo("Unable to find af-packet config using default value"); return aconf; } if_root = ConfNodeLookupKeyValue(af_packet_node, "interface", iface); if_default = ConfNodeLookupKeyValue(af_packet_node, "interface", "default"); if (if_root == NULL && if_default == NULL) { SCLogInfo("Unable to find af-packet config for " "interface \"%s\" or \"default\", using default value", iface); return aconf; } /* If there is no setting for current interface use default one as main iface */ if (if_root == NULL) { if_root = if_default; if_default = NULL; } if (ConfGetChildValueWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "threads", &threadsstr) != 1) { aconf->threads = 0; } else { if (threadsstr != NULL) { if (strcmp(threadsstr, "auto") == 0) { aconf->threads = 0; } else { aconf->threads = (uint8_t)atoi(threadsstr); } } } if (aconf->threads == 0) { int rss_queues; aconf->threads = (int)UtilCpuGetNumProcessorsOnline(); /* Get the number of RSS queues and take the min */ rss_queues = GetIfaceRSSQueuesNum(iface); if (rss_queues > 0) { if (rss_queues < aconf->threads) { aconf->threads = rss_queues; SCLogInfo("More core than RSS queues, using %d threads for interface %s", aconf->threads, iface); } } if (aconf->threads) SCLogInfo("Using %d AF_PACKET threads for interface %s", aconf->threads, iface); } if (aconf->threads <= 0) { aconf->threads = 1; } if (ConfGetChildValueWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "copy-iface", &out_iface) == 1) { if (strlen(out_iface) > 0) { aconf->out_iface = out_iface; } } (void)ConfGetChildValueBoolWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "use-mmap", (int *)&boolval); if (boolval) { SCLogInfo("Enabling mmaped capture on iface %s", aconf->iface); aconf->flags |= AFP_RING_MODE; } (void)ConfGetChildValueBoolWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "use-emergency-flush", (int *)&boolval); if (boolval) { SCLogInfo("Enabling ring emergency flush on iface %s", aconf->iface); aconf->flags |= AFP_EMERGENCY_MODE; } aconf->copy_mode = AFP_COPY_MODE_NONE; if (ConfGetChildValueWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "copy-mode", ©modestr) == 1) { if (aconf->out_iface == NULL) { SCLogInfo("Copy mode activated but no destination" " iface. Disabling feature"); } else if (!(aconf->flags & AFP_RING_MODE)) { SCLogInfo("Copy mode activated but use-mmap " "set to no. Disabling feature"); } else if (strlen(copymodestr) <= 0) { aconf->out_iface = NULL; } else if (strcmp(copymodestr, "ips") == 0) { SCLogInfo("AF_PACKET IPS mode activated %s->%s", iface, aconf->out_iface); aconf->copy_mode = AFP_COPY_MODE_IPS; } else if (strcmp(copymodestr, "tap") == 0) { SCLogInfo("AF_PACKET TAP mode activated %s->%s", iface, aconf->out_iface); aconf->copy_mode = AFP_COPY_MODE_TAP; } else { SCLogInfo("Invalid mode (not in tap, ips)"); } } SC_ATOMIC_RESET(aconf->ref); (void) SC_ATOMIC_ADD(aconf->ref, aconf->threads); if (ConfGetChildValueWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "cluster-id", &tmpclusterid) != 1) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"Could not get cluster-id from config"); } else { aconf->cluster_id = (uint16_t)atoi(tmpclusterid); SCLogDebug("Going to use cluster-id %" PRId32, aconf->cluster_id); } if (ConfGetChildValueWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "cluster-type", &tmpctype) != 1) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_GET_CLUSTER_TYPE_FAILED,"Could not get cluster-type from config"); } else if (strcmp(tmpctype, "cluster_round_robin") == 0) { SCLogInfo("Using round-robin cluster mode for AF_PACKET (iface %s)", aconf->iface); aconf->cluster_type = PACKET_FANOUT_LB; } else if (strcmp(tmpctype, "cluster_flow") == 0) { /* In hash mode, we also ask for defragmentation needed to * compute the hash */ uint16_t defrag = 0; int conf_val = 0; SCLogInfo("Using flow cluster mode for AF_PACKET (iface %s)", aconf->iface); ConfGetChildValueBoolWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "defrag", &conf_val); if (conf_val) { SCLogInfo("Using defrag kernel functionality for AF_PACKET (iface %s)", aconf->iface); defrag = PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG; } aconf->cluster_type = PACKET_FANOUT_HASH | defrag; } else if (strcmp(tmpctype, "cluster_cpu") == 0) { SCLogInfo("Using cpu cluster mode for AF_PACKET (iface %s)", aconf->iface); aconf->cluster_type = PACKET_FANOUT_CPU; } else { SCLogError(SC_ERR_INVALID_CLUSTER_TYPE,"invalid cluster-type %s",tmpctype); SCFree(aconf); return NULL; } /*load af_packet bpf filter*/ /* command line value has precedence */ if (ConfGet("bpf-filter", &bpf_filter) != 1) { if (ConfGetChildValueWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "bpf-filter", &bpf_filter) == 1) { if (strlen(bpf_filter) > 0) { aconf->bpf_filter = bpf_filter; SCLogInfo("Going to use bpf filter %s", aconf->bpf_filter); } } } if ((ConfGetChildValueIntWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "buffer-size", &value)) == 1) { aconf->buffer_size = value; } else { aconf->buffer_size = 0; } if ((ConfGetChildValueIntWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "ring-size", &value)) == 1) { aconf->ring_size = value; if (value * aconf->threads < max_pending_packets) { aconf->ring_size = max_pending_packets / aconf->threads + 1; SCLogWarning(SC_ERR_AFP_CREATE, "Inefficient setup: ring-size < max_pending_packets. " "Resetting to decent value %d.", aconf->ring_size); /* We want at least that max_pending_packets packets can be handled by the * interface. This is generous if we have multiple interfaces listening. */ } } else { /* We want that max_pending_packets packets can be handled by suricata * for this interface. To take burst into account we multiply the obtained * size by 2. */ aconf->ring_size = max_pending_packets * 2 / aconf->threads; } (void)ConfGetChildValueBoolWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "disable-promisc", (int *)&boolval); if (boolval) { SCLogInfo("Disabling promiscuous mode on iface %s", aconf->iface); aconf->promisc = 0; } if (ConfGetChildValueWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "checksum-checks", &tmpctype) == 1) { if (strcmp(tmpctype, "auto") == 0) { aconf->checksum_mode = CHECKSUM_VALIDATION_AUTO; } else if (strcmp(tmpctype, "yes") == 0) { aconf->checksum_mode = CHECKSUM_VALIDATION_ENABLE; } else if (strcmp(tmpctype, "no") == 0) { aconf->checksum_mode = CHECKSUM_VALIDATION_DISABLE; } else if (strcmp(tmpctype, "kernel") == 0) { aconf->checksum_mode = CHECKSUM_VALIDATION_KERNEL; } else { SCLogError(SC_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Invalid value for checksum-checks for %s", aconf->iface); } } if (GetIfaceOffloading(iface) == 1) { SCLogWarning(SC_ERR_AFP_CREATE, "Using AF_PACKET with GRO or LRO activated can lead to capture problems"); } return aconf; } int AFPConfigGeThreadsCount(void *conf) { AFPIfaceConfig *afp = (AFPIfaceConfig *)conf; return afp->threads; } int AFPRunModeIsIPS() { int nlive = LiveGetDeviceCount(); int ldev; ConfNode *if_root; ConfNode *if_default = NULL; ConfNode *af_packet_node; int has_ips = 0; int has_ids = 0; /* Find initial node */ af_packet_node = ConfGetNode("af-packet"); if (af_packet_node == NULL) { return 0; } if_default = ConfNodeLookupKeyValue(af_packet_node, "interface", "default"); for (ldev = 0; ldev < nlive; ldev++) { char *live_dev = LiveGetDeviceName(ldev); if (live_dev == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_INVALID_VALUE, "Problem with config file"); return 0; } char *copymodestr = NULL; if_root = ConfNodeLookupKeyValue(af_packet_node, "interface", live_dev); if (if_root == NULL) { if (if_default == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_INVALID_VALUE, "Problem with config file"); return 0; } if_root = if_default; } if (ConfGetChildValueWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "copy-mode", ©modestr) == 1) { if (strcmp(copymodestr, "ips") == 0) { has_ips = 1; } else { has_ids = 1; } } else { has_ids = 1; } } if (has_ids && has_ips) { SCLogInfo("AF_PACKET mode using IPS and IDS mode"); for (ldev = 0; ldev < nlive; ldev++) { char *live_dev = LiveGetDeviceName(ldev); if (live_dev == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_INVALID_VALUE, "Problem with config file"); return 0; } if_root = ConfNodeLookupKeyValue(af_packet_node, "interface", live_dev); char *copymodestr = NULL; if (if_root == NULL) { if (if_default == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_INVALID_VALUE, "Problem with config file"); return 0; } if_root = if_default; } if (! ((ConfGetChildValueWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "copy-mode", ©modestr) == 1) && (strcmp(copymodestr, "ips") == 0))) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "AF_PACKET IPS mode used and interface '%s' is in IDS or TAP mode. " "Sniffing '%s' but expect bad result as stream-inline is activated.", live_dev, live_dev); } } } return has_ips; } int RunModeIdsAFPAutoFp(void) { SCEnter(); /* We include only if AF_PACKET is enabled */ #ifdef HAVE_AF_PACKET int ret; char *live_dev = NULL; RunModeInitialize(); TimeModeSetLive(); (void)ConfGet("af-packet.live-interface", &live_dev); SCLogDebug("live_dev %s", live_dev); if (AFPPeersListInit() != TM_ECODE_OK) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "Unable to init peers list."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ret = RunModeSetLiveCaptureAutoFp(ParseAFPConfig, AFPConfigGeThreadsCount, "ReceiveAFP", "DecodeAFP", "RxAFP", live_dev); if (ret != 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "Unable to start runmode"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* In IPS mode each threads must have a peer */ if (AFPPeersListCheck() != TM_ECODE_OK) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "Some IPS capture threads did not peer."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } SCLogInfo("RunModeIdsAFPAutoFp initialised"); #endif /* HAVE_AF_PACKET */ SCReturnInt(0); } /** * \brief Single thread version of the AF_PACKET processing. */ int RunModeIdsAFPSingle(void) { SCEnter(); #ifdef HAVE_AF_PACKET int ret; char *live_dev = NULL; RunModeInitialize(); TimeModeSetLive(); (void)ConfGet("af-packet.live-interface", &live_dev); if (AFPPeersListInit() != TM_ECODE_OK) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "Unable to init peers list."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ret = RunModeSetLiveCaptureSingle(ParseAFPConfig, AFPConfigGeThreadsCount, "ReceiveAFP", "DecodeAFP", "AFPacket", live_dev); if (ret != 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "Unable to start runmode"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* In IPS mode each threads must have a peer */ if (AFPPeersListCheck() != TM_ECODE_OK) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "Some IPS capture threads did not peer."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } SCLogInfo("RunModeIdsAFPSingle initialised"); #endif /* HAVE_AF_PACKET */ SCReturnInt(0); } /** * \brief Workers version of the AF_PACKET processing. * * Start N threads with each thread doing all the work. * */ int RunModeIdsAFPWorkers(void) { SCEnter(); #ifdef HAVE_AF_PACKET int ret; char *live_dev = NULL; RunModeInitialize(); TimeModeSetLive(); (void)ConfGet("af-packet.live-interface", &live_dev); if (AFPPeersListInit() != TM_ECODE_OK) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "Unable to init peers list."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ret = RunModeSetLiveCaptureWorkers(ParseAFPConfig, AFPConfigGeThreadsCount, "ReceiveAFP", "DecodeAFP", "AFPacket", live_dev); if (ret != 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "Unable to start runmode"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* In IPS mode each threads must have a peer */ if (AFPPeersListCheck() != TM_ECODE_OK) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "Some IPS capture threads did not peer."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } SCLogInfo("RunModeIdsAFPWorkers initialised"); #endif /* HAVE_AF_PACKET */ SCReturnInt(0); } /** * @} */