/* Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Open Information Security Foundation * * You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of * the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 2 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * \file * * \author Gurvinder Singh * \author Pablo Rincon * \author Brian Rectanus * * This file provides a HTTP protocol support for the engine using HTP library. */ #include "suricata.h" #include "suricata-common.h" #include "debug.h" #include "decode.h" #include "threads.h" #include "util-print.h" #include "util-pool.h" #include "util-radix-tree.h" #include "stream-tcp-private.h" #include "stream-tcp-reassemble.h" #include "stream-tcp.h" #include "stream.h" #include "app-layer-protos.h" #include "app-layer-parser.h" #include "app-layer-htp.h" #include "util-spm.h" #include "util-debug.h" #include "app-layer-htp.h" #include "util-time.h" #include #include "util-unittest.h" #include "util-unittest-helper.h" #include "flow-util.h" #include "detect-engine.h" #include "detect-engine-state.h" #include "detect-parse.h" #include "conf.h" /** Need a linked list in order to keep track of these */ typedef struct HTPCfgRec_ { htp_cfg_t *cfg; struct HTPCfgRec_ *next; /** max size of the client body we inspect */ uint32_t request_body_limit; } HTPCfgRec; /** Fast lookup tree (radix) for the various HTP configurations */ static SCRadixTree *cfgtree; /** List of HTP configurations. */ static HTPCfgRec cfglist; static HTPCfgRec cfglist_backup; #ifdef DEBUG static SCMutex htp_state_mem_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static uint64_t htp_state_memuse = 0; static uint64_t htp_state_memcnt = 0; #endif static uint8_t need_htp_request_body = 0; #if 0 /* Not used yet */ /** * \internal * * \brief Lookup the HTP personality string from the numeric personality. * * \todo This needs to be a libhtp function. */ static const char *HTPLookupPersonalityString(int p) { #define CASE_HTP_PERSONALITY_STRING(p) \ case HTP_SERVER_ ## p: return #p switch (p) { CASE_HTP_PERSONALITY_STRING(MINIMAL); CASE_HTP_PERSONALITY_STRING(GENERIC); CASE_HTP_PERSONALITY_STRING(IDS); CASE_HTP_PERSONALITY_STRING(IIS_4_0); CASE_HTP_PERSONALITY_STRING(IIS_5_0); CASE_HTP_PERSONALITY_STRING(IIS_5_1); CASE_HTP_PERSONALITY_STRING(IIS_6_0); CASE_HTP_PERSONALITY_STRING(IIS_7_0); CASE_HTP_PERSONALITY_STRING(IIS_7_5); CASE_HTP_PERSONALITY_STRING(TOMCAT_6_0); CASE_HTP_PERSONALITY_STRING(APACHE); CASE_HTP_PERSONALITY_STRING(APACHE_2_2); } return NULL; } #endif /* Not used yet */ /** * \internal * * \brief Lookup the numeric HTP personality from a string. * * \todo This needs to be a libhtp function. */ static int HTPLookupPersonality(const char *str) { #define IF_HTP_PERSONALITY_NUM(p) \ if (strcasecmp(#p, str) == 0) return HTP_SERVER_ ## p IF_HTP_PERSONALITY_NUM(MINIMAL); IF_HTP_PERSONALITY_NUM(GENERIC); IF_HTP_PERSONALITY_NUM(IDS); IF_HTP_PERSONALITY_NUM(IIS_4_0); IF_HTP_PERSONALITY_NUM(IIS_5_0); IF_HTP_PERSONALITY_NUM(IIS_5_1); IF_HTP_PERSONALITY_NUM(IIS_6_0); IF_HTP_PERSONALITY_NUM(IIS_7_0); IF_HTP_PERSONALITY_NUM(IIS_7_5); IF_HTP_PERSONALITY_NUM(TOMCAT_6_0); IF_HTP_PERSONALITY_NUM(APACHE); IF_HTP_PERSONALITY_NUM(APACHE_2_2); return -1; } /** \brief Function to allocates the HTTP state memory and also creates the HTTP * connection parser to be used by the HTP library */ static void *HTPStateAlloc(void) { SCEnter(); HtpState *s = SCMalloc(sizeof(HtpState)); if (s == NULL) goto error; memset(s, 0x00, sizeof(HtpState)); #ifdef DEBUG SCMutexLock(&htp_state_mem_lock); htp_state_memcnt++; htp_state_memuse += sizeof(HtpState); SCMutexUnlock(&htp_state_mem_lock); #endif SCReturnPtr((void *)s, "void"); error: if (s != NULL) { SCFree(s); } SCReturnPtr(NULL, "void"); } /** \brief Function to frees the HTTP state memory and also frees the HTTP * connection parser memory which was used by the HTP library */ void HTPStateFree(void *state) { SCEnter(); HtpState *s = (HtpState *)state; /* Unset the body inspection */ s->flags &=~ HTP_FLAG_NEW_BODY_SET; /* free the connection parser memory used by HTP library */ if (s != NULL && s->connp != NULL) { size_t i; /* free the list of body chunks */ if (s->connp->conn != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < list_size(s->connp->conn->transactions); i++) { htp_tx_t *tx = (htp_tx_t *)list_get(s->connp->conn->transactions, i); if (tx != NULL) { SCHtpTxUserData *htud = (SCHtpTxUserData *) htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (htud != NULL) { HtpBodyFree(&htud->body); SCFree(htud); } htp_tx_set_user_data(tx, NULL); } } } htp_connp_destroy_all(s->connp); } SCFree(s); #ifdef DEBUG SCMutexLock(&htp_state_mem_lock); htp_state_memcnt--; htp_state_memuse -= sizeof(HtpState); SCMutexUnlock(&htp_state_mem_lock); #endif SCReturn; } /** * \brief Update the transaction id based on the http state */ void HTPStateUpdateTransactionId(void *state, uint16_t *id) { SCEnter(); HtpState *s = (HtpState *)state; SCLogDebug("original id %"PRIu16", s->transaction_cnt+1 %"PRIu16, *id, (s->transaction_cnt+1)); if ((s->transaction_cnt+1) > (*id)) { SCLogDebug("original id %"PRIu16", updating with s->transaction_cnt+1 %"PRIu16, *id, (s->transaction_cnt+1)); (*id) = (s->transaction_cnt+1); SCLogDebug("updated id %"PRIu16, *id); } SCReturn; } /** * \brief HTP transaction cleanup callback * * \warning We cannot actually free the transactions here. It seems that * HTP only accepts freeing of transactions in the response callback. */ void HTPStateTransactionFree(void *state, uint16_t id) { SCEnter(); HtpState *s = (HtpState *)state; s->transaction_done = id; SCLogDebug("state %p, id %"PRIu16, s, id); /* we can't remove the actual transactions here */ SCReturn; } /** * \brief Sets a flag that informs the HTP app layer that some module in the * engine needs the http request body data. * \initonly */ void AppLayerHtpEnableRequestBodyCallback(void) { SCEnter(); need_htp_request_body = 1; SCReturn; } /** * \brief Function to convert the IP addresses in to the string * * \param f pointer to the flow which contains the IP addresses * \param remote_addr pointer the string which will contain the remote address * \param local_addr pointer the string which will contain the local address */ void HTPGetIPAddr(Flow *f, int family, char *remote_addr, char *local_addr) { SCEnter(); inet_ntop(family, (const void *)&f->src.addr_data32[0], remote_addr, sizeof (remote_addr)); inet_ntop(family, (const void *)&f->dst.addr_data32[0], local_addr, sizeof (local_addr)); SCReturn; } /** * \brief Function to handle the reassembled data from client and feed it to * the HTP library to process it. * * \param htp_state Pointer the state in which the parsed value to be stored * \param pstate Application layer parser state for this session * \param input Pointer the received HTTP client data * \param input_len Length in bytes of the received data * \param output Pointer to the output (not used in this function) * * \retval On success returns 1 or on failure returns -1 */ static int HTPHandleRequestData(Flow *f, void *htp_state, AppLayerParserState *pstate, uint8_t *input, uint32_t input_len, AppLayerParserResult *output) { SCEnter(); int r = -1; int ret = 1; //PrintRawDataFp(stdout, input, input_len); HtpState *hstate = (HtpState *)htp_state; /* if the previous run set the new request flag, we unset it here. As * we're here after a new request completed, we know it's a new * transaction. So we set the new transaction flag. */ if (hstate->flags & HTP_FLAG_NEW_REQUEST) { hstate->flags &=~ HTP_FLAG_NEW_REQUEST; /* new transaction */ hstate->transaction_cnt++; SCLogDebug("transaction_cnt %"PRIu16", list_size %"PRIuMAX, hstate->transaction_cnt, (uintmax_t)list_size(hstate->connp->conn->transactions)); } /* On the first invocation, create the connection parser structure to * be used by HTP library. This is looked up via IP in the radix * tree. Failing that, the default HTP config is used. */ if (NULL == hstate->connp ) { htp_cfg_t *htp = cfglist.cfg; /* Default to the global HTP config */ SCRadixNode *cfgnode = NULL; if (AF_INET == f->dst.family) { SCLogDebug("Looking up HTP config for ipv4 %08x", *GET_IPV4_DST_ADDR_PTR(f)); cfgnode = SCRadixFindKeyIPV4BestMatch((uint8_t *)GET_IPV4_DST_ADDR_PTR(f), cfgtree); } else if (AF_INET6 == f->dst.family) { SCLogDebug("Looking up HTP config for ipv6"); cfgnode = SCRadixFindKeyIPV6BestMatch((uint8_t *)GET_IPV6_DST_ADDR(f), cfgtree); } else { SCLogError(SC_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "unknown address family, bug!"); goto error; } if (cfgnode != NULL) { HTPCfgRec *htp_cfg_rec = SC_RADIX_NODE_USERDATA(cfgnode, HTPCfgRec); if (htp_cfg_rec != NULL) { htp = htp_cfg_rec->cfg; SCLogDebug("LIBHTP using config: %p", htp); hstate->request_body_limit = htp_cfg_rec->request_body_limit; } } else { SCLogDebug("Using default HTP config: %p", htp); hstate->request_body_limit = cfglist.request_body_limit; } if (NULL == htp) { BUG_ON(htp == NULL); /* should never happen if HTPConfigure is properly invoked */ goto error; } hstate->connp = htp_connp_create(htp); if (hstate->connp == NULL) { goto error; } htp_connp_set_user_data(hstate->connp, (void *)hstate); SCLogDebug("New hstate->connp %p", hstate->connp); } /* the code block above should make sure connp is never NULL here */ BUG_ON(hstate->connp == NULL); if (hstate->connp->in_status == STREAM_STATE_ERROR) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ALPARSER, "Inbound parser is in error state, no" " need to feed data to libhtp"); SCReturnInt(-1); } /* Unset the body inspection (the callback should * reactivate it if necessary) */ hstate->flags &=~ HTP_FLAG_NEW_BODY_SET; /* Open the HTTP connection on receiving the first request */ if (!(hstate->flags & HTP_FLAG_STATE_OPEN)) { SCLogDebug("opening htp handle at %p", hstate->connp); htp_connp_open(hstate->connp, NULL, f->sp, NULL, f->dp, 0); hstate->flags |= HTP_FLAG_STATE_OPEN; } else { SCLogDebug("using existing htp handle at %p", hstate->connp); } /* pass the new data to the htp parser */ r = htp_connp_req_data(hstate->connp, 0, input, input_len); switch(r) { case STREAM_STATE_ERROR: if (hstate->connp->last_error != NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ALPARSER, "Error in parsing HTTP client " "request: [%"PRId32"] [%s] [%"PRId32"] %s", hstate->connp->last_error->level, hstate->connp->last_error->file, hstate->connp->last_error->line, hstate->connp->last_error->msg); } else { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ALPARSER, "Error in parsing HTTP client " "request"); } hstate->flags |= HTP_FLAG_STATE_ERROR; hstate->flags &= ~HTP_FLAG_STATE_DATA; hstate->flags &= ~HTP_FLAG_NEW_BODY_SET; ret = -1; break; case STREAM_STATE_DATA: hstate->flags |= HTP_FLAG_STATE_DATA; break; case STREAM_STATE_DATA_OTHER: SCLogDebug("CONNECT not supported yet"); hstate->flags |= HTP_FLAG_STATE_ERROR; hstate->flags &= ~HTP_FLAG_STATE_DATA; hstate->flags &= ~HTP_FLAG_NEW_BODY_SET; ret = -1; break; default: hstate->flags &= ~HTP_FLAG_STATE_DATA; hstate->flags &= ~HTP_FLAG_NEW_BODY_SET; } /* if the TCP connection is closed, then close the HTTP connection */ if ((pstate->flags & APP_LAYER_PARSER_EOF) && ! (hstate->flags & HTP_FLAG_STATE_CLOSED) && ! (hstate->flags & HTP_FLAG_STATE_DATA)) { htp_connp_close(hstate->connp, 0); hstate->flags |= HTP_FLAG_STATE_CLOSED; SCLogDebug("stream eof encountered, closing htp handle"); } SCLogDebug("hstate->connp %p", hstate->connp); SCReturnInt(ret); error: SCReturnInt(-1); } /** * \brief Function to handle the reassembled data from server and feed it to * the HTP library to process it. * * \param htp_state Pointer the state in which the parsed value to be stored * \param pstate Application layer parser state for this session * \param input Pointer the received HTTP server data * \param input_len Length in bytes of the received data * \param output Pointer to the output (not used in this function) * * \retval On success returns 1 or on failure returns -1 */ static int HTPHandleResponseData(Flow *f, void *htp_state, AppLayerParserState *pstate, uint8_t *input, uint32_t input_len, AppLayerParserResult *output) { SCEnter(); int r = -1; int ret = 1; HtpState *hstate = (HtpState *)htp_state; if (hstate->connp == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ALPARSER, "HTP state has no connp"); SCReturnInt(-1); } if (hstate->connp->out_status == STREAM_STATE_ERROR) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ALPARSER, "Outbound parser is in error state, no" " need to feed data to libhtp"); SCReturnInt(-1); } /* Unset the body inspection (the callback should * reactivate it if necessary) */ hstate->flags &=~ HTP_FLAG_NEW_BODY_SET; r = htp_connp_res_data(hstate->connp, 0, input, input_len); switch(r) { case STREAM_STATE_ERROR: if (hstate->connp->last_error != NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ALPARSER, "Error in parsing HTTP server " "response: [%"PRId32"] [%s] [%"PRId32"] %s", hstate->connp->last_error->level, hstate->connp->last_error->file, hstate->connp->last_error->line, hstate->connp->last_error->msg); } else { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ALPARSER, "Error in parsing HTTP server " "response"); } hstate->flags = HTP_FLAG_STATE_ERROR; hstate->flags &= ~HTP_FLAG_STATE_DATA; hstate->flags &= ~HTP_FLAG_NEW_BODY_SET; ret = -1; break; case STREAM_STATE_DATA: hstate->flags |= HTP_FLAG_STATE_DATA; break; case STREAM_STATE_DATA_OTHER: SCLogDebug("CONNECT not supported yet"); hstate->flags = HTP_FLAG_STATE_ERROR; hstate->flags &= ~HTP_FLAG_STATE_DATA; hstate->flags &= ~HTP_FLAG_NEW_BODY_SET; ret = -1; break; default: hstate->flags &= ~HTP_FLAG_STATE_DATA; hstate->flags &= ~HTP_FLAG_NEW_BODY_SET; } /* if we the TCP connection is closed, then close the HTTP connection */ if ((pstate->flags & APP_LAYER_PARSER_EOF) && ! (hstate->flags & HTP_FLAG_STATE_CLOSED) && ! (hstate->flags & HTP_FLAG_STATE_DATA)) { htp_connp_close(hstate->connp, 0); hstate->flags |= HTP_FLAG_STATE_CLOSED; } SCLogDebug("hstate->connp %p", hstate->connp); SCReturnInt(ret); } /** * \brief Append a chunk of body to the HtpBody struct * \param body pointer to the HtpBody holding the list * \param data pointer to the data of the chunk * \param len length of the chunk pointed by data * \retval 0 ok * \retval -1 error */ int HtpBodyAppendChunk(SCHtpTxUserData *htud, HtpBody *body, uint8_t *data, uint32_t len) { SCEnter(); HtpBodyChunk *bd = NULL; if (len == 0 || data == NULL) { SCReturnInt(0); } if (body->nchunks == 0) { /* New chunk */ bd = (HtpBodyChunk *)SCMalloc(sizeof(HtpBodyChunk)); if (bd == NULL) goto error; bd->len = len; bd->data = SCMalloc(len); if (bd->data == NULL) { goto error; } memcpy(bd->data, data, len); htud->content_len_so_far = len; body->first = body->last = bd; body->nchunks++; bd->next = NULL; bd->id = body->nchunks; } else { bd = (HtpBodyChunk *)SCMalloc(sizeof(HtpBodyChunk)); if (bd == NULL) goto error; bd->len = len; bd->data = SCMalloc(len); if (bd->data == NULL) { goto error; } memcpy(bd->data, data, len); htud->content_len_so_far += len; body->last->next = bd; body->last = bd; body->nchunks++; bd->next = NULL; bd->id = body->nchunks; } SCLogDebug("Body %p; Chunk id: %"PRIu32", data %p, len %"PRIu32"", body, bd->id, bd->data, (uint32_t)bd->len); SCReturnInt(0); error: if (bd != NULL) { if (bd->data != NULL) { SCFree(bd->data); } SCFree(bd->data); } SCReturnInt(-1); } /** * \brief Print the information and chunks of a Body * \param body pointer to the HtpBody holding the list * \retval none */ void HtpBodyPrint(HtpBody *body) { if (SCLogDebugEnabled()) { SCEnter(); if (body->nchunks == 0) return; HtpBodyChunk *cur = NULL; SCLogDebug("--- Start body chunks at %p ---", body); for (cur = body->first; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) { SCLogDebug("Body %p; Chunk id: %"PRIu32", data %p, len %"PRIu32"\n", body, cur->id, cur->data, (uint32_t)cur->len); PrintRawDataFp(stdout, (uint8_t*)cur->data, cur->len); } SCLogDebug("--- End body chunks at %p ---", body); } } /** * \brief Free the information held in the request body * \param body pointer to the HtpBody holding the list * \retval none */ void HtpBodyFree(HtpBody *body) { SCEnter(); if (body->nchunks == 0) return; SCLogDebug("Removing chunks of Body %p; Last Chunk id: %"PRIu32", data %p," " len %"PRIu32"\n", body, body->last->id, body->last->data, (uint32_t)body->last->len); body->nchunks = 0; HtpBodyChunk *cur = NULL; HtpBodyChunk *prev = NULL; prev = body->first; while (prev != NULL) { cur = prev->next; if (prev->data != NULL) SCFree(prev->data); SCFree(prev); prev = cur; } body->first = body->last = NULL; body->operation = HTP_BODY_NONE; } /** * \brief Function callback to append chunks for Requests * \param d pointer to the htp_tx_data_t structure (a chunk from htp lib) * \retval int HOOK_OK if all goes well */ int HTPCallbackRequestBodyData(htp_tx_data_t *d) { SCEnter(); HtpState *hstate = (HtpState *)d->tx->connp->user_data; SCLogDebug("New response body data available at %p -> %p -> %p, bodylen " "%"PRIu32"", hstate, d, d->data, (uint32_t)d->len); //PrintRawDataFp(stdout, d->data, d->len); SCHtpTxUserData *htud = (SCHtpTxUserData *) htp_tx_get_user_data(d->tx); if (htud == NULL) { htud = SCMalloc(sizeof(SCHtpTxUserData)); if (htud == NULL) { SCReturnInt(HOOK_OK); } memset(htud, 0, sizeof(SCHtpTxUserData)); htud->body.operation = HTP_BODY_NONE; htp_header_t *cl = table_getc(d->tx->request_headers, "content-length"); if (cl != NULL) htud->content_len = htp_parse_content_length(cl->value); /* Set the user data for handling body chunks on this transaction */ htp_tx_set_user_data(d->tx, htud); } htud->body.operation = HTP_BODY_REQUEST; SCLogDebug("htud->content_len_so_far %u", htud->content_len_so_far); SCLogDebug("hstate->request_body_limit %u", hstate->request_body_limit); /* within limits, add the body chunk to the state. */ if (htud->content_len_so_far < hstate->request_body_limit) { uint32_t len = (uint32_t)d->len; if ((htud->content_len_so_far + len) > hstate->request_body_limit) { len = hstate->request_body_limit - htud->content_len_so_far; BUG_ON(len > (uint32_t)d->len); } SCLogDebug("len %u", len); int r = HtpBodyAppendChunk(htud, &htud->body, (uint8_t*)d->data, len); if (r < 0) { htud->flags |= HTP_BODY_COMPLETE; } else if (htud->content_len_so_far >= hstate->request_body_limit) { htud->flags |= HTP_BODY_COMPLETE; } else if (htud->content_len_so_far == htud->content_len) { htud->flags |= HTP_BODY_COMPLETE; } /* set the new chunk flag */ hstate->flags |= HTP_FLAG_NEW_BODY_SET; //if (SCLogDebugEnabled()) { // HtpBodyPrint(&htud->body); //} } SCReturnInt(HOOK_OK); } /** * \brief Print the stats of the HTTP requests */ void HTPAtExitPrintStats(void) { #ifdef DEBUG SCEnter(); SCMutexLock(&htp_state_mem_lock); SCLogDebug("http_state_memcnt %"PRIu64", http_state_memuse %"PRIu64"", htp_state_memcnt, htp_state_memuse); SCMutexUnlock(&htp_state_mem_lock); SCReturn; #endif } /** \brief Clears the HTTP server configuration memory used by HTP library */ void HTPFreeConfig(void) { SCEnter(); HTPCfgRec *nextrec = cfglist.next; SCRadixReleaseRadixTree(cfgtree); htp_config_destroy(cfglist.cfg); while (nextrec != NULL) { HTPCfgRec *htprec = nextrec; nextrec = nextrec->next; htp_config_destroy(htprec->cfg); SCFree(htprec); } SCReturn; } /** * \brief callback for request to store the recent incoming request in to the recent_in_tx for the given htp state * \param connp pointer to the current connection parser which has the htp * state in it as user data */ static int HTPCallbackRequest(htp_connp_t *connp) { SCEnter(); HtpState *hstate = (HtpState *)connp->user_data; if (hstate == NULL) { SCReturnInt(HOOK_ERROR); } hstate->flags |= HTP_FLAG_NEW_REQUEST; SCLogDebug("HTTP request completed"); SCReturnInt(HOOK_OK); } /** * \brief callback for response to remove the recent received requests from the recent_in_tx for the given htp state * \param connp pointer to the current connection parser which has the htp * state in it as user data */ static int HTPCallbackResponse(htp_connp_t *connp) { SCEnter(); HtpState *hstate = (HtpState *)connp->user_data; if (hstate == NULL) { SCReturnInt(HOOK_ERROR); } /* Unset the body inspection (if any) */ hstate->flags &=~ HTP_FLAG_NEW_BODY_SET; /* remove obsolete transactions */ size_t idx; for (idx = 0; idx < hstate->transaction_done; idx++) { htp_tx_t *tx = list_get(hstate->connp->conn->transactions, idx); if (tx == NULL) continue; /* This will remove obsolete body chunks */ SCHtpTxUserData *htud = (SCHtpTxUserData *) htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (htud != NULL) { HtpBodyFree(&htud->body); htp_tx_set_user_data(tx, NULL); SCFree(htud); } htp_tx_destroy(tx); } SCReturnInt(HOOK_OK); } static void HTPConfigure(void) { SCEnter(); ConfNode *default_config; ConfNode *server_config; AppLayerRegisterStateFuncs(ALPROTO_HTTP, HTPStateAlloc, HTPStateFree); AppLayerRegisterTransactionIdFuncs(ALPROTO_HTTP, HTPStateUpdateTransactionId, HTPStateTransactionFree); cfglist.next = NULL; cfgtree = SCRadixCreateRadixTree(NULL, NULL); if (NULL == cfgtree) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_MEM_ALLOC, "Error initializing HTP config tree"); if (SCLogDebugEnabled()) { abort(); } else { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* Default Config */ cfglist.cfg = htp_config_create(); if (NULL == cfglist.cfg) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_MEM_ALLOC, "Failed to create HTP default config"); if (SCLogDebugEnabled()) { abort(); } else { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } SCLogDebug("LIBHTP default config: %p", cfglist.cfg); cfglist.request_body_limit = HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_REQUEST_BODY_LIMIT; htp_config_register_request(cfglist.cfg, HTPCallbackRequest); htp_config_register_response(cfglist.cfg, HTPCallbackResponse); htp_config_set_generate_request_uri_normalized(cfglist.cfg, 1); default_config = ConfGetNode("libhtp.default-config"); if (NULL != default_config) { ConfNode *p = NULL; /* Default Parameters */ TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &default_config->head, next) { ConfNode *pval; if (strcasecmp("personality", p->name) == 0) { /* Personalities */ TAILQ_FOREACH(pval, &p->head, next) { int personality = HTPLookupPersonality(pval->val); SCLogDebug("LIBHTP default: %s=%s", p->name, pval->val); if (personality >= 0) { SCLogDebug("LIBHTP default: %s=%s (%d)", p->name, pval->val, personality); if (htp_config_set_server_personality(cfglist.cfg, personality) == HTP_ERROR) { SCLogWarning(SC_ERR_INVALID_VALUE, "LIBHTP Failed adding personality " "\"%s\", ignoring", pval->val); } } else { SCLogWarning(SC_ERR_UNKNOWN_VALUE, "LIBHTP Unknown personality " "\"%s\", ignoring", pval->val); continue; } } } else if (strcasecmp("request-body-limit", p->name) == 0) { /* limit */ TAILQ_FOREACH(pval, &p->head, next) { SCLogDebug("LIBHTP default: %s=%s", p->name, pval->val); int limit = atoi(pval->val); if (limit >= 0) { SCLogDebug("LIBHTP default: %s=%s (%d)", p->name, pval->val, limit); cfglist.request_body_limit = (uint32_t)limit; } else { SCLogWarning(SC_ERR_UNKNOWN_VALUE, "LIBHTP malformed request-body-limit " "\"%s\", using default %u", pval->val, HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_REQUEST_BODY_LIMIT); cfglist.request_body_limit = HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_REQUEST_BODY_LIMIT; continue; } } } else { SCLogWarning(SC_ERR_UNKNOWN_VALUE, "LIBHTP Ignoring unknown default config: %s", p->name); } } } /* Read server config and create a parser for each IP in radix tree */ server_config = ConfGetNode("libhtp.server-config"); SCLogDebug("LIBHTP Configuring %p", server_config); if (server_config != NULL) { ConfNode *si; ConfNode *s; HTPCfgRec *htprec; HTPCfgRec *nextrec; htp_cfg_t *htp; /* Server Nodes */ TAILQ_FOREACH(si, &server_config->head, next) { ConfNode *p = NULL; /* Need the named node, not the index */ s = TAILQ_FIRST(&si->head); if (NULL == s) { SCLogDebug("LIBHTP s NULL"); continue; } SCLogDebug("LIBHTP server %s", s->name); nextrec = cfglist.next; htprec = cfglist.next = SCMalloc(sizeof(HTPCfgRec)); if (NULL == htprec) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_MEM_ALLOC, "Failed to create HTP server config rec"); if (SCLogDebugEnabled()) { abort(); } else { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } cfglist.next->next = nextrec; htp = cfglist.next->cfg = htp_config_create(); if (NULL == htp) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_MEM_ALLOC, "Failed to create HTP server config"); if (SCLogDebugEnabled()) { abort(); } else { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } htprec->request_body_limit = HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_REQUEST_BODY_LIMIT; htp_config_register_request(htp, HTPCallbackRequest); htp_config_register_response(htp, HTPCallbackResponse); htp_config_set_generate_request_uri_normalized(htp, 1); /* Server Parameters */ TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &s->head, next) { ConfNode *pval; if (strcasecmp("address", p->name) == 0) { /* Addresses */ TAILQ_FOREACH(pval, &p->head, next) { SCLogDebug("LIBHTP server %s: %s=%s", s->name, p->name, pval->val); /* IPV6 or IPV4? */ if (strchr(pval->val, ':') != NULL) { SCLogDebug("LIBHTP adding ipv6 server %s at %s: %p", s->name, pval->val, htp); if (SCRadixAddKeyIPV6String(pval->val, cfgtree, htprec) == NULL) { SCLogWarning(SC_ERR_INVALID_VALUE, "LIBHTP failed to add " "ipv6 server %s, ignoring", pval->val); } } else { SCLogDebug("LIBHTP adding ipv4 server %s at %s: %p", s->name, pval->val, htp); if (SCRadixAddKeyIPV4String(pval->val, cfgtree, htprec) == NULL) { SCLogWarning(SC_ERR_INVALID_VALUE, "LIBHTP failed to add " "ipv4 server %s, ignoring", pval->val); } } } } else if (strcasecmp("personality", p->name) == 0) { /* Personalities */ TAILQ_FOREACH(pval, &p->head, next) { int personality = HTPLookupPersonality(pval->val); SCLogDebug("LIBHTP server %s: %s=%s", s->name, p->name, pval->val); if (personality >= 0) { SCLogDebug("LIBHTP %s: %s=%s (%d)", s->name, p->name, pval->val, personality); if (htp_config_set_server_personality(htp, personality) == HTP_ERROR) { SCLogWarning(SC_ERR_INVALID_VALUE, "LIBHTP Failed adding personality " "\"%s\", ignoring", pval->val); } } else { SCLogWarning(SC_ERR_UNKNOWN_VALUE, "LIBHTP Unknown personality " "\"%s\", ignoring", pval->val); continue; } } } else if (strcasecmp("request-body-limit", p->name) == 0) { /* limit */ TAILQ_FOREACH(pval, &p->head, next) { SCLogDebug("LIBHTP default: %s=%s", p->name, pval->val); int limit = atoi(pval->val); if (limit >= 0) { SCLogDebug("LIBHTP default: %s=%s (%d)", p->name, pval->val, limit); htprec->request_body_limit = (uint32_t)limit; } else { SCLogWarning(SC_ERR_UNKNOWN_VALUE, "LIBHTP malformed request-body-limit " "\"%s\", using default %u", pval->val, HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_REQUEST_BODY_LIMIT); htprec->request_body_limit = HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_REQUEST_BODY_LIMIT; continue; } } } else { SCLogWarning(SC_ERR_UNKNOWN_VALUE, "LIBHTP Ignoring unknown server config: %s", p->name); } } } } SCReturn; } static void HtpConfigCreateBackup(void) { cfglist_backup.cfg = cfglist.cfg; cfglist_backup.next = cfglist.next; cfglist_backup.request_body_limit = cfglist.request_body_limit; return; } static void HtpConfigRestoreBackup(void) { cfglist.cfg = cfglist_backup.cfg; cfglist.next = cfglist_backup.next; cfglist.request_body_limit = cfglist_backup.request_body_limit; return; } /** * \brief Register the HTTP protocol and state handling functions to APP layer * of the engine. */ void RegisterHTPParsers(void) { SCEnter(); AppLayerRegisterStateFuncs(ALPROTO_HTTP, HTPStateAlloc, HTPStateFree); AppLayerRegisterProto("http", ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOSERVER, HTPHandleRequestData); AppLayerRegisterProto("http", ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOCLIENT, HTPHandleResponseData); HTPConfigure(); SCReturn; } /** * \brief This function is called at the end of SigLoadSignatures. This function * enables the htp layer to register a callback for the http request body. * need_htp_request_body is a flag that informs the htp app layer that * a module in the engine needs the http request body. */ void AppLayerHtpRegisterExtraCallbacks(void) { SCEnter(); SCLogDebug("Registering extra htp callbacks"); if (need_htp_request_body == 1) { SCLogDebug("Registering callback htp_config_register_request_body_data on htp"); htp_config_register_request_body_data(cfglist.cfg, HTPCallbackRequestBodyData); } else { SCLogDebug("No htp extra callback needed"); } SCReturn; } #ifdef UNITTESTS /** \test Test case where chunks are sent in smaller chunks and check the * response of the parser from HTP library. */ int HTPParserTest01(void) { int result = 1; Flow f; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "POST / HTTP/1.0\r\nUser-Agent: Victor/1.0\r\n\r\nPost" " Data is c0oL!"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; HtpState *htp_state = NULL; int r = 0; memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f)); memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f.protoctx = (void *)&ssn; f.src.family = AF_INET; f.dst.family = AF_INET; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); FlowL7DataPtrInit(&f); uint32_t u; for (u = 0; u < httplen1; u++) { uint8_t flags = 0; if (u == 0) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START; else if (u == (httplen1 - 1)) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_EOF; else flags = STREAM_TOSERVER; r = AppLayerParse(&f, ALPROTO_HTTP, flags, &httpbuf1[u], 1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk %" PRIu32 " returned %" PRId32 ", expected" " 0: ", u, r); result = 0; goto end; } } htp_state = f.aldata[AlpGetStateIdx(ALPROTO_HTTP)]; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } htp_tx_t *tx = list_get(htp_state->connp->conn->transactions, 0); bstr *key = NULL; htp_header_t *h = NULL; table_iterator_reset(tx->request_headers); key = table_iterator_next(tx->request_headers, (void **) & h); if (htp_state->connp == NULL || strcmp(bstr_tocstr(h->value), "Victor/1.0") || tx->request_method_number != M_POST || tx->request_protocol_number != HTTP_1_0) { printf("expected header value: Victor/1.0 and got %s: and expected" " method: POST and got %s, expected protocol number HTTP/1.0" " and got: %s \n", bstr_tocstr(h->value), bstr_tocstr(tx->request_method), bstr_tocstr(tx->request_protocol)); result = 0; goto end; } end: FlowL7DataPtrFree(&f); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); return result; } /** \test See how it deals with an incomplete request. */ int HTPParserTest02(void) { int result = 1; Flow f; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "POST"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; HtpState *http_state = NULL; memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f)); memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f.protoctx = (void *)&ssn; f.src.family = AF_INET; f.dst.family = AF_INET; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); FlowL7DataPtrInit(&f); int r = AppLayerParse(&f, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START| STREAM_EOF, httpbuf1, httplen1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 1 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); result = 0; goto end; } http_state = f.aldata[AlpGetStateIdx(ALPROTO_HTTP)]; if (http_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } htp_tx_t *tx = list_get(http_state->connp->conn->transactions, 0); bstr *key = NULL; htp_header_t *h = NULL; table_iterator_reset(tx->request_headers); key = table_iterator_next(tx->request_headers, (void **) & h); if ((tx->request_method) != NULL || h != NULL) { printf("expected method NULL, got %s \n", bstr_tocstr(tx->request_method)); result = 0; goto end; } end: FlowL7DataPtrFree(&f); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (http_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(http_state); return result; } /** \test Test case where method is invalid and data is sent in smaller chunks * and check the response of the parser from HTP library. */ int HTPParserTest03(void) { int result = 1; Flow f; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "HELLO / HTTP/1.0\r\n"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; HtpState *htp_state = NULL; int r = 0; memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f)); memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f.protoctx = (void *)&ssn; f.src.family = AF_INET; f.dst.family = AF_INET; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); FlowL7DataPtrInit(&f); uint32_t u; for (u = 0; u < httplen1; u++) { uint8_t flags = 0; if (u == 0) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START; else if (u == (httplen1 - 1)) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_EOF; else flags = STREAM_TOSERVER; r = AppLayerParse(&f, ALPROTO_HTTP, flags, &httpbuf1[u], 1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk %" PRIu32 " returned %" PRId32 ", expected" " 0: ", u, r); result = 0; goto end; } } htp_state = f.aldata[AlpGetStateIdx(ALPROTO_HTTP)]; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } htp_tx_t *tx = list_get(htp_state->connp->conn->transactions, 0); bstr *key = NULL; htp_header_t *h = NULL; table_iterator_reset(tx->request_headers); key = table_iterator_next(tx->request_headers, (void **) & h); if (htp_state->connp == NULL || tx->request_method_number != M_UNKNOWN || h != NULL || tx->request_protocol_number != HTTP_1_0) { printf("expected method M_UNKNOWN and got %s: , expected protocol " "HTTP/1.0 and got %s \n", bstr_tocstr(tx->request_method), bstr_tocstr(tx->request_protocol)); result = 0; goto end; } end: FlowL7DataPtrFree(&f); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); return result; } /** \test Test case where invalid data is sent and check the response of the * parser from HTP library. */ int HTPParserTest04(void) { int result = 1; Flow f; HtpState *htp_state = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "World!\r\n"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; int r = 0; memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f)); memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f.protoctx = (void *)&ssn; f.src.family = AF_INET; f.dst.family = AF_INET; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); FlowL7DataPtrInit(&f); r = AppLayerParse(&f, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START| STREAM_EOF, httpbuf1, httplen1); htp_state = f.aldata[AlpGetStateIdx(ALPROTO_HTTP)]; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } htp_tx_t *tx = list_get(htp_state->connp->conn->transactions, 0); bstr *key = NULL; htp_header_t *h = NULL; table_iterator_reset(tx->request_headers); key = table_iterator_next(tx->request_headers, (void **) & h); if (htp_state->connp == NULL || tx->request_method_number != M_UNKNOWN || h != NULL || tx->request_protocol_number != PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN) { printf("expected method M_UNKNOWN and got %s: , expected protocol " "NULL and got %s \n", bstr_tocstr(tx->request_method), bstr_tocstr(tx->request_protocol)); result = 0; goto end; } end: FlowL7DataPtrFree(&f); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); return result; } /** \test Test both sides of a http stream mixed up to see if the HTP parser * properly parsed them and also keeps them separated. */ int HTPParserTest05(void) { int result = 1; Flow f; HtpState *http_state = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "POST / HTTP/1.0\r\nUser-Agent: Victor/1.0\r\n\r\n"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ uint8_t httpbuf2[] = "Post D"; uint32_t httplen2 = sizeof(httpbuf2) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ uint8_t httpbuf3[] = "ata is c0oL!"; uint32_t httplen3 = sizeof(httpbuf3) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ uint8_t httpbuf4[] = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nServer: VictorServer/1.0\r\n\r\n"; uint32_t httplen4 = sizeof(httpbuf4) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ uint8_t httpbuf5[] = "post R"; uint32_t httplen5 = sizeof(httpbuf5) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ uint8_t httpbuf6[] = "esults are tha bomb!"; uint32_t httplen6 = sizeof(httpbuf6) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f)); memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f.protoctx = (void *)&ssn; f.src.family = AF_INET; f.dst.family = AF_INET; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); FlowL7DataPtrInit(&f); int r = AppLayerParse(&f, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START, httpbuf1, httplen1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 1 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); result = 0; goto end; } r = AppLayerParse(&f, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOCLIENT|STREAM_START, httpbuf4, httplen4); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 4 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); result = 0; goto end; } r = AppLayerParse(&f, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOCLIENT, httpbuf5, httplen5); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 5 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); result = 0; goto end; } r = AppLayerParse(&f, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOSERVER, httpbuf2, httplen2); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 2 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); result = 0; goto end; } r = AppLayerParse(&f, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_EOF, httpbuf3, httplen3); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 3 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); result = 0; goto end; } r = AppLayerParse(&f, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOCLIENT|STREAM_EOF, httpbuf6, httplen6); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 6 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); result = 0; goto end; } http_state = f.aldata[AlpGetStateIdx(ALPROTO_HTTP)]; if (http_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } htp_tx_t *tx = list_get(http_state->connp->conn->transactions, 0); bstr *key = NULL; htp_header_t *h = NULL; table_iterator_reset(tx->request_headers); key = table_iterator_next(tx->request_headers, (void **) & h); if (http_state->connp == NULL || tx->request_method_number != M_POST || h == NULL || tx->request_protocol_number != HTTP_1_0) { printf("expected method M_POST and got %s: , expected protocol " "HTTP/1.0 and got %s \n", bstr_tocstr(tx->request_method), bstr_tocstr(tx->request_protocol)); result = 0; goto end; } if (tx->response_status_number != 200) { printf("expected response 200 OK and got %"PRId32" %s: , expected protocol " "HTTP/1.0 and got %s \n", tx->response_status_number, bstr_tocstr(tx->response_message), bstr_tocstr(tx->response_protocol)); result = 0; goto end; } end: FlowL7DataPtrFree(&f); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (http_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(http_state); return result; } /** \test Test proper chunked encoded response body */ int HTPParserTest06(void) { int result = 1; Flow f; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "GET /ld/index.php?id=412784631&cid=0064&version=4&" "name=try HTTP/1.1\r\nAccept: */*\r\nUser-Agent: " "LD-agent\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ uint8_t httpbuf2[] = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nDate: Sat, 03 Oct 2009 10:16:02 " "GMT\r\n" "Server: Apache/1.3.37 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.8.28 " "OpenSSL/0.9.7a PHP/4.4.7 mod_perl/1.29 " "FrontPage/\r\n" "X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.7\r\nTransfer-Encoding: " "chunked\r\n" "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n" "1408\r\n" "W2dyb3VwMV0NCnBob25lMT1wMDB3ODgyMTMxMzAyMTINCmxvZ2lu" "MT0NCnBhc3N3b3JkMT0NCnBob25lMj1wMDB3ODgyMTMxMzAyMTIN" "CmxvZ2luMj0NCnBhc3N3b3JkMj0NCnBob25lMz0NCmxvZ2luMz0N" "CnBhc3N3b3JkMz0NCnBob25lND0NCmxvZ2luND0NCnBhc3N3b3Jk" "ND0NCnBob25lNT0NCmxvZ2luNT0NCnBhc3N3b3JkNT0NCnBob25l" "Nj0NCmxvZ2luNj0NCnBhc3N3b3JkNj0NCmNhbGxfdGltZTE9MzIN" "CmNhbGxfdGltZTI9MjMyDQpkYXlfbGltaXQ9NQ0KbW9udGhfbGlt" "aXQ9MTUNCltncm91cDJdDQpwaG9uZTE9DQpsb2dpbjE9DQpwYXNz" "d29yZDE9DQpwaG9uZTI9DQpsb2dpbjI9DQpwYXNzd29yZDI9DQpw" "aG9uZTM9DQpsb2dpbjM9DQpwYXNzd29yZDM9DQpwaG9uZTQ9DQps" "b2dpbjQ9DQpwYXNzd29yZDQ9DQpwaG9uZTU9DQpsb2dpbjU9DQpw" "YXNzd29yZDU9DQpwaG9uZTY9DQpsb2dpbjY9DQpwYXNzd29yZDY9" "DQpjYWxsX3RpbWUxPQ0KY2FsbF90aW1lMj0NCmRheV9saW1pdD0N" "Cm1vbnRoX2xpbWl0PQ0KW2dyb3VwM10NCnBob25lMT0NCmxvZ2lu" "MT0NCnBhc3N3b3JkMT0NCnBob25lMj0NCmxvZ2luMj0NCnBhc3N3" "b3JkMj0NCnBob25lMz0NCmxvZ2luMz0NCnBhc3N3b3JkMz0NCnBo" "b25lND0NCmxvZ2luND0NCnBhc3N3b3JkND0NCnBob25lNT0NCmxv" "Z2luNT0NCnBhc3N3b3JkNT0NCnBob25lNj0NCmxvZ2luNj0NCnBh" "c3N3b3JkNj0NCmNhbGxfdGltZTE9DQpjYWxsX3RpbWUyPQ0KZGF5" "X2xpbWl0PQ0KbW9udGhfbGltaXQ9DQpbZ3JvdXA0XQ0KcGhvbmUx" "PQ0KbG9naW4xPQ0KcGFzc3dvcmQxPQ0KcGhvbmUyPQ0KbG9naW4y" "PQ0KcGFzc3dvcmQyPQ0KcGhvbmUzPQ0KbG9naW4zPQ0KcGFzc3dv" "cmQzPQ0KcGhvbmU0PQ0KbG9naW40PQ0KcGFzc3dvcmQ0PQ0KcGhv" "bmU1PQ0KbG9naW41PQ0KcGFzc3dvcmQ1PQ0KcGhvbmU2PQ0KbG9n" "aW42PQ0KcGFzc3dvcmQ2PQ0KY2FsbF90aW1lMT0NCmNhbGxfdGlt" "ZTI9DQpkYXlfbGltaXQ9DQptb250aF9saW1pdD0NCltmaWxlc10N" "Cmxpbms9aHR0cDovLzIwOS4yMDUuMTk2LjE2L2xkL2dldGJvdC5w" "aHA=0\r\n\r\n"; uint32_t httplen2 = sizeof(httpbuf2) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; HtpState *http_state = NULL; memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f)); memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f.protoctx = (void *)&ssn; f.src.family = AF_INET; f.dst.family = AF_INET; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); FlowL7DataPtrInit(&f); int r = AppLayerParse(&f, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START, httpbuf1, httplen1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 1 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); result = 0; goto end; } r = AppLayerParse(&f, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOCLIENT|STREAM_START, httpbuf2, httplen2); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 2 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); result = 0; goto end; } http_state = f.aldata[AlpGetStateIdx(ALPROTO_HTTP)]; if (http_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } htp_tx_t *tx = list_get(http_state->connp->conn->transactions, 0); bstr *key = NULL; htp_header_t *h = NULL; table_iterator_reset(tx->request_headers); key = table_iterator_next(tx->request_headers, (void **) & h); if (http_state->connp == NULL || tx->request_method_number != M_GET || h == NULL || tx->request_protocol_number != HTTP_1_1) { printf("expected method M_GET and got %s: , expected protocol " "HTTP/1.1 and got %s \n", bstr_tocstr(tx->request_method), bstr_tocstr(tx->request_protocol)); result = 0; goto end; } if (tx->response_status_number != 200 || h == NULL || tx->request_protocol_number != HTTP_1_1) { printf("expected response 200 OK and got %"PRId32" %s: , expected proto" "col HTTP/1.1 and got %s \n", tx->response_status_number, bstr_tocstr(tx->response_message), bstr_tocstr(tx->response_protocol)); result = 0; goto end; } end: FlowL7DataPtrFree(&f); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (http_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(http_state); return result; } #include "conf-yaml-loader.h" /** \test Test basic config */ int HTPParserConfigTest01(void) { int ret = 0; char input[] = "\ %YAML 1.1\n\ ---\n\ libhtp:\n\ \n\ default-config:\n\ personality: IDS\n\ \n\ server-config:\n\ \n\ - apache-tomcat:\n\ address: [,, \"::1\"]\n\ personality: Tomcat_6_0\n\ \n\ - iis7:\n\ address: \n\ -\n\ -\n\ personality: IIS_7_0\n\ "; ConfCreateContextBackup(); ConfInit(); ConfYamlLoadString(input, strlen(input)); ConfNode *outputs; outputs = ConfGetNode("libhtp.default-config.personality"); if (outputs == NULL) { goto end; } outputs = ConfGetNode("libhtp.server-config"); if (outputs == NULL) { goto end; } ConfNode *node = TAILQ_FIRST(&outputs->head); if (node == NULL) { goto end; } if (strcmp(node->name, "0") != 0) { goto end; } node = TAILQ_FIRST(&node->head); if (node == NULL) { goto end; } if (strcmp(node->name, "apache-tomcat") != 0) { goto end; } int i = 0; ConfNode *n; ConfNode *node2 = ConfNodeLookupChild(node, "personality"); if (node2 == NULL) { goto end; } if (strcmp(node2->val, "Tomcat_6_0") != 0) { goto end; } node = ConfNodeLookupChild(node, "address"); if (node == NULL) { goto end; } TAILQ_FOREACH(n, &node->head, next) { if (n == NULL) { goto end; } switch(i) { case 0: if (strcmp(n->name, "0") != 0) { goto end; } if (strcmp(n->val, "") != 0) { goto end; } break; case 1: if (strcmp(n->name, "1") != 0) { goto end; } if (strcmp(n->val, "") != 0) { goto end; } break; case 2: if (strcmp(n->name, "2") != 0) { goto end; } if (strcmp(n->val, "::1") != 0) { goto end; } break; default: goto end; } i++; } outputs = ConfGetNode("libhtp.server-config"); if (outputs == NULL) { goto end; } node = TAILQ_FIRST(&outputs->head); node = TAILQ_NEXT(node, next); if (node == NULL) { goto end; } if (strcmp(node->name, "1") != 0) { goto end; } node = TAILQ_FIRST(&node->head); if (node == NULL) { goto end; } if (strcmp(node->name, "iis7") != 0) { goto end; } node2 = ConfNodeLookupChild(node, "personality"); if (node2 == NULL) { goto end; } if (strcmp(node2->val, "IIS_7_0") != 0) { goto end; } node = ConfNodeLookupChild(node, "address"); if (node == NULL) { goto end; } i = 0; TAILQ_FOREACH(n, &node->head, next) { if (n == NULL) { goto end; } switch(i) { case 0: if (strcmp(n->name, "0") != 0) { goto end; } if (strcmp(n->val, "") != 0) { goto end; } break; case 1: if (strcmp(n->name, "1") != 0) { goto end; } if (strcmp(n->val, "") != 0) { goto end; } break; default: goto end; } i++; } ret = 1; end: ConfDeInit(); ConfRestoreContextBackup(); return ret; } /** \test Test config builds radix correctly */ int HTPParserConfigTest02(void) { int ret = 0; char input[] = "\ %YAML 1.1\n\ ---\n\ libhtp:\n\ \n\ default-config:\n\ personality: IDS\n\ \n\ server-config:\n\ \n\ - apache-tomcat:\n\ address: [,, \"::1\"]\n\ personality: Tomcat_6_0\n\ \n\ - iis7:\n\ address: \n\ -\n\ -\n\ personality: IIS_7_0\n\ "; ConfCreateContextBackup(); ConfInit(); HtpConfigCreateBackup(); ConfYamlLoadString(input, strlen(input)); HTPConfigure(); if (cfglist.cfg == NULL) { printf("No default config created.\n"); goto end; } if (cfgtree == NULL) { printf("No config tree created.\n"); goto end; } SCRadixNode *cfgnode = NULL; htp_cfg_t *htp = cfglist.cfg; uint8_t buf[128]; const char *addr; addr = ""; if (inet_pton(AF_INET, addr, buf) == 1) { cfgnode = SCRadixFindKeyIPV4BestMatch(buf, cfgtree); if (cfgnode != NULL) { HTPCfgRec *htp_cfg_rec = SC_RADIX_NODE_USERDATA(cfgnode, HTPCfgRec); if (htp_cfg_rec != NULL) { htp = htp_cfg_rec->cfg; SCLogDebug("LIBHTP using config: %p", htp); } } if (htp == NULL) { printf("Could not get config for: %s\n", addr); goto end; } } else { printf("Failed to parse address: %s\n", addr); goto end; } addr = "::1"; if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, addr, buf) == 1) { cfgnode = SCRadixFindKeyIPV6BestMatch(buf, cfgtree); if (cfgnode != NULL) { HTPCfgRec *htp_cfg_rec = SC_RADIX_NODE_USERDATA(cfgnode, HTPCfgRec); if (htp_cfg_rec != NULL) { htp = htp_cfg_rec->cfg; SCLogDebug("LIBHTP using config: %p", htp); } } if (htp == NULL) { printf("Could not get config for: %s\n", addr); goto end; } } else { printf("Failed to parse address: %s\n", addr); goto end; } ret = 1; end: HTPFreeConfig(); ConfDeInit(); ConfRestoreContextBackup(); HtpConfigRestoreBackup(); return ret; } /** \test Test traffic is handled by the correct htp config */ int HTPParserConfigTest03(void) { int result = 1; Flow f; FLOW_INITIALIZE(&f); uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "POST / HTTP/1.0\r\nUser-Agent: Victor/1.0\r\n\r\nPost" " Data is c0oL!"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; HtpState *htp_state = NULL; int r = 0; char input[] = "\ %YAML 1.1\n\ ---\n\ libhtp:\n\ \n\ default-config:\n\ personality: IDS\n\ \n\ server-config:\n\ \n\ - apache-tomcat:\n\ address: [,, \"::1\"]\n\ personality: Tomcat_6_0\n\ \n\ - iis7:\n\ address: \n\ -\n\ -\n\ personality: IIS_7_0\n\ "; ConfCreateContextBackup(); ConfInit(); HtpConfigCreateBackup(); ConfYamlLoadString(input, strlen(input)); HTPConfigure(); const char *addr = ""; memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f)); memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f.protoctx = (void *)&ssn; f.dst.family = AF_INET; inet_pton(f.dst.family, addr, f.dst.addr_data32); SCRadixNode *cfgnode = NULL; htp_cfg_t *htp = cfglist.cfg; cfgnode = SCRadixFindKeyIPV4BestMatch((uint8_t *)GET_IPV4_DST_ADDR_PTR(&f), cfgtree); if (cfgnode != NULL) { HTPCfgRec *htp_cfg_rec = SC_RADIX_NODE_USERDATA(cfgnode, HTPCfgRec); if (htp_cfg_rec != NULL) { htp = htp_cfg_rec->cfg; SCLogDebug("LIBHTP using config: %p", htp); } } if (htp == NULL) { printf("Could not get config for: %s\n", addr); goto end; } StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); FlowL7DataPtrInit(&f); uint32_t u; for (u = 0; u < httplen1; u++) { uint8_t flags = 0; if (u == 0) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START; else if (u == (httplen1 - 1)) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_EOF; else flags = STREAM_TOSERVER; r = AppLayerParse(&f, ALPROTO_HTTP, flags, &httpbuf1[u], 1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk %" PRIu32 " returned %" PRId32 ", expected" " 0: ", u, r); result = 0; goto end; } } htp_state = f.aldata[AlpGetStateIdx(ALPROTO_HTTP)]; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } /* Check that the HTP state config matches the correct one */ if (htp_state->connp->cfg != htp) { printf("wrong HTP config (%p instead of %p - default=%p): ", htp_state->connp->cfg, htp, cfglist.cfg); result = 0; goto end; } end: HTPFreeConfig(); ConfDeInit(); ConfRestoreContextBackup(); HtpConfigRestoreBackup(); FlowL7DataPtrFree(&f); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); FLOW_DESTROY(&f); return result; } #endif /* UNITTESTS */ /** * \brief Register the Unit tests for the HTTP protocol */ void HTPParserRegisterTests(void) { #ifdef UNITTESTS UtRegisterTest("HTPParserTest01", HTPParserTest01, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserTest02", HTPParserTest02, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserTest03", HTPParserTest03, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserTest04", HTPParserTest04, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserTest05", HTPParserTest05, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserTest06", HTPParserTest06, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserConfigTest01", HTPParserConfigTest01, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserConfigTest02", HTPParserConfigTest02, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserConfigTest03", HTPParserConfigTest03, 1); #endif /* UNITTESTS */ }