DNP3 Keywords ============= The DNP3 keywords can be used to match on fields in decoded DNP3 messages. The keywords are based on Snort's DNP3 keywords and aim to be 100% compatible. dnp3_func --------- This keyword will match on the application function code found in DNP3 request and responses. It can be specified as the integer value or the symbolic name of the function code. Syntax ~~~~~~ :: dnp3_func:; Where value is one of: * An integer value between 0 and 255 inclusive. * Function code name: * confirm * read * write * select * operate * direct_operate * direct_operate_nr * immed_freeze * immed_freeze_nr * freeze_clear * freeze_clear_nr * freeze_at_time * freeze_at_time_nr * cold_restart * warm_restart * initialize_data * initialize_appl * start_appl * stop_appl * save_config * enable_unsolicited * disable_unsolicited * assign_class * delay_measure * record_current_time * open_file * close_file * delete_file * get_file_info * authenticate_file * abort_file * activate_config * authenticate_req * authenticate_err * response * unsolicited_response * authenticate_resp dnp3_ind -------- This keyword matches on the DNP3 internal indicator flags in the response application header. Syntax ~~~~~~ :: dnp3_ind:{,...} Where flag is the name of the internal indicator: * all_stations * class_1_events * class_2_events * class_3_events * need_time * local_control * device_trouble * device_restart * no_func_code_support * object_unknown * parameter_error * event_buffer_overflow * already_executing * config_corrupt * reserved_2 * reserved_1 This keyword will match of any of the flags listed are set. To match on multiple flags (AND type match), use dnp3_ind for each flag that must be set. Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: dnp3_ind:all_stations; :: dnp3_ind:class_1_events,class_2_events; dnp3_obj -------- This keyword matches on the DNP3 application data objects. Syntax ~~~~~~ :: dnp3_obj:, Where and are integer values between 0 and 255 inclusive. dnp3_data --------- This keyword will cause the following content options to match on the re-assembled application buffer. The reassembled application buffer is a DNP3 fragment with CRCs removed (which occur every 16 bytes), and will be the complete fragment, possibly reassembled from multiple DNP3 link layer frames. Syntax ~~~~~~ :: dnp3_data; Example ~~~~~~~ :: dnp3_data; content:|c3 06|;