Acknowledgements ================ Thank you to the following for their Wiki and documentation contributions that have made this user guide possible: - Andreas Herz - Andreas Moe - Anne-Fleur Koolstra - Christophe Vandeplas - Darren Spruell - David Cannings - David Diallo - David Wharton - Eric Leblond - god lol - Haris Haq - Ignacio Sanchez - Jason Ish - Jason Taylor - Josh Smith - Ken Steele - Les Syv - Mark Solaris - Martin Holste - Mats Klepsland - Matt Jonkman - Michael Bentley - Michael Hrishenko - Nathan Jimerson - Nicolas Merle - Peter Manev - Philipp Buehler - Ralph Broenink - Rob MacGregor - Russel Fulton - Victor Julien - Vincent Fang - Zach Rasmor