.. _lua-functions: Lua functions ============= Differences between `output` and `detect`: ------------------------------------------ Currently, the ``needs`` key initialization varies, depending on what is the goal of the script: output or detection. If the script is for detection, the ``needs`` initialization should be as seen in the example below (see :ref:`lua-detection` for a complete example of a detection script): :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs["packet"] = tostring(true) return needs end For output logs, follow the pattern below. (The complete script structure can be seen at :ref:`lua-output`:) :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs["protocol"] = "http" return needs end Do notice that the functions and protocols available for ``log`` and ``match`` may also vary. DNP3, for instance, is not available for logging. packet ------ Initialize with: :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs["type"] = "packet" return needs end SCPacketTimestamp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get packets timestamp as 2 numbers: seconds & microseconds elapsed since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. :: function log(args) local sec, usec = SCPacketTimestamp() end SCPacketTimeString ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use ``SCPacketTimeString`` to get the packet's time string in the format: 11/24/2009-18:57:25.179869 :: function log(args) ts = SCPacketTimeString() SCPacketTuple ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: ipver, srcip, dstip, proto, sp, dp = SCPacketTuple() SCPacketPayload ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: p = SCPacketPayload() flow ---- :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs["type"] = "flow" return needs end SCFlowTimestamps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get timestamps (seconds and microseconds) of the first and the last packet from the flow. :: startts, lastts = SCFlowTimestamps() startts_s, lastts_s, startts_us, lastts_us = SCFlowTimestamps() SCFlowTimeString ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: startts = SCFlowTimeString() SCFlowTuple ~~~~~~~~~~~ :: ipver, srcip, dstip, proto, sp, dp = SCFlowTuple() SCFlowAppLayerProto ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get alproto as a string from the flow. If a alproto is not (yet) known, it returns "unknown". Example: :: function log(args) alproto = SCFlowAppLayerProto() if alproto ~= nil then print (alproto) end end Returns 5 values: Orig and expect are used when changing and upgrading protocols. In a SMTP STARTTLS case, orig would normally be set to "smtp" and expect to "tls". SCFlowHasAlerts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns true if flow has alerts. Example: :: function log(args) has_alerts = SCFlowHasAlerts() if has_alerts then -- do something end end SCFlowStats ~~~~~~~~~~~ Gets the packet and byte counts per flow. :: tscnt, tsbytes, tccnt, tcbytes = SCFlowStats() SCFlowId ~~~~~~~~ Gets the flow id. :: id = SCFlowId() Note that simply printing 'id' will likely result in printing a scientific notation. To avoid that, simply do: :: id = SCFlowId() idstr = string.format("%.0f",id) print ("Flow ID: " .. idstr .. "\n") http ---- For output, init with: :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs["protocol"] = "http" return needs end For detection, use the specific buffer (cf :ref:`lua-detection` for a complete list), as with: :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs["http.uri"] = tostring(true) return needs end HttpGetRequestBody and HttpGetResponseBody. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Make normalized body data available to the script through HttpGetRequestBody and HttpGetResponseBody. There no guarantees that all of the body will be available. Example: :: function log(args) a, o, e = HttpGetResponseBody(); --print("offset " .. o .. " end " .. e) for n, v in ipairs(a) do print(v) end end HttpGetRequestHost ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get the host from libhtp's tx->request_hostname, which can either be the host portion of the url or the host portion of the Host header. Example: :: http_host = HttpGetRequestHost() if http_host == nil then http_host = "" end HttpGetRequestHeader ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: http_ua = HttpGetRequestHeader("User-Agent") if http_ua == nil then http_ua = "" end HttpGetResponseHeader ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: server = HttpGetResponseHeader("Server"); print ("Server: " .. server); HttpGetRequestLine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: rl = HttpGetRequestLine(); print ("Request Line: " .. rl); HttpGetResponseLine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: rsl = HttpGetResponseLine(); print ("Response Line: " .. rsl); HttpGetRawRequestHeaders ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: rh = HttpGetRawRequestHeaders(); print ("Raw Request Headers: " .. rh); HttpGetRawResponseHeaders ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: rh = HttpGetRawResponseHeaders(); print ("Raw Response Headers: " .. rh); HttpGetRequestUriRaw ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: http_uri = HttpGetRequestUriRaw() if http_uri == nil then http_uri = "" end HttpGetRequestUriNormalized ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: http_uri = HttpGetRequestUriNormalized() if http_uri == nil then http_uri = "" end HttpGetRequestHeaders ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: a = HttpGetRequestHeaders(); for n, v in pairs(a) do print(n,v) end HttpGetResponseHeaders ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: a = HttpGetResponseHeaders(); for n, v in pairs(a) do print(n,v) end DNS --- If your purpose is to create a logging script, initialize the buffer as: :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs["protocol"] = "dns" return needs end If you are going to use the script for rule matching, choose one of the available DNS buffers listed in :ref:`lua-detection` and follow the pattern: :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs["dns.rrname"] = tostring(true) return needs end DnsGetQueries ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: dns_query = DnsGetQueries(); if dns_query ~= nil then for n, t in pairs(dns_query) do rrname = t["rrname"] rrtype = t["type"] print ("QUERY: " .. ts .. " " .. rrname .. " [**] " .. rrtype .. " [**] " .. "TODO" .. " [**] " .. srcip .. ":" .. sp .. " -> " .. dstip .. ":" .. dp) end end returns a table of tables DnsGetAnswers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: dns_answers = DnsGetAnswers(); if dns_answers ~= nil then for n, t in pairs(dns_answers) do rrname = t["rrname"] rrtype = t["type"] ttl = t["ttl"] print ("ANSWER: " .. ts .. " " .. rrname .. " [**] " .. rrtype .. " [**] " .. ttl .. " [**] " .. srcip .. ":" .. sp .. " -> " .. dstip .. ":" .. dp) end end returns a table of tables DnsGetAuthorities ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: dns_auth = DnsGetAuthorities(); if dns_auth ~= nil then for n, t in pairs(dns_auth) do rrname = t["rrname"] rrtype = t["type"] ttl = t["ttl"] print ("AUTHORITY: " .. ts .. " " .. rrname .. " [**] " .. rrtype .. " [**] " .. ttl .. " [**] " .. srcip .. ":" .. sp .. " -> " .. dstip .. ":" .. dp) end end returns a table of tables DnsGetRcode ~~~~~~~~~~~ :: rcode = DnsGetRcode(); if rcode == nil then return 0 end print (rcode) returns a lua string with the error message, or nil DnsGetRecursionDesired ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: if DnsGetRecursionDesired() == true then print ("RECURSION DESIRED") end returns a bool TLS --- For log output, initialize with: :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs["protocol"] = "tls" return needs end For detection, initialization is as follows: :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs["tls"] = tostring(true) return needs end TlsGetVersion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get the negotiated version in a TLS session as a string through TlsGetVersion. Example: :: function log (args) version = TlsGetVersion() if version then -- do something end end TlsGetCertInfo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Make certificate information available to the script through TlsGetCertInfo. Example: :: function log (args) version, subject, issuer, fingerprint = TlsGetCertInfo() if version == nil then return 0 end end TlsGetCertChain ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Make certificate chain available to the script through TlsGetCertChain. The output is an array of certificate with each certificate being an hash with `data` and `length` keys. Example: :: -- Use debian lua-luaossl coming from https://github.com/wahern/luaossl local x509 = require"openssl.x509" chain = TlsGetCertChain() for k, v in pairs(chain) do -- v.length is length of data -- v.data is raw binary data of certificate cert = x509.new(v["data"], "DER") print(cert:text() .. "\n") end TlsGetCertNotAfter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get the Unix timestamp of end of validity of certificate. Example: :: function log (args) notafter = TlsGetCertNotAfter() if notafter < os.time() then -- expired certificate end end TlsGetCertNotBefore ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get the Unix timestamp of beginning of validity of certificate. Example: :: function log (args) notbefore = TlsGetCertNotBefore() if notbefore > os.time() then -- not yet valid certificate end end TlsGetCertSerial ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get TLS certificate serial number through TlsGetCertSerial. Example: :: function log (args) serial = TlsGetCertSerial() if serial then -- do something end end TlsGetSNI ~~~~~~~~~ Get the Server name Indication from a TLS connection. Example: :: function log (args) asked_domain = TlsGetSNI() if string.find(asked_domain, "badguys") then -- ok connection to bad guys let's do something end end JA3 --- JA3 must be enabled in the Suricata config file (set 'app-layer.protocols.tls.ja3-fingerprints' to 'yes'). For log output, initialize with: :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs["protocol"] = "tls" return needs end For detection, initialization is as follows: :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs["tls"] = tostring(true) return needs end Ja3GetHash ~~~~~~~~~~ Get the JA3 hash (md5sum of JA3 string) through Ja3GetHash. Example: :: function log (args) hash = Ja3GetHash() if hash == nil then return end end Ja3GetString ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get the JA3 string through Ja3GetString. Example: :: function log (args) str = Ja3GetString() if str == nil then return end end Ja3SGetHash ~~~~~~~~~~~ Get the JA3S hash (md5sum of JA3S string) through JA3SGetHash. Examples: :: function log (args) hash = Ja3SGetHash() if hash == nil then return end end Or, for detection: :: function match (args) hash = Ja3SGetHash() if hash == nil then return 0 end // matching code return 0 end JA3SGetString ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get the JA3S string through Ja3SGetString. Examples: :: function log (args) str = Ja3SGetString() if str == nil then return end end Or, for detection: :: function match (args) str = Ja3SGetString() if str == nil then return 0 end // matching code return 0 end SSH --- Initialize with: :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs["protocol"] = "ssh" return needs end SshGetServerProtoVersion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get SSH protocol version used by the server through SshGetServerProtoVersion. Example: :: function log (args) version = SshGetServerProtoVersion() if version == nil then return 0 end end SshGetServerSoftwareVersion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get SSH software used by the server through SshGetServerSoftwareVersion. Example: :: function log (args) software = SshGetServerSoftwareVersion() if software == nil then return 0 end end SshGetClientProtoVersion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get SSH protocol version used by the client through SshGetClientProtoVersion. Example: :: function log (args) version = SshGetClientProtoVersion() if version == nil then return 0 end end SshGetClientSoftwareVersion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get SSH software used by the client through SshGetClientSoftwareVersion. Example: :: function log (args) software = SshGetClientSoftwareVersion() if software == nil then return 0 end end HasshGet ~~~~~~~~ Get MD5 of hassh algorithms used by the client through HasshGet. Example: :: function log (args) hassh = HasshGet() if hassh == nil then return 0 end end HasshGetString ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get hassh algorithms used by the client through HasshGetString. Example: :: function log (args) hassh_string = HasshGetString() if hassh == nil then return 0 end end HasshServerGet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get MD5 of hassh algorithms used by the server through HasshServerGet. Example: :: function log (args) hassh_string = HasshServerGet() if hassh == nil then return 0 end end HasshServerGetString ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get hassh algorithms used by the server through HasshServerGetString. Example: :: function log (args) hassh_string = HasshServerGetString() if hassh == nil then return 0 end end Files ----- To use the file logging API, the script's init() function needs to look like: :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs['type'] = 'file' return needs end SCFileInfo ~~~~~~~~~~ :: fileid, txid, name, size, magic, md5, sha1, sha256 = SCFileInfo() returns fileid (number), txid (number), name (string), size (number), magic (string), md5 in hex (string), sha1 (string), sha256 (string) SCFileState ~~~~~~~~~~~ :: state, stored = SCFileState() returns state (string), stored (bool) Alerts ------ Alerts are a subset of the 'packet' logger: :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs["type"] = "packet" needs["filter"] = "alerts" return needs end SCRuleIds ~~~~~~~~~ :: sid, rev, gid = SCRuleIds() SCRuleAction ~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: action = SCRuleAction() returns one of 'pass', 'reject', 'drop' or 'alert' SCRuleMsg ~~~~~~~~~ :: msg = SCRuleMsg() SCRuleClass ~~~~~~~~~~~ :: class, prio = SCRuleClass() Streaming Data -------------- Streaming data can currently log out reassembled TCP data and normalized HTTP data. The script will be invoked for each consecutive data chunk. In case of TCP reassembled data, all possible overlaps are removed according to the host OS settings. :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs["type"] = "streaming" needs["filter"] = "tcp" return needs end In case of HTTP body data, the bodies are unzipped and dechunked if applicable. :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs["type"] = "streaming" needs["protocol"] = "http" return needs end SCStreamingBuffer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function log(args) data = SCStreamingBuffer() hex_dump(data) end Flow variables -------------- It is possible to access, define and modify Flow variables from Lua. To do so, you must use the functions described in this section and declare the counter in init function: :: function init(args) local needs = {} needs["tls"] tostring(true) needs["flowint"] = {"tls-cnt"} return needs end Here we define a `tls-cnt` Flowint that can now be used in output or in a signature via dedicated functions. The access to the Flow variable is done by index so in our case we need to use 0. :: function match(args) a = SCFlowintGet(0); if a then SCFlowintSet(0, a + 1) else SCFlowintSet(0, 1) end SCFlowintGet ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get the Flowint at index given by the parameter. SCFlowintSet ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Set the Flowint at index given by the first parameter. The second parameter is the value. SCFlowintIncr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Increment Flowint at index given by the first parameter. SCFlowintDecr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Decrement Flowint at index given by the first parameter. SCFlowvarGet ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get the Flowvar at index given by the parameter. SCFlowvarSet ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Set a Flowvar. First parameter is the index, second is the data and third is the length of data. You can use it to set string :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs["http.request_headers"] = tostring(true) needs["flowvar"] = {"cnt"} return needs end function match(args) a = SCFlowvarGet(0); if a then a = tostring(tonumber(a)+1) SCFlowvarSet(0, a, #a) else a = tostring(1) SCFlowvarSet(0, a, #a) end Misc ---- SCThreadInfo ~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: tid, tname, tgroup = SCThreadInfo() It gives: tid (integer), tname (string), tgroup (string) SCLogError, SCLogWarning, SCLogNotice, SCLogInfo, SCLogDebug ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Print a message. It will go into the outputs defined in the yaml. Whether it will be printed depends on the log level. Example: :: SCLogError("some error message") SCLogPath ~~~~~~~~~ Expose the log path. :: name = "fast_lua.log" function setup (args) filename = SCLogPath() .. "/" .. name file = assert(io.open(filename, "a")) end SCByteVarGet ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get the ByteVar at index given by the parameter. These variables are defined by `byte_extract` or `byte_math` in Suricata rules. Only callable from match scripts. :: function init(args) local needs = {} needs["bytevar"] = {"var1", "var2"} return needs end Here we define a register that we will be using variables `var1` and `var2`. The access to the Byte variables is done by index. :: function match(args) var1 = SCByteVarGet(0) var2 = SCByteVarGet(1)