/* Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Open Information Security Foundation * * You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of * the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 2 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * \file * * \author Victor Julien * * Simple queue handler */ #include "suricata.h" #include "packet-queue.h" #include "decode.h" #include "threads.h" #include "threadvars.h" #include "tm-queuehandlers.h" Packet *TmqhInputSimple(ThreadVars *t); void TmqhOutputSimple(ThreadVars *t, Packet *p); void TmqhInputSimpleShutdownHandler(ThreadVars *); void TmqhSimpleRegister (void) { tmqh_table[TMQH_SIMPLE].name = "simple"; tmqh_table[TMQH_SIMPLE].InHandler = TmqhInputSimple; tmqh_table[TMQH_SIMPLE].InShutdownHandler = TmqhInputSimpleShutdownHandler; tmqh_table[TMQH_SIMPLE].OutHandler = TmqhOutputSimple; } Packet *TmqhInputSimple(ThreadVars *t) { PacketQueue *q = &trans_q[t->inq->id]; SCPerfSyncCountersIfSignalled(t, 0); SCMutexLock(&q->mutex_q); if (q->len == 0) { /* if we have no packets in queue, wait... */ SCCondWait(&q->cond_q, &q->mutex_q); } if (q->len > 0) { Packet *p = PacketDequeue(q); SCMutexUnlock(&q->mutex_q); return p; } else { /* return NULL if we have no pkt. Should only happen on signals. */ SCMutexUnlock(&q->mutex_q); return NULL; } } void TmqhInputSimpleShutdownHandler(ThreadVars *tv) { int i; if (tv == NULL || tv->inq == NULL) { return; } for (i = 0; i < (tv->inq->reader_cnt + tv->inq->writer_cnt); i++) SCCondSignal(&trans_q[tv->inq->id].cond_q); } void TmqhOutputSimple(ThreadVars *t, Packet *p) { SCLogDebug("Packet %p, p->root %p, alloced %s", p, p->root, p->flags & PKT_ALLOC ? "true":"false"); PacketQueue *q = &trans_q[t->outq->id]; SCMutexLock(&q->mutex_q); PacketEnqueue(q, p); SCCondSignal(&q->cond_q); SCMutexUnlock(&q->mutex_q); } /*******************************Generic-Q-Handlers*****************************/ /** * \brief Public version of TmqhInputSimple from the tmqh-simple queue * handler, except that it is a generic version that is directly * tied to a "SCDQDataQueue" instance(sent as an arg). * * Retrieves a data_instance from the queue. If the queue is empty, it * waits on the queue, till a data_instance is enqueued into the queue * by some other module. * * All references to "data_instance" means a reference to a data structure * instance that implements the template "struct SCDQGenericQData_". * * \param q The SCDQDataQueue instance to wait on. * * \retval p The returned packet from the queue. * \retval data The returned data_instance from the queue. */ SCDQGenericQData *TmqhInputSimpleOnQ(SCDQDataQueue *q) { SCMutexLock(&q->mutex_q); if (q->len == 0) { /* if we have no packets in queue, wait... */ SCCondWait(&q->cond_q, &q->mutex_q); } if (q->len > 0) { SCDQGenericQData *data = SCDQDataDequeue(q); SCMutexUnlock(&q->mutex_q); return data; } else { /* return NULL if we have no data in the queue. Should only happen * on signals. */ SCMutexUnlock(&q->mutex_q); return NULL; } } /** * \brief Public version of TmqhOutputSimple from the tmqh-simple queue * handler, except that it is a generic version that is directly * tied to a SCDQDataQueue instance(sent as an arg). * * Pumps out a data_instance into the queue. If the queue is empty, it * waits on the queue, till a data_instance is enqueued into the queue. * * All references to "data_instance" means a reference to a data structure * instance that implements the template "struct SCDQGenericQData_". * * \param q The SCDQDataQueue instance to pump the data into. * \param data The data instance to be enqueued. */ void TmqhOutputSimpleOnQ(SCDQDataQueue *q, SCDQGenericQData *data) { SCMutexLock(&q->mutex_q); SCDQDataEnqueue(q, data); SCCondSignal(&q->cond_q); SCMutexUnlock(&q->mutex_q); return; }