/* Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Open Information Security Foundation * * You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of * the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 2 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * \file * * \author Endace Technology Limited. * \author Victor Julien * * An API for rule profiling operations. */ #include "suricata-common.h" #include "decode.h" #include "detect.h" #include "detect-engine.h" #include "conf.h" #include "tm-threads.h" #include "util-unittest.h" #include "util-byte.h" #include "util-profiling.h" #include "util-profiling-locks.h" #ifdef PROFILING #ifndef MIN #define MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #endif /** * Extra data for rule profiling. */ typedef struct SCProfileKeywordData_ { uint64_t checks; uint64_t matches; uint64_t max; uint64_t ticks_match; uint64_t ticks_no_match; } SCProfileKeywordData; typedef struct SCProfileKeywordDetectCtx_ { uint32_t id; SCProfileKeywordData *data; pthread_mutex_t data_m; } SCProfileKeywordDetectCtx; static int profiling_keywords_output_to_file = 0; int profiling_keyword_enabled = 0; __thread int profiling_keyword_entered = 0; static char *profiling_file_name = ""; static const char *profiling_file_mode = "a"; void SCProfilingKeywordsGlobalInit(void) { ConfNode *conf; conf = ConfGetNode("profiling.keywords"); if (conf != NULL) { if (ConfNodeChildValueIsTrue(conf, "enabled")) { profiling_keyword_enabled = 1; const char *filename = ConfNodeLookupChildValue(conf, "filename"); if (filename != NULL) { char *log_dir; log_dir = ConfigGetLogDirectory(); profiling_file_name = SCMalloc(PATH_MAX); if (unlikely(profiling_file_name == NULL)) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_MEM_ALLOC, "can't duplicate file name"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } snprintf(profiling_file_name, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", log_dir, filename); const char *v = ConfNodeLookupChildValue(conf, "append"); if (v == NULL || ConfValIsTrue(v)) { profiling_file_mode = "a"; } else { profiling_file_mode = "w"; } profiling_keywords_output_to_file = 1; } } } } void DoDump(SCProfileKeywordDetectCtx *rules_ctx, FILE *fp, const char *name) { int i; fprintf(fp, " ----------------------------------------------" "------------------------------------------------------" "----------------------------\n"); fprintf(fp, " Stats for: %s\n", name); fprintf(fp, " ----------------------------------------------" "------------------------------------------------------" "----------------------------\n"); fprintf(fp, " %-16s %-15s %-15s %-15s %-15s %-15s %-15s %-15s\n", "Keyword", "Ticks", "Checks", "Matches", "Max Ticks", "Avg", "Avg Match", "Avg No Match"); fprintf(fp, " ---------------- " "--------------- " "--------------- " "--------------- " "--------------- " "--------------- " "--------------- " "--------------- " "\n"); for (i = 0; i < DETECT_TBLSIZE; i++) { SCProfileKeywordData *d = &rules_ctx->data[i]; if (d == NULL || d->checks == 0) continue; uint64_t ticks = d->ticks_match + d->ticks_no_match; double avgticks = 0; double avgticks_match = 0; double avgticks_no_match = 0; if (ticks && d->checks) { avgticks = (ticks / d->checks); if (d->ticks_match && d->matches) avgticks_match = (d->ticks_match / d->matches); if (d->ticks_no_match && (d->checks - d->matches) != 0) avgticks_no_match = (d->ticks_no_match / (d->checks - d->matches)); } fprintf(fp, " %-16s %-15"PRIu64" %-15"PRIu64" %-15"PRIu64" %-15"PRIu64" %-15.2f %-15.2f %-15.2f\n", sigmatch_table[i].name, ticks, d->checks, d->matches, d->max, avgticks, avgticks_match, avgticks_no_match); } } void SCProfilingKeywordDump(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx) { int i; FILE *fp; struct timeval tval; struct tm *tms; struct tm local_tm; if (profiling_keyword_enabled == 0) return; gettimeofday(&tval, NULL); tms = SCLocalTime(tval.tv_sec, &local_tm); if (profiling_keywords_output_to_file == 1) { SCLogInfo("file %s mode %s", profiling_file_name, profiling_file_mode); fp = fopen(profiling_file_name, profiling_file_mode); if (fp == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_FOPEN, "failed to open %s: %s", profiling_file_name, strerror(errno)); return; } } else { fp = stdout; } fprintf(fp, " ----------------------------------------------" "------------------------------------------------------" "----------------------------\n"); fprintf(fp, " Date: %" PRId32 "/%" PRId32 "/%04d -- " "%02d:%02d:%02d\n", tms->tm_mon + 1, tms->tm_mday, tms->tm_year + 1900, tms->tm_hour,tms->tm_min, tms->tm_sec); /* global stats first */ DoDump(de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx, fp, "total"); /* per buffer stats next, but only if there are stats to print */ for (i = 0; i < DETECT_SM_LIST_MAX; i++) { int j; uint64_t checks = 0; for (j = 0; j < DETECT_TBLSIZE; j++) { checks += de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx_per_list[i]->data[j].checks; } if (checks) DoDump(de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx_per_list[i], fp, DetectSigmatchListEnumToString(i)); } fprintf(fp,"\n"); if (fp != stdout) fclose(fp); SCLogInfo("Done dumping keyword profiling data."); } /** * \brief Update a rule counter. * * \param id The ID of this counter. * \param ticks Number of CPU ticks for this rule. * \param match Did the rule match? */ void SCProfilingKeywordUpdateCounter(DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, int id, uint64_t ticks, int match) { if (det_ctx != NULL && det_ctx->keyword_perf_data != NULL && id < DETECT_TBLSIZE) { SCProfileKeywordData *p = &det_ctx->keyword_perf_data[id]; p->checks++; p->matches += match; if (ticks > p->max) p->max = ticks; if (match == 1) p->ticks_match += ticks; else p->ticks_no_match += ticks; /* store per list (buffer type) as well */ if (det_ctx->keyword_perf_list >= 0 && det_ctx->keyword_perf_list < DETECT_SM_LIST_MAX) { p = &det_ctx->keyword_perf_data_per_list[det_ctx->keyword_perf_list][id]; p->checks++; p->matches += match; if (ticks > p->max) p->max = ticks; if (match == 1) p->ticks_match += ticks; else p->ticks_no_match += ticks; } } } SCProfileKeywordDetectCtx *SCProfilingKeywordInitCtx(void) { SCProfileKeywordDetectCtx *ctx = SCMalloc(sizeof(SCProfileKeywordDetectCtx)); if (ctx != NULL) { memset(ctx, 0x00, sizeof(SCProfileKeywordDetectCtx)); if (pthread_mutex_init(&ctx->data_m, NULL) != 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_MUTEX, "Failed to initialize hash table mutex."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } return ctx; } static void DetroyCtx(SCProfileKeywordDetectCtx *ctx) { if (ctx) { if (ctx->data != NULL) SCFree(ctx->data); pthread_mutex_destroy(&ctx->data_m); SCFree(ctx); } } void SCProfilingKeywordDestroyCtx(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx) { if (de_ctx != NULL) { SCProfilingKeywordDump(de_ctx); DetroyCtx(de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx); int i; for (i = 0; i < DETECT_SM_LIST_MAX; i++) { DetroyCtx(de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx_per_list[i]); } } } void SCProfilingKeywordThreadSetup(SCProfileKeywordDetectCtx *ctx, DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx) { if (ctx == NULL) return; SCProfileKeywordData *a = SCMalloc(sizeof(SCProfileKeywordData) * DETECT_TBLSIZE); if (a != NULL) { memset(a, 0x00, sizeof(SCProfileKeywordData) * DETECT_TBLSIZE); det_ctx->keyword_perf_data = a; } int i; for (i = 0; i < DETECT_SM_LIST_MAX; i++) { SCProfileKeywordData *b = SCMalloc(sizeof(SCProfileKeywordData) * DETECT_TBLSIZE); if (b != NULL) { memset(b, 0x00, sizeof(SCProfileKeywordData) * DETECT_TBLSIZE); det_ctx->keyword_perf_data_per_list[i] = b; } } } static void SCProfilingKeywordThreadMerge(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx) { if (de_ctx == NULL || de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx == NULL || de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx->data == NULL || det_ctx == NULL || det_ctx->keyword_perf_data == NULL) return; int i; for (i = 0; i < DETECT_TBLSIZE; i++) { de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx->data[i].checks += det_ctx->keyword_perf_data[i].checks; de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx->data[i].matches += det_ctx->keyword_perf_data[i].matches; de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx->data[i].ticks_match += det_ctx->keyword_perf_data[i].ticks_match; de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx->data[i].ticks_no_match += det_ctx->keyword_perf_data[i].ticks_no_match; if (det_ctx->keyword_perf_data[i].max > de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx->data[i].max) de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx->data[i].max = det_ctx->keyword_perf_data[i].max; } int j; for (j = 0; j < DETECT_SM_LIST_MAX; j++) { for (i = 0; i < DETECT_TBLSIZE; i++) { de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx_per_list[j]->data[i].checks += det_ctx->keyword_perf_data_per_list[j][i].checks; de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx_per_list[j]->data[i].matches += det_ctx->keyword_perf_data_per_list[j][i].matches; de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx_per_list[j]->data[i].ticks_match += det_ctx->keyword_perf_data_per_list[j][i].ticks_match; de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx_per_list[j]->data[i].ticks_no_match += det_ctx->keyword_perf_data_per_list[j][i].ticks_no_match; if (det_ctx->keyword_perf_data_per_list[j][i].max > de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx_per_list[j]->data[i].max) de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx_per_list[j]->data[i].max = det_ctx->keyword_perf_data_per_list[j][i].max; } } } void SCProfilingKeywordThreadCleanup(DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx) { if (det_ctx == NULL || det_ctx->de_ctx == NULL || det_ctx->keyword_perf_data == NULL) return; pthread_mutex_lock(&det_ctx->de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx->data_m); SCProfilingKeywordThreadMerge(det_ctx->de_ctx, det_ctx); pthread_mutex_unlock(&det_ctx->de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx->data_m); SCFree(det_ctx->keyword_perf_data); det_ctx->keyword_perf_data = NULL; int i; for (i = 0; i < DETECT_SM_LIST_MAX; i++) { SCFree(det_ctx->keyword_perf_data_per_list[i]); det_ctx->keyword_perf_data_per_list[i] = NULL; } } /** * \brief Register the keyword profiling counters. * * \param de_ctx The active DetectEngineCtx, used to get at the loaded rules. */ void SCProfilingKeywordInitCounters(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx) { if (profiling_keyword_enabled == 0) return; de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx = SCProfilingKeywordInitCtx(); BUG_ON(de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx == NULL); de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx->data = SCMalloc(sizeof(SCProfileKeywordData) * DETECT_TBLSIZE); BUG_ON(de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx->data == NULL); memset(de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx->data, 0x00, sizeof(SCProfileKeywordData) * DETECT_TBLSIZE); int i; for (i = 0; i < DETECT_SM_LIST_MAX; i++) { de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx_per_list[i] = SCProfilingKeywordInitCtx(); BUG_ON(de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx_per_list[i] == NULL); de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx_per_list[i]->data = SCMalloc(sizeof(SCProfileKeywordData) * DETECT_TBLSIZE); BUG_ON(de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx_per_list[i]->data == NULL); memset(de_ctx->profile_keyword_ctx_per_list[i]->data, 0x00, sizeof(SCProfileKeywordData) * DETECT_TBLSIZE); } SCLogInfo("Registered %"PRIu32" keyword profiling counters.", DETECT_TBLSIZE); } #endif /* PROFILING */