/* Copyright (C) 2015 Open Information Security Foundation * * You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of * the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 2 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ /* * TODO: Update \author in this file and app-layer-template.h. * TODO: Implement your app-layer logic with unit tests. * TODO: Remove SCLogNotice statements or convert to debug. */ /** * \file * * \author FirstName LastName * * Template application layer detector and parser for learning and * template pruposes. * * This template implements a simple application layer for something * like the echo protocol running on port 7. */ #include "suricata-common.h" #include "stream.h" #include "conf.h" #include "util-unittest.h" #include "app-layer-detect-proto.h" #include "app-layer-parser.h" #include "app-layer-template.h" /* The default port to probe for echo traffic if not provided in the * configuration file. */ #define TEMPLATE_DEFAULT_PORT "7" /* The minimum size for an echo message. For some protocols this might * be the size of a header. */ #define TEMPLATE_MIN_FRAME_LEN 1 /* Enum of app-layer events for an echo protocol. Normally you might * have events for errors in parsing data, like unexpected data being * received. For echo we'll make something up, and log an app-layer * level alert if an empty message is received. * * Example rule: * * alert template any any -> any any (msg:"SURICATA Template empty message"; \ * app-layer-event:template.empty_message; sid:X; rev:Y;) */ enum { TEMPLATE_DECODER_EVENT_EMPTY_MESSAGE, }; SCEnumCharMap template_decoder_event_table[] = { {"EMPTY_MESSAGE", TEMPLATE_DECODER_EVENT_EMPTY_MESSAGE}, // event table must be NULL-terminated { NULL, -1 }, }; static TemplateTransaction *TemplateTxAlloc(TemplateState *echo) { TemplateTransaction *tx = SCCalloc(1, sizeof(TemplateTransaction)); if (unlikely(tx == NULL)) { return NULL; } /* Increment the transaction ID on the state each time one is * allocated. */ tx->tx_id = echo->transaction_max++; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&echo->tx_list, tx, next); return tx; } static void TemplateTxFree(void *tx) { TemplateTransaction *templatetx = tx; if (templatetx->request_buffer != NULL) { SCFree(templatetx->request_buffer); } if (templatetx->response_buffer != NULL) { SCFree(templatetx->response_buffer); } AppLayerDecoderEventsFreeEvents(&templatetx->decoder_events); SCFree(tx); } static void *TemplateStateAlloc(void) { SCLogNotice("Allocating template state."); TemplateState *state = SCCalloc(1, sizeof(TemplateState)); if (unlikely(state == NULL)) { return NULL; } TAILQ_INIT(&state->tx_list); return state; } static void TemplateStateFree(void *state) { TemplateState *template_state = state; TemplateTransaction *tx; SCLogNotice("Freeing template state."); while ((tx = TAILQ_FIRST(&template_state->tx_list)) != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&template_state->tx_list, tx, next); TemplateTxFree(tx); } SCFree(template_state); } /** * \brief Callback from the application layer to have a transaction freed. * * \param state a void pointer to the TemplateState object. * \param tx_id the transaction ID to free. */ static void TemplateStateTxFree(void *state, uint64_t tx_id) { TemplateState *echo = state; TemplateTransaction *tx = NULL, *ttx; SCLogNotice("Freeing transaction %"PRIu64, tx_id); TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(tx, &echo->tx_list, next, ttx) { /* Continue if this is not the transaction we are looking * for. */ if (tx->tx_id != tx_id) { continue; } /* Remove and free the transaction. */ TAILQ_REMOVE(&echo->tx_list, tx, next); TemplateTxFree(tx); return; } SCLogNotice("Transaction %"PRIu64" not found.", tx_id); } static int TemplateStateGetEventInfo(const char *event_name, int *event_id, AppLayerEventType *event_type) { *event_id = SCMapEnumNameToValue(event_name, template_decoder_event_table); if (*event_id == -1) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_INVALID_ENUM_MAP, "event \"%s\" not present in " "template enum map table.", event_name); /* This should be treated as fatal. */ return -1; } *event_type = APP_LAYER_EVENT_TYPE_TRANSACTION; return 0; } static AppLayerDecoderEvents *TemplateGetEvents(void *state, uint64_t tx_id) { TemplateState *template_state = state; TemplateTransaction *tx; TAILQ_FOREACH(tx, &template_state->tx_list, next) { if (tx->tx_id == tx_id) { return tx->decoder_events; } } return NULL; } static int TemplateHasEvents(void *state) { TemplateState *echo = state; return echo->events; } /** * \brief Probe the input to see if it looks like echo. * * \retval ALPROTO_TEMPLATE if it looks like echo, otherwise * ALPROTO_UNKNOWN. */ static AppProto TemplateProbingParser(Flow *f, uint8_t *input, uint32_t input_len, uint32_t *offset) { /* Very simple test - if there is input, this is echo. */ if (input_len >= TEMPLATE_MIN_FRAME_LEN) { SCLogNotice("Detected as ALPROTO_TEMPLATE."); return ALPROTO_TEMPLATE; } SCLogNotice("Protocol not detected as ALPROTO_TEMPLATE."); return ALPROTO_UNKNOWN; } static int TemplateParseRequest(Flow *f, void *state, AppLayerParserState *pstate, uint8_t *input, uint32_t input_len, void *local_data) { TemplateState *echo = state; SCLogNotice("Parsing echo request: len=%"PRIu32, input_len); /* Likely connection closed, we can just return here. */ if ((input == NULL || input_len == 0) && AppLayerParserStateIssetFlag(pstate, APP_LAYER_PARSER_EOF)) { return 0; } /* Probably don't want to create a transaction in this case * either. */ if (input == NULL || input_len == 0) { return 0; } /* Normally you would parse out data here and store it in the * transaction object, but as this is echo, we'll just record the * request data. */ /* Also, if this protocol may have a "protocol data unit" span * multiple chunks of data, which is always a possibility with * TCP, you may need to do some buffering here. * * For the sake of simplicity, buffering is left out here, but * even for an echo protocol we may want to buffer until a new * line is seen, assuming its text based. */ /* Allocate a transaction. * * But note that if a "protocol data unit" is not received in one * chunk of data, and the buffering is done on the transaction, we * may need to look for the transaction that this newly recieved * data belongs to. */ TemplateTransaction *tx = TemplateTxAlloc(echo); if (unlikely(tx == NULL)) { SCLogNotice("Failed to allocate new Template tx."); goto end; } SCLogNotice("Allocated Template tx %"PRIu64".", tx->tx_id); /* Make a copy of the request. */ tx->request_buffer = SCCalloc(1, input_len); if (unlikely(tx->request_buffer == NULL)) { goto end; } memcpy(tx->request_buffer, input, input_len); tx->request_buffer_len = input_len; /* Here we check for an empty message and create an app-layer * event. */ if ((input_len == 1 && tx->request_buffer[0] == '\n') || (input_len == 2 && tx->request_buffer[0] == '\r')) { SCLogNotice("Creating event for empty message."); AppLayerDecoderEventsSetEventRaw(&tx->decoder_events, TEMPLATE_DECODER_EVENT_EMPTY_MESSAGE); echo->events++; } end: return 0; } static int TemplateParseResponse(Flow *f, void *state, AppLayerParserState *pstate, uint8_t *input, uint32_t input_len, void *local_data) { TemplateState *echo = state; TemplateTransaction *tx = NULL, *ttx;; SCLogNotice("Parsing Template response."); /* Likely connection closed, we can just return here. */ if ((input == NULL || input_len == 0) && AppLayerParserStateIssetFlag(pstate, APP_LAYER_PARSER_EOF)) { return 0; } /* Probably don't want to create a transaction in this case * either. */ if (input == NULL || input_len == 0) { return 0; } /* Look up the existing transaction for this response. In the case * of echo, it will be the most recent transaction on the * TemplateState object. */ /* We should just grab the last transaction, but this is to * illustrate how you might traverse the transaction list to find * the transaction associated with this response. */ TAILQ_FOREACH(ttx, &echo->tx_list, next) { tx = ttx; } if (tx == NULL) { SCLogNotice("Failed to find transaction for response on echo state %p.", echo); goto end; } SCLogNotice("Found transaction %"PRIu64" for response on echo state %p.", tx->tx_id, echo); /* If the protocol requires multiple chunks of data to complete, you may * run into the case where you have existing response data. * * In this case, we just log that there is existing data and free it. But * you might want to realloc the buffer and append the data. */ if (tx->response_buffer != NULL) { SCLogNotice("WARNING: Transaction already has response data, " "existing data will be overwritten."); SCFree(tx->response_buffer); } /* Make a copy of the response. */ tx->response_buffer = SCCalloc(1, input_len); if (unlikely(tx->response_buffer == NULL)) { goto end; } memcpy(tx->response_buffer, input, input_len); tx->response_buffer_len = input_len; /* Set the response_done flag for transaction state checking in * TemplateGetStateProgress(). */ tx->response_done = 1; end: return 0; } static uint64_t TemplateGetTxCnt(void *state) { TemplateState *echo = state; SCLogNotice("Current tx count is %"PRIu64".", echo->transaction_max); return echo->transaction_max; } static void *TemplateGetTx(void *state, uint64_t tx_id) { TemplateState *echo = state; TemplateTransaction *tx; SCLogNotice("Requested tx ID %"PRIu64".", tx_id); TAILQ_FOREACH(tx, &echo->tx_list, next) { if (tx->tx_id == tx_id) { SCLogNotice("Transaction %"PRIu64" found, returning tx object %p.", tx_id, tx); return tx; } } SCLogNotice("Transaction ID %"PRIu64" not found.", tx_id); return NULL; } static void TemplateSetTxLogged(void *state, void *vtx, LoggerId logged) { TemplateTransaction *tx = (TemplateTransaction *)vtx; tx->logged = logged; } static LoggerId TemplateGetTxLogged(void *state, void *vtx) { TemplateTransaction *tx = (TemplateTransaction *)vtx; return tx->logged; } /** * \brief Called by the application layer. * * In most cases 1 can be returned here. */ static int TemplateGetAlstateProgressCompletionStatus(uint8_t direction) { return 1; } /** * \brief Return the state of a transaction in a given direction. * * In the case of the echo protocol, the existence of a transaction * means that the request is done. However, some protocols that may * need multiple chunks of data to complete the request may need more * than just the existence of a transaction for the request to be * considered complete. * * For the response to be considered done, the response for a request * needs to be seen. The response_done flag is set on response for * checking here. */ static int TemplateGetStateProgress(void *tx, uint8_t direction) { TemplateTransaction *echotx = tx; SCLogNotice("Transaction progress requested for tx ID %"PRIu64 ", direction=0x%02x", echotx->tx_id, direction); if (direction & STREAM_TOCLIENT && echotx->response_done) { return 1; } else if (direction & STREAM_TOSERVER) { /* For echo, just the existence of the transaction means the * request is done. */ return 1; } return 0; } /** * \brief ??? */ static DetectEngineState *TemplateGetTxDetectState(void *vtx) { TemplateTransaction *tx = vtx; return tx->de_state; } /** * \brief ??? */ static int TemplateSetTxDetectState(void *state, void *vtx, DetectEngineState *s) { TemplateTransaction *tx = vtx; tx->de_state = s; return 0; } void RegisterTemplateParsers(void) { const char *proto_name = "template"; /* TEMPLATE_START_REMOVE */ if (ConfGetNode("app-layer.protocols.template") == NULL) { return; } /* TEMPLATE_END_REMOVE */ /* Check if Template TCP detection is enabled. If it does not exist in * the configuration file then it will be enabled by default. */ if (AppLayerProtoDetectConfProtoDetectionEnabled("tcp", proto_name)) { SCLogNotice("Template TCP protocol detection enabled."); AppLayerProtoDetectRegisterProtocol(ALPROTO_TEMPLATE, proto_name); if (RunmodeIsUnittests()) { SCLogNotice("Unittest mode, registeringd default configuration."); AppLayerProtoDetectPPRegister(IPPROTO_TCP, TEMPLATE_DEFAULT_PORT, ALPROTO_TEMPLATE, 0, TEMPLATE_MIN_FRAME_LEN, STREAM_TOSERVER, TemplateProbingParser, NULL); } else { if (!AppLayerProtoDetectPPParseConfPorts("tcp", IPPROTO_TCP, proto_name, ALPROTO_TEMPLATE, 0, TEMPLATE_MIN_FRAME_LEN, TemplateProbingParser, NULL)) { SCLogNotice("No echo app-layer configuration, enabling echo" " detection TCP detection on port %s.", TEMPLATE_DEFAULT_PORT); AppLayerProtoDetectPPRegister(IPPROTO_TCP, TEMPLATE_DEFAULT_PORT, ALPROTO_TEMPLATE, 0, TEMPLATE_MIN_FRAME_LEN, STREAM_TOSERVER, TemplateProbingParser, NULL); } } } else { SCLogNotice("Protocol detecter and parser disabled for Template."); return; } if (AppLayerParserConfParserEnabled("udp", proto_name)) { SCLogNotice("Registering Template protocol parser."); /* Register functions for state allocation and freeing. A * state is allocated for every new Template flow. */ AppLayerParserRegisterStateFuncs(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_TEMPLATE, TemplateStateAlloc, TemplateStateFree); /* Register request parser for parsing frame from server to client. */ AppLayerParserRegisterParser(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_TEMPLATE, STREAM_TOSERVER, TemplateParseRequest); /* Register response parser for parsing frames from server to client. */ AppLayerParserRegisterParser(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_TEMPLATE, STREAM_TOCLIENT, TemplateParseResponse); /* Register a function to be called by the application layer * when a transaction is to be freed. */ AppLayerParserRegisterTxFreeFunc(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_TEMPLATE, TemplateStateTxFree); AppLayerParserRegisterLoggerFuncs(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_TEMPLATE, TemplateGetTxLogged, TemplateSetTxLogged); /* Register a function to return the current transaction count. */ AppLayerParserRegisterGetTxCnt(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_TEMPLATE, TemplateGetTxCnt); /* Transaction handling. */ AppLayerParserRegisterGetStateProgressCompletionStatus(ALPROTO_TEMPLATE, TemplateGetAlstateProgressCompletionStatus); AppLayerParserRegisterGetStateProgressFunc(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_TEMPLATE, TemplateGetStateProgress); AppLayerParserRegisterGetTx(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_TEMPLATE, TemplateGetTx); /* Application layer event handling. */ AppLayerParserRegisterHasEventsFunc(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_TEMPLATE, TemplateHasEvents); /* What is this being registered for? */ AppLayerParserRegisterDetectStateFuncs(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_TEMPLATE, NULL, TemplateGetTxDetectState, TemplateSetTxDetectState); AppLayerParserRegisterGetEventInfo(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_TEMPLATE, TemplateStateGetEventInfo); AppLayerParserRegisterGetEventsFunc(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_TEMPLATE, TemplateGetEvents); } else { SCLogNotice("Template protocol parsing disabled."); } #ifdef UNITTESTS AppLayerParserRegisterProtocolUnittests(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_TEMPLATE, TemplateParserRegisterTests); #endif } #ifdef UNITTESTS #endif void TemplateParserRegisterTests(void) { #ifdef UNITTESTS #endif }