This patch adds support for customisation of suricata.yaml and
automatic download of emerging threat GPL rules. By running
'make install-full' after 'make install', files necessary to run
suricata are copied in the configuration directory and the latest
ruleset is downloaded and installed. Suricata can then be run
without files edition.
This patch has a special treatment for the windows build which
requires some different paths.
suricata.yaml is also updated to load all rules files provided by
emergingthreat ruleset.
Below is a patch that gets "make distcheck" working. Its against the
current code in git. The project version was set to 0.1 in configure,
I changed that to 0.8.1 just so its actually relevant. You might want
to set that to something else.
After checking this patch, I find that there are several source code
files in src/ that are not getting compiled:
Are these new or abandoned?'s the patch.