Currently has one derive, AppLayerEvent to be used like:
pub enum DNSEvent {
Code will be generated to:
- Convert enum to a c type string
- Convert string to enum variant
- Convert id to enum variant
Adds a new rust modbus app layer parser and detection module.
Moves the C module to rust but leaves the test cases in place to
regression test the new rust module.
So that lexical-core, needed by nom, and using bitflags
is used with version 0.7.5 instead of version 0.7.0
which fixed the fact that BITS is now a reserved keyword
in nightly version
Add a Rust module that exposes Rust implementations of
sha256, sha1 and md5 from the RustCrypto project.
This is an experiment in replacing the libnss hash functions with
pure Rust versions that will allow us to remove nss as a compile
time option.
Initial tests are good, even with a 10% or so performance
improvement when being called from C.
Also trying a module naming scheme where modules under the ffi
modules are purely for exports to C, as it doesn't make any
sense to use this new hashing module directly from Rust.
Borrow a macro from that
will give us the Rust function name in SCLog messages in Rust.
As this trick only works on Rust 1.38 and newer, keep the old
macro around and set a feature based on a Rust version test
done during ./configure.
This module uses the `der-parser` crate to parse ASN1 objects in order to replace src/util-decode-asn1.c
It also handles the parsing of the asn1 keyword rules and detection checks performed in src/detect-asn1.c
Don't treat 'external' parsers as more experimental. All parsers
depend on crates to some extend, and all have C glue code. So the
distinction doesn't really make sense.
Add a new parser for Internet Key Exchange version (IKEv2), defined in
RFC 7296.
The IKEv2 parser itself is external. The embedded code includes the
parser state and associated variables, the state machine, and the
detection code.
The parser looks the first two messages of a connection, and analyzes
the client and server proposals to check the cryptographic parameters.
Implement SMB app-layer parser for SMB1/2/3. Features:
- file extraction
- eve logging
- existing dce keyword support
- smb_share/smb_named_pipe keyword support (stickybuffers)
- auth meta data extraction (ntlmssp, kerberos5)
The 'debug' feature is enabled if suricata was configured with the
--enabled-debug' flag.
If enabled, the SCLogDebug format and calls the logging function as
usual. Otherwise, this macro is a no-op (similarly to the C code).
Update nom to ~3.0.
Prefix dependencies with ~, which will allow for newer patch
versions only. Minor version updates should get a test before
Remove Cargo.lock from the repo, but still generate as part
of the vendoring process for release builds. This will ensure
that all users of a particular distribution tarball will be
linking against the same Rust dependencies.
Rust is currently optional, use the --enable-rust configure
argument to enable Rust.
By default Rust will be built in release mode. If debug is enabled
then it will be built in debug mode.
On make dist, "cargo vendor" will be run to make a local copy
of Rust dependencies for the distribution archive file.
Add autoconf checks to test for the vendored source, and if it
exists setup the build to use the vendored code instead of
fetching it from the network.
Also, as Cargo requires semantic versioning, the Suricata version
had to change from 4.0dev to 4.0.0-dev.