These variants, in particular the Brotli one can be large at over 2500
bytes which is allocated no matter which decompressor is being used.
Gzip comes in at over 500 bytes. Box deflate for consistency.
Where possible mark the relevant functions unsafe. Otherwise suppress
the warning for now as this pattern is supposed to be a safe API around
an unsafe one. Might need some further investigation, but in general the
"guarantee" here is provided from the C side.
Use .is_some() and .is_none() instead of comparing against None.
Comparing against None requires a value to impl PartialEq, is_none() and
is_some() do not and are more idiomatic.
This patch updates the NT status code definition to use the status
definition used on Microsoft documentation website. A first python
script is building JSON object with code definition.
import json
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
ntstatus = requests.get('')
ntstatus_parsed = BeautifulSoup(ntstatus.text, 'html.parser')
ntstatus_parsed = ntstatus_parsed.find('tbody')
ntstatus_dict = {}
for item in ntstatus_parsed.find_all('tr'):
cell = item.find_all('td')
if len(cell) == 0:
code = cell[0].find_all('p')
description_ps = cell[1].find_all('p')
description_list = []
if len(description_ps):
for desc in description_ps:
if not desc.string is None:
description_list.append(desc.string.replace('\n ', ''))
description_list = ['Description not available']
if not code[0].string.lower() in ntstatus_dict:
ntstatus_dict[code[0].string.lower()] = {"text": code[1].string, "desc": ' '.join(description_list)}
The second one is generating the code that is ready to be inserted into the
source file:
import json
ntstatus_file = open('ntstatus.json', 'r')
ntstatus = json.loads(
declaration_format = 'pub const SMB_NT%s:%su32 = %s;\n'
resolution_format = ' SMB_NT%s%s=> "%s",\n'
declaration = ""
resolution = ""
text_max = len(max([ntstatus[x]['text'] for x in ntstatus.keys()], key=len))
for code in ntstatus.keys():
text = ntstatus[code]['text']
text_spaces = ' ' * (4 + text_max - len(text))
declaration += declaration_format % (text, text_spaces, code)
resolution += resolution_format % (text, text_spaces, text)
pub fn smb_ntstatus_string(c: u32) -> String {
match c {
_ => { return (c).to_string(); },
Bug #5412.
Introduce AppLayerTxData::file_tx as direction(s) indicator for transactions.
When set to 0, its not a file tx and it will not be considered for file
inspection, logging and housekeeping tasks.
Various tx loop optimizations in housekeeping and output.
Update the "file capable" app-layers to set the fields based on their
directional file support as well as on the traffic.