When destination IP address does not suffice to uniquely identify
the Modbus/TCP device.
Some Modbus/TCP devices act as gateways to other Modbus/TCP devices
that are behind this gateways.
Remove DetectAppLayerInspectEngineRegister for TOCLIENT direction
because Modbus inspection engine is only performing in request (TOSERVER).
Detect Value keyword in read access rule. In read access, match on value
is not possible.
Update Modbus keyword documentation.
For SIEM analysis it is often useful to refer to the actual rules to
find out why a specific alert has been triggered when the signature
message does not convey enough information.
Turn on the new rule flag to include the rule text in eve alert output.
The feature is turned off by default.
With a rule like this:
alert dns $HOME_NET any -> any (msg:"Google DNS server contacted"; sid:42;)
The eve alert output might look something like this (pretty-printed for
"timestamp": "2017-08-14T12:35:05.830812+0200",
"flow_id": 1919856770919772,
"in_iface": "eth0",
"event_type": "alert",
"src_ip": "",
"src_port": 50968,
"dest_ip": "",
"dest_port": 53,
"proto": "UDP",
"alert": {
"action": "allowed",
"gid": 1,
"signature_id": 42,
"rev": 0,
"signature": "Google DNS server contacted",
"category": "",
"severity": 3,
"rule": "alert dns $HOME_NET any -> any (msg:\"Google DNS server contacted\"; sid:43;)"
"app_proto": "dns",
"flow": {
"pkts_toserver": 1,
"pkts_toclient": 0,
"bytes_toserver": 81,
"bytes_toclient": 0,
"start": "2017-08-14T12:35:05.830812+0200"
Feature #2020
Both the suricata.yaml and eve configuration sections
included the eve-log section from suricata.yaml. First,
sync these up with the actual suricata.yaml then break
it out into its own file, so only one file needs to
be kept in sync with the actual configuration file.
Add startswith modifier to simplify matching patterns at the start
of a buffer.
Instead of:
content:"abc"; depth:3;
This enables:
content:"abc"; startswith;
Especially with longer patterns this makes the intention of the rule
more clear and eases writing the rules.
Internally it's simply a shorthand for 'depth:<pattern len>;'.
Ticket https://redmine.openinfosecfoundation.org/issues/742
* All sections up to 2 levels deep are now shown regardless of whether they are a separate page
* Rename Xbits and Thresholding for more consistent naming
* Minor adjustment in the Payload Keywords section
In some chapters of the rules documentation, many sections used examples of rules, but these were inserted into images. These have been replaced by text and HTML emphasis.
Additionally, some tables embedded into images were also replaced by reST tables.