This patch improves the error handling in the definition of cpu
set. It detect when the max value is too big and display the name
of the invalid cpu set in error message.
This patch fixes compilation on OpenBSD platform. It is running
fine on a pcap file. The patch should also fix compilation on
WIN32 platform but this is not tested.
This patch fixes some problem with affinity work and modify the
configuration file format.
For example, the detect cup set can be formatted as follow:
- detect_cpu_set:
cpu: [ "all" ]
mode: "exclusive" # run detect threads in these cpus
low: [ 0 ] # threads on CPU 0 have low prio
medium: [ "1-2" ] # threads on CPU 1 and 2 have medium prio
high: [ 3 ] # threads on CPU 3 have high prio
default: "medium" #default priority is "medium"
This patch adds a new parameter the affinity. The 'threads' keyword
is used to set the number of threads to start for a family. It can
only be used on family where multiple thread are laucnh in the running
mode. This is mainly the case of the detect threads.
Signed-off-by: Eric Leblond <>
This patch updates affinity setting to add a support for per cpu
priority setting. In exclusive mode a thread is dedicated to a CPU.
This patch adds the ability to set the thread prio for all threads
of a family running on a given CPU.
With this patch we can write
- detect_cpu_set:
cpu: [ "all" ]
mode: "exclusive" # run detect threads in these cpus
low_prio: [ 0 ]
medium_prio: [ "1-2" ]
high_prio: [ 3 ]
With this configuration, detect threads assigned to cpu 0 will
have a low priority. Detect threads on cpus 1 and 2 will have
prio medium...
The previous configuration is equivalent to:
- detect_cpu_set:
cpu: [ "all" ]
mode: "exclusive" # run detect threads in these cpus
low_prio: [ 0 ]
high_prio: [ 3 ]
prio: "medium"
because the prio value is used a default.
Signed-off-by: Eric Leblond <>
This patch implement the setting of each management threads in
the corresponding thread affinity. This is done by modifiying
thread creation function.
Signed-off-by: Eric Leblond <>