This commit updates the bsize documentation
1. Describe what happens when "content" immediately precedes "bsize"
2. Include the operators and
3. Include examples using the operators.
This patch updates the NT status code definition to use the status
definition used on Microsoft documentation website. A first python
script is building JSON object with code definition.
import json
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
ntstatus = requests.get('')
ntstatus_parsed = BeautifulSoup(ntstatus.text, 'html.parser')
ntstatus_parsed = ntstatus_parsed.find('tbody')
ntstatus_dict = {}
for item in ntstatus_parsed.find_all('tr'):
cell = item.find_all('td')
if len(cell) == 0:
code = cell[0].find_all('p')
description_ps = cell[1].find_all('p')
description_list = []
if len(description_ps):
for desc in description_ps:
if not desc.string is None:
description_list.append(desc.string.replace('\n ', ''))
description_list = ['Description not available']
if not code[0].string.lower() in ntstatus_dict:
ntstatus_dict[code[0].string.lower()] = {"text": code[1].string, "desc": ' '.join(description_list)}
The second one is generating the code that is ready to be inserted into the
source file:
import json
ntstatus_file = open('ntstatus.json', 'r')
ntstatus = json.loads(
declaration_format = 'pub const SMB_NT%s:%su32 = %s;\n'
resolution_format = ' SMB_NT%s%s=> "%s",\n'
declaration = ""
resolution = ""
text_max = len(max([ntstatus[x]['text'] for x in ntstatus.keys()], key=len))
for code in ntstatus.keys():
text = ntstatus[code]['text']
text_spaces = ' ' * (4 + text_max - len(text))
declaration += declaration_format % (text, text_spaces, code)
resolution += resolution_format % (text, text_spaces, text)
pub fn smb_ntstatus_string(c: u32) -> String {
match c {
_ => { return (c).to_string(); },
Bug #5412.
This describes briefly what the exception policies are, what is the
engine's behavior, what options are available and to which parts are
they implemented.
Task #5475
Task #5515
While Suri will throw an error if two signatures have the same `sid`
and no `gid`, or same `sid` and same `gid`, it will just accept same
`sid` for different `gid`s.
Related to
Task #5441