Gurvinder Singh
added http_stat_msg keyword support for detection module
15 years ago |
Jason Ish
Add new profiling sort option, maxticks.
15 years ago |
Anoop Saldanha
change the default recursion limit in the code to 3000, the value which we currently have in the conf file. Also change print modifier for printing timeval
15 years ago |
Anoop Saldanha
find an optimal value for detect-engine:inspection-recursion_limit + unittest
15 years ago |
Anoop Saldanha
define a new conf paramter detect-engine:inspection-recursion-limit; Defines a recursion limit for content inspection code
15 years ago |
William Metcalf
compilation fix missing UT ifdef wrapper in reference code
15 years ago |
Victor Julien
Remove stray newline char from profiling output.
15 years ago |
Victor Julien
Clean up output of signature ordering module.
15 years ago |
Victor Julien
Minor reference.config support changes: improve error handling, reduce hash table size.
15 years ago |
Anoop Saldanha
Support for reference.config file
15 years ago |
Anoop Saldanha
code cleanup in detect-reference.c
15 years ago |
Victor Julien
Apply revision 233 and 234 from libhtp to improve memory handling when Suricata runs out of memory.
15 years ago |
Victor Julien
Change mpm hash_size config setting highest to higher as highest wasn't the... highest. Max was higher. Leaving highest as an alias to higher for backwards compatibility.
15 years ago |
Victor Julien
Really add secunia reference support.
15 years ago |
Victor Julien
Add secunia reference pending our reference.config support.
15 years ago |
Anoop Saldanha
add missing sig_app_layer flags for dce sigs
15 years ago |
Victor Julien
Add telus and bid references for etpro.
15 years ago |
Victor Julien
Remove a BUG_ON statement from the payload inspection code.
15 years ago |
Victor Julien
Fix http_method not inspecting all http transactions all the time. Fix proper nocase setting. Switch to pattern scanning only, no more numeric compares as it turned to be incompatible with how the keyword is used (nocase, etc).
15 years ago |
Anoop Saldanha
Print out file name for fast_pattern engine_analysis. Also add some info logs
15 years ago |
Anoop Saldanha
provide separate ids for content, uricontent, http_(client_body_data|cookie|header|method|uri), when they share the same pattern
15 years ago |
Victor Julien
Default to 'single' ctx for ac-gfbs as well.
15 years ago |
Anoop Saldanha
hash fix in staging to differentiate nocase duplicate patterns from case-senstive ones
15 years ago |
Anoop Saldanha
support cases for ac, where we have a single pattern in 2 different sigs, but one that is case-senstive and the other not. Also remove duplicate pids from the output_table
15 years ago |
Anoop Saldanha
change default value for detect-engine.sgh_mpm_context to auto
15 years ago |
Anoop Saldanha
update todos for ac. Cleanup some memory as well.
15 years ago |
Anoop Saldanha
selecting auto for detect-engine.sgh_mpm_context now uses single if the mpm is ac, full otherwise
15 years ago |
Anoop Saldanha
fix hash bug in ac-gfbs. Should reduce the no of patterns added for single context ac-gfbs from a million to a couple of thousands. Also support no case handling. \todo support insertion of final state presence into goto_table and failure table state transitions
15 years ago |
Anoop Saldanha
fix ac nocase handling
15 years ago |
Anoop Saldanha
fix hash generation in b2g and ac addpattern. Brings down the no of patterns added from close to a million to a couple of thousands
15 years ago |
Anoop Saldanha
respect content flags in hash compare function during staging. For example, we would end up ignoring a nocase version of a duplicate content from another sig in the same sgh
15 years ago |
Anoop Saldanha
support single mpm context distribution across sghs in staging. Also see to it that ac works fine with this setup
15 years ago |
Anoop Saldanha
suricata.yaml conf update to support single mpm context distribution over multiple sghs + code to parse this conf
15 years ago |
Anoop Saldanha
fix ac, ac-gfbs to support new changes to util-mpm.h + remove some junk code
15 years ago |
Anoop Saldanha
add comments and todos for ac and ac-gfbs
15 years ago |
Anoop Saldanha
aho-corasick for the cpu. We have 2 versions of ac. The first MPM_AC uses the delta table and the secone one MPM_AC_GFBS uses the goto-failure table
15 years ago |
Victor Julien
Sleep after checking for a thread flag in TmThreadWaitOnThreadInit now that the check is so much cheaper.
15 years ago |
Victor Julien
Fix TmThreadsUnsetFlag not unsetting flag if __sync_fetch_and_nand was used.
15 years ago |
Pablo Rincon
Converting threadvar flags to atomic vars to avoid using the old spinlock
15 years ago |
Anoop Saldanha
throw out contents/uricnotents with invalid hex assembly
15 years ago |
Anoop Saldanha
invalidate sigs with content/uricontent strings ", "boo, boo" + fix parsing content strings of the format content: !\"boom\";"
15 years ago |
Victor Julien
Add comment and layout update to new fast_pattern code.
15 years ago |
Anoop Saldanha
support for fast_pattern only and fast_pattern:offset,length. Also support the new option for engine-analysis
15 years ago |
Anoop Saldanha
fix for bug 227. For negated contents that have been added to mpm we might have pmq.pattern_id_array_cnt as 0. We can't ignore inspecting sigs if this is 0, in case the content added is negated
15 years ago |
Jason Ish
Track the max ticks for each rule.
This is the highest tick count this rule used to evaluate in a single sample.
15 years ago |
Pablo Rincon
Fix asn1 decoder frame oob mem. Adding max stack frames to suricata.yaml
15 years ago |
Victor Julien
Adapt malloc macro's to only display errors during init, not during runtime. At runtime it could make us crawl if the system runs out of memory.
15 years ago |
Victor Julien
Better handle low memory conditions.
15 years ago |
William Metcalf
Doc update for EPEL install link
15 years ago |
Victor Julien
Disable expensive unittests that don't really test anything.
15 years ago |