You can now directly access to docker related command:
qa/ -C # create container
qa/ -s # start container
qa/ -S # stop container
The build option does not change:
qa/prscript.pu -l -d MY_BRANCH # build test of branch MY_BRANCH
This patch is changing the logic when using docker mode. We are
iterating over each builds so we know when one build is over in
the 5 seconds following the event instead of getting the result
when the builds that are checked before are others.
On OISF's build system, the two builds comes out in order so there
is no problem.
This patch change the logic of the Docker buildbot system. The
buildbot configuration is now the one available in qa/docker
This way, developers can test features in docker buildbot that
could require some specific flags to be set. They just need to
edit the buildbot.cfg for instance to enable a new feature.
In the same way, the tested pcap files are the one which are in
the qa/docker/pcaps/ directory. So to test some private ones it is
enough to put them in that directory.
To take into consideration a buildbot.cfg modification or a new
pcap, it is enough to stop and restart the container:
sudo qa/ -l -d -S master
sudo qa/ -l -d -s master
This patch also fixes the container update issue. A local modification
to the buildbot will be kept. It is also fixing the issue when working
on old code that could possibly not support the same build flag as
the one of buildbot. Here the configuration will remains in sync.
You can now create the docker image necessary to run a
suricata builbot in docker. To do that you need to have
docker and python-docker installed on the system.
Then you can go to the qa directory.
You need to run once the creattion procedure:
sudo ./ -C -d master -l
This will create a container named 'suri-buildbot'.
You can start it with:
sudo ./ -s -d master -l
And stop it with:
sudo ./ -S -d master -l
To start a test, you can do:
./ -d my_branch -l
With the current work in progress on docker we need to update the
script to handle this case.
This patch adds two options:
- -d to run in docker mode. In that case the build is started in
the local dockerized buildbot instance
- -l to not test the tested branch synchronization with github.
The -l option allows user to run a complete test without publishing
the code on github and without Internet access.
This script HAS to be used by developer having an account on Suricata
buildbot. It MUST be run before doing a PR. It will trigger a build on
the branch and this will check the validity of the proposed branch.
The cinematic is simple:
- Push branch XXX to github
- Run ' -u USER -p PASSWORD XXX'
- Wait for the result
- If successful, PR can be done