Add sexy information messages to configure output.

Eric Leblond 13 years ago committed by Victor Julien
parent 5ea1b1d15e
commit ef46345792

@ -1214,26 +1214,32 @@ AC_OUTPUT(Makefile src/Makefile qa/Makefile qa/coccinelle/Makefile rules/Makefil
echo "
Suricata Configuration:
NFQueue support: ${enable_nfqueue}
IPFW support: ${enable_ipfw}
PF_RING support: ${enable_pfring}
AF_PACKET support: ${enable_af_packet}
Prelude support: ${enable_prelude}
Unit tests enabled: ${enable_unittests}
Debug output enabled: ${enable_debug}
Debug validation enabled: ${enable_debug_validation}
CUDA enabled: ${enable_cuda}
DAG enabled: ${enable_dag}
Napatech enabled: ${enable_napatech}
Profiling enabled: ${enable_profiling}
GCC Protect enabled: ${enable_gccprotect}
GCC march native enabled: ${enable_gccmarch_native}
GCC Profile enabled: ${enable_gccprofile}
Old barnyard2 support: ${enable_old_barnyard2}
Non-bundled htp: ${enable_non_bundled_htp}
PCRE jit: ${pcre_jit_available}"
NFQueue support: ${enable_nfqueue}
IPFW support: ${enable_ipfw}
PF_RING support: ${enable_pfring}
AF_PACKET support: ${enable_af_packet}
Prelude support: ${enable_prelude}
Unit tests enabled: ${enable_unittests}
Debug output enabled: ${enable_debug}
Debug validation enabled: ${enable_debug_validation}
CUDA enabled: ${enable_cuda}
DAG enabled: ${enable_dag}
Napatech enabled: ${enable_napatech}
Profiling enabled: ${enable_profiling}
Old barnyard2 support: ${enable_old_barnyard2}
Non-bundled htp: ${enable_non_bundled_htp}
PCRE jit: ${pcre_jit_available}
Generic build parameters:
Installation prefix (--prefix): ${prefix}
Configuration directory (--sysconfdir): ${e_sysconfdir}
Log directory (--localstatedir) : ${e_logdir}
Host: ${host}
GCC binary: ${CC}
GCC Protect enabled: ${enable_gccprotect}
GCC march native enabled: ${enable_gccmarch_native}
GCC Profile enabled: ${enable_gccprofile}
echo "
To build and install run 'make' and 'make install'.
You can run 'make install-conf' if you want to install initial configuration files.
You can run 'make install-conf' if you want to install initial configuration files to ${e_sysconfdir}.
Running 'make install-full' will install configuration and rules and provide you a ready-to-run suricata."
