@ -514,6 +514,34 @@ static int SCACTileAddPattern(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, uint8_t *pat, uint16_t patlen,
/* we need the max pat id */
if (pid > ctx->max_pat_id)
ctx->max_pat_id = pid;
p->sids_size = 1;
p->sids = SCMalloc(p->sids_size * sizeof(uint32_t));
BUG_ON(p->sids == NULL);
p->sids[0] = sid;
//SCLogInfo("MPM added %u:%u", pid, sid);
} else {
/* TODO figure out how we can be called multiple times for the same CTX with the same sid */
int found = 0;
uint32_t x = 0;
for (x = 0; x < p->sids_size; x++) {
if (p->sids[x] == sid) {
found = 1;
if (!found) {
uint32_t *sids = SCRealloc(p->sids, (sizeof(uint32_t) * (p->sids_size + 1)));
BUG_ON(sids == NULL);
p->sids = sids;
p->sids[p->sids_size] = sid;
//SCLogInfo("p->sids_size %u", p->sids_size);
//SCLogInfo("MPM added %u:%u (append)", pid, sid);
} else {
//SCLogInfo("rule %u already part of pid %u", sid, pid);
return 0;
@ -1236,6 +1264,11 @@ int SCACTilePreparePatterns(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx)
ctx->pid_pat_list[ctx->parray[i]->id].patlen = len;
string_space += space;
/* ACPatternList now owns this memory */
//SCLogInfo("ctx->parray[i]->sids_size %u", ctx->parray[i]->sids_size);
ctx->pid_pat_list[ctx->parray[i]->id].sids_size = ctx->parray[i]->sids_size;
ctx->pid_pat_list[ctx->parray[i]->id].sids = ctx->parray[i]->sids;
/* prepare the state table required by AC */
@ -1359,8 +1392,39 @@ static void SCACTileDestroyInitCtx(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx)
ctx->parray = NULL;
if (ctx->state_table != NULL) {
mpm_ctx->memory_size -= (ctx->state_count *
ctx->bytes_per_state * ctx->alphabet_storage);
if (ctx->output_table != NULL) {
int state;
for (state = 0; state < ctx->state_count; state++) {
if (ctx->output_table[state].pids != NULL) {
if (ctx->pid_pat_list != NULL) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (ctx->max_pat_id + 1); i++) {
if (ctx->pid_pat_list[i].cs != NULL)
if (ctx->pid_pat_list[i].sids != NULL)
search_ctx->init_ctx = NULL;
mpm_ctx->memory_size -= sizeof(SCACTileCtx);
@ -1403,13 +1467,13 @@ void SCACTileDestroyCtx(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx)
int CheckMatch(SCACTileSearchCtx *ctx, PatternMatcherQueue *pmq,
uint8_t *buf, uint16_t buflen,
uint16_t state, int i, int matches)
uint16_t state, int i, int matches, uint8_t *bitarray)
SCACTilePatternList *pid_pat_list = ctx->pid_pat_list;
uint8_t *buf_offset = buf + i + 1; // Lift out of loop
uint32_t no_of_entries = ctx->output_table[state].no_of_entries;
uint32_t *pids = ctx->output_table[state].pids;
uint8_t *bitarray = pmq->pattern_id_bitarray;
uint8_t *pmq_bitarray = pmq->pattern_id_bitarray;
uint32_t k;
/* Where to start storing new patterns */
@ -1429,7 +1493,15 @@ int CheckMatch(SCACTileSearchCtx *ctx, PatternMatcherQueue *pmq,
} else {
bitarray[(lower_pid) / 8] |= (1 << ((lower_pid) % 8));
pmq_bitarray[(lower_pid) / 8] |= (1 << ((lower_pid) % 8));
*new_pattern++ = lower_pid;
// Add SIDs for this pattern
// TODO - Keep local pointer to update.
uint32_t x;
for (x = 0; x < pid_pat_list[lower_pid].sids_size; x++) {
pmq->rule_id_array[pmq->rule_id_array_cnt++] = pid_pat_list[lower_pid].sids[x];
@ -1476,6 +1548,9 @@ uint32_t SCACTileSearchLarge(SCACTileSearchCtx *ctx, MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ct
SCACTilePatternList *pid_pat_list = ctx->pid_pat_list;
uint8_t bitarray[pmq->pattern_id_array_size];
memset(&bitarray, 0, pmq->pattern_id_array_size);
uint8_t* restrict xlate = ctx->translate_table;
register int state = 0;
int32_t (*state_table_u32)[256] = ctx->state_table;
@ -1493,22 +1568,31 @@ uint32_t SCACTileSearchLarge(SCACTileSearchCtx *ctx, MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ct
/* inside loop */
if (pmq->pattern_id_bitarray[(pids[k] & 0x0000FFFF) / 8] &
(1 << ((pids[k] & 0x0000FFFF) % 8))) {
if (bitarray[(pids[k] & 0x0000FFFF) / 8] & (1 << ((pids[k] & 0x0000FFFF) % 8))) {
} else {
bitarray[(pids[k] & 0x0000FFFF) / 8] |= (1 << ((pids[k] & 0x0000FFFF) % 8));
pmq->pattern_id_bitarray[(pids[k] & 0x0000FFFF) / 8] |=
(1 << ((pids[k] & 0x0000FFFF) % 8));
pmq->pattern_id_array[pmq->pattern_id_array_cnt++] =
pids[k] & 0x0000FFFF;
uint32_t x;
for (x = 0; x < pid_pat_list[pids[k] & 0x0000FFFF].sids_size; x++) {
pmq->rule_id_array[pmq->rule_id_array_cnt++] = pid_pat_list[pids[k] & 0x0000FFFF].sids[x];
} else {
if (pmq->pattern_id_bitarray[pids[k] / 8] & (1 << (pids[k] % 8))) {
if (bitarray[pids[k] / 8] & (1 << (pids[k] % 8))) {
} else {
bitarray[pids[k] / 8] |= (1 << (pids[k] % 8));
pmq->pattern_id_bitarray[pids[k] / 8] |= (1 << (pids[k] % 8));
pmq->pattern_id_array[pmq->pattern_id_array_cnt++] = pids[k];
uint32_t x;
for (x = 0; x < pid_pat_list[pids[k]].sids_size; x++) {
pmq->rule_id_array[pmq->rule_id_array_cnt++] = pid_pat_list[pids[k]].sids[x];