@ -71,6 +71,8 @@
# include "output-flow.h"
# include "util-validate.h"
# include "runmode-unix-socket.h"
/* Run mode selected at suricata.c */
extern int run_mode ;
@ -481,22 +483,34 @@ static uint32_t FlowTimeoutHash(FlowManagerTimeoutThread *td,
return cnt ;
static uint32_t FlowTimeoutHashInChunks ( FlowManagerTimeoutThread * td ,
struct timeval * ts ,
const uint32_t hash_min , const uint32_t hash_max ,
FlowTimeoutCounters * counters , uint32_t iter , const uint32_t chunks )
/** \internal
* \ brief handle timeout for a slice of hash rows
* If we wrap around we call FlowTimeoutHash twice */
static uint32_t FlowTimeoutHashInChunks ( FlowManagerTimeoutThread * td , struct timeval * ts ,
const uint32_t hash_min , const uint32_t hash_max , FlowTimeoutCounters * counters ,
const uint32_t rows , uint32_t * pos )
const uint32_t rows = hash_max - hash_min ;
const uint32_t chunk_size = rows / chunks ;
const uint32_t min = iter * chunk_size + hash_min ;
uint32_t max = min + chunk_size ;
/* we start at beginning of hash at next iteration so let's check
* hash till the end */
if ( iter + 1 = = chunks ) {
max = hash_max ;
uint32_t start = 0 ;
uint32_t end = 0 ;
uint32_t cnt = 0 ;
uint32_t rows_left = rows ;
again :
start = hash_min + ( * pos ) ;
if ( start > = hash_max ) {
start = hash_min ;
end = start + rows_left ;
if ( end > hash_max ) {
end = hash_max ;
* pos = ( end = = hash_max ) ? hash_min : end ;
rows_left = rows_left - ( end - start ) ;
cnt + = FlowTimeoutHash ( td , ts , start , end , counters ) ;
if ( rows_left ) {
goto again ;
const uint32_t cnt = FlowTimeoutHash ( td , ts , min , max , counters ) ;
return cnt ;
@ -614,6 +628,9 @@ typedef struct FlowCounters_ {
uint16_t flow_bypassed_cnt_clo ;
uint16_t flow_bypassed_pkts ;
uint16_t flow_bypassed_bytes ;
uint16_t memcap_pressure ;
uint16_t memcap_pressure_max ;
} FlowCounters ;
typedef struct FlowManagerThreadData_ {
@ -648,6 +665,9 @@ static void FlowCountersInit(ThreadVars *t, FlowCounters *fc)
fc - > flow_bypassed_cnt_clo = StatsRegisterCounter ( " flow_bypassed.closed " , t ) ;
fc - > flow_bypassed_pkts = StatsRegisterCounter ( " flow_bypassed.pkts " , t ) ;
fc - > flow_bypassed_bytes = StatsRegisterCounter ( " flow_bypassed.bytes " , t ) ;
fc - > memcap_pressure = StatsRegisterCounter ( " memcap_pressure " , t ) ;
fc - > memcap_pressure_max = StatsRegisterMaxCounter ( " memcap_pressure_max " , t ) ;
static TmEcode FlowManagerThreadInit ( ThreadVars * t , const void * initdata , void * * data )
@ -710,6 +730,42 @@ static uint32_t FlowTimeoutsMin(void)
//#define FM_PROFILE
static void GetWorkUnitSizing ( const uint32_t pass_in_sec , const uint32_t rows , const uint32_t mp ,
const bool emergency , uint64_t * wu_sleep , uint32_t * wu_rows )
if ( emergency ) {
* wu_rows = rows ;
* wu_sleep = 250 ;
return ;
uint32_t full_pass_in_ms = pass_in_sec * 1000 ;
float perc = MIN ( ( ( ( float ) ( 100 - mp ) / ( float ) 100 ) ) , 1 ) ;
full_pass_in_ms * = perc ;
full_pass_in_ms = MAX ( full_pass_in_ms , 333 ) ;
uint32_t work_unit_ms = 999 * perc ;
work_unit_ms = MAX ( work_unit_ms , 250 ) ;
uint32_t wus_per_full_pass = full_pass_in_ms / work_unit_ms ;
uint32_t rows_per_wu = MAX ( 1 , rows / wus_per_full_pass ) ;
uint32_t rows_process_cost = rows_per_wu / 1000 ; // est 1usec per row
int32_t sleep_per_wu = work_unit_ms - rows_process_cost ;
sleep_per_wu = MAX ( sleep_per_wu , 10 ) ;
#if 0
float passes_sec = 1000.0 / ( float ) full_pass_in_ms ;
SCLogNotice ( " full_pass_in_ms %u perc %f rows %u "
" wus_per_full_pass %u rows_per_wu %u work_unit_ms %u sleep_per_wu %u => passes/s %f rows/s %u " ,
full_pass_in_ms , perc , rows ,
wus_per_full_pass , rows_per_wu , work_unit_ms , ( uint32_t ) sleep_per_wu ,
passes_sec , ( uint32_t ) ( ( float ) rows * passes_sec ) ) ;
# endif
* wu_sleep = sleep_per_wu ;
* wu_rows = rows_per_wu ;
/** \brief Thread that manages the flow table and times out flows.
* \ param td ThreadVars casted to void ptr
@ -724,7 +780,6 @@ static TmEcode FlowManager(ThreadVars *th_v, void *thread_data)
bool emerg = false ;
bool prev_emerg = false ;
uint32_t other_last_sec = 0 ; /**< last sec stamp when defrag etc ran */
uint32_t flow_last_sec = 0 ;
/* VJ leaving disabled for now, as hosts are only used by tags and the numbers
* are really low . Might confuse ppl
uint16_t flow_mgr_host_prune = StatsRegisterCounter ( " hosts.pruned " , th_v ) ;
@ -732,12 +787,6 @@ static TmEcode FlowManager(ThreadVars *th_v, void *thread_data)
uint16_t flow_mgr_host_spare = StatsRegisterCounter ( " hosts.spare " , th_v ) ;
memset ( & ts , 0 , sizeof ( ts ) ) ;
uint32_t hash_passes = 0 ;
# ifdef FM_PROFILE
uint32_t hash_row_checks = 0 ;
uint32_t hash_passes_chunks = 0 ;
# endif
uint32_t hash_full_passes = 0 ;
const uint32_t min_timeout = FlowTimeoutsMin ( ) ;
const uint32_t pass_in_sec = min_timeout ? min_timeout * 8 : 60 ;
@ -766,9 +815,19 @@ static TmEcode FlowManager(ThreadVars *th_v, void *thread_data)
memset ( & startts , 0 , sizeof ( startts ) ) ;
gettimeofday ( & startts , NULL ) ;
uint32_t hash_pass_iter = 0 ;
uint32_t emerg_over_cnt = 0 ;
uint64_t next_run_ms = 0 ;
const uint32_t rows = ftd - > max - ftd - > min ;
uint32_t pos = 0 ;
uint32_t rows_per_wu = 0 ;
uint64_t sleep_per_wu = 0 ;
uint32_t mp = MemcapsGetPressure ( ) * 100 ;
if ( ftd - > instance = = 0 ) {
StatsSetUI64 ( th_v , ftd - > cnt . memcap_pressure , mp ) ;
StatsSetUI64 ( th_v , ftd - > cnt . memcap_pressure_max , mp ) ;
GetWorkUnitSizing ( pass_in_sec , rows , mp , emerg , & sleep_per_wu , & rows_per_wu ) ;
while ( 1 )
@ -805,7 +864,6 @@ static TmEcode FlowManager(ThreadVars *th_v, void *thread_data)
TimeGet ( & ts ) ;
SCLogDebug ( " ts % " PRIdMAX " " , ( intmax_t ) ts . tv_sec ) ;
const uint64_t ts_ms = ts . tv_sec * 1000 + ts . tv_usec / 1000 ;
const uint32_t rt = ( uint32_t ) ts . tv_sec ;
const bool emerge_p = ( emerg & & ! prev_emerg ) ;
if ( emerge_p ) {
next_run_ms = 0 ;
@ -822,7 +880,6 @@ static TmEcode FlowManager(ThreadVars *th_v, void *thread_data)
FlowSparePoolUpdate ( sq_len ) ;
const uint32_t secs_passed = rt - flow_last_sec ;
/* try to time out flows */
FlowTimeoutCounters counters = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ;
@ -830,34 +887,18 @@ static TmEcode FlowManager(ThreadVars *th_v, void *thread_data)
if ( emerg ) {
/* in emergency mode, do a full pass of the hash table */
FlowTimeoutHash ( & ftd - > timeout , & ts , ftd - > min , ftd - > max , & counters ) ;
hash_passes + + ;
hash_full_passes + + ;
hash_passes + + ;
# ifdef FM_PROFILE
hash_passes_chunks + = 1 ;
hash_row_checks + = counters . rows_checked ;
# endif
StatsIncr ( th_v , ftd - > cnt . flow_mgr_full_pass ) ;
} else {
/* non-emergency mode: scan part of the hash */
const uint32_t chunks = MIN ( secs_passed , pass_in_sec ) ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < chunks ; i + + ) {
FlowTimeoutHashInChunks ( & ftd - > timeout , & ts , ftd - > min , ftd - > max ,
& counters , hash_pass_iter , pass_in_sec ) ;
hash_pass_iter + + ;
if ( hash_pass_iter = = pass_in_sec ) {
hash_pass_iter = 0 ;
hash_full_passes + + ;
StatsIncr ( th_v , ftd - > cnt . flow_mgr_full_pass ) ;
SCLogDebug ( " hash %u:%u slice starting at %u with %u rows " , ftd - > min , ftd - > max , pos ,
rows_per_wu ) ;
const uint32_t ppos = pos ;
FlowTimeoutHashInChunks (
& ftd - > timeout , & ts , ftd - > min , ftd - > max , & counters , rows_per_wu , & pos ) ;
if ( ppos > pos ) {
StatsIncr ( th_v , ftd - > cnt . flow_mgr_full_pass ) ;
hash_passes + + ;
# ifdef FM_PROFILE
hash_row_checks + = counters . rows_checked ;
hash_passes_chunks + = chunks ;
# endif
flow_last_sec = rt ;
StatsAddUI64 ( th_v , flow_mgr_host_prune , ( uint64_t ) hosts_pruned ) ;
@ -891,54 +932,58 @@ static TmEcode FlowManager(ThreadVars *th_v, void *thread_data)
* clear emergency bit if we have at least xx flows pruned . */
uint32_t len = FlowSpareGetPoolSize ( ) ;
StatsSetUI64 ( th_v , ftd - > cnt . flow_mgr_spare , ( uint64_t ) len ) ;
if ( emerg = = true ) {
SCLogDebug ( " flow_sparse_q.len = % " PRIu32 " prealloc: % " PRIu32
" flow_spare_q status: % " PRIu32 " %% flows at the queue " ,
len , flow_config . prealloc , len * 100 / flow_config . prealloc ) ;
/* only if we have pruned this "emergency_recovery" percentage
* of flows , we will unset the emergency bit */
if ( len * 100 / flow_config . prealloc > flow_config . emergency_recovery ) {
emerg_over_cnt + + ;
} else {
emerg_over_cnt = 0 ;
/* only if we have pruned this "emergency_recovery" percentage
* of flows , we will unset the emergency bit */
if ( len * 100 / flow_config . prealloc > flow_config . emergency_recovery ) {
emerg_over_cnt + + ;
} else {
emerg_over_cnt = 0 ;
if ( emerg_over_cnt > = 30 ) {
SC_ATOMIC_AND ( flow_flags , ~ FLOW_EMERGENCY ) ;
FlowTimeoutsReset ( ) ;
emerg = false ;
prev_emerg = false ;
emerg_over_cnt = 0 ;
SCLogNotice ( " Flow emergency mode over, back to normal... unsetting "
" FLOW_EMERGENCY bit (ts.tv_sec: % " PRIuMAX " , "
" ts.tv_usec:% " PRIuMAX " ) flow_spare_q status(): % " PRIu32
" %% flows at the queue " ,
( uintmax_t ) ts . tv_sec , ( uintmax_t ) ts . tv_usec ,
len * 100 / flow_config . prealloc ) ;
StatsIncr ( th_v , ftd - > cnt . flow_emerg_mode_over ) ;
if ( emerg_over_cnt > = 30 ) {
SC_ATOMIC_AND ( flow_flags , ~ FLOW_EMERGENCY ) ;
FlowTimeoutsReset ( ) ;
emerg = false ;
prev_emerg = false ;
emerg_over_cnt = 0 ;
hash_pass_iter = 0 ;
SCLogNotice ( " Flow emergency mode over, back to normal... unsetting "
" FLOW_EMERGENCY bit (ts.tv_sec: % " PRIuMAX " , "
" ts.tv_usec:% " PRIuMAX " ) flow_spare_q status(): % " PRIu32
" %% flows at the queue " , ( uintmax_t ) ts . tv_sec ,
( uintmax_t ) ts . tv_usec , len * 100 / flow_config . prealloc ) ;
StatsIncr ( th_v , ftd - > cnt . flow_emerg_mode_over ) ;
/* update work units */
mp = MemcapsGetPressure ( ) * 100 ;
if ( ftd - > instance = = 0 ) {
StatsSetUI64 ( th_v , ftd - > cnt . memcap_pressure , mp ) ;
StatsSetUI64 ( th_v , ftd - > cnt . memcap_pressure_max , mp ) ;
next_run_ms = ts_ms + 667 ;
if ( emerg )
next_run_ms = ts_ms + 250 ;
if ( flow_last_sec = = 0 ) {
flow_last_sec = rt ;
GetWorkUnitSizing ( pass_in_sec , rows , mp , emerg , & sleep_per_wu , & rows_per_wu ) ;
if ( ftd - > instance = = 0 & &
( other_last_sec = = 0 | | other_last_sec < ( uint32_t ) ts . tv_sec ) ) {
DefragTimeoutHash ( & ts ) ;
//uint32_t hosts_pruned =
HostTimeoutHash ( & ts ) ;
IPPairTimeoutHash ( & ts ) ;
HttpRangeContainersTimeoutHash ( & ts ) ;
other_last_sec = ( uint32_t ) ts . tv_sec ;
next_run_ms = ts_ms + sleep_per_wu ;
if ( other_last_sec = = 0 | | other_last_sec < ( uint32_t ) ts . tv_sec ) {
if ( ftd - > instance = = 0 ) {
DefragTimeoutHash ( & ts ) ;
// uint32_t hosts_pruned =
HostTimeoutHash ( & ts ) ;
IPPairTimeoutHash ( & ts ) ;
HttpRangeContainersTimeoutHash ( & ts ) ;
other_last_sec = ( uint32_t ) ts . tv_sec ;
# ifdef FM_PROFILE
struct timeval run_endts ;
@ -981,11 +1026,6 @@ static TmEcode FlowManager(ThreadVars *th_v, void *thread_data)
established_cnt , closing_cnt ) ;
# ifdef FM_PROFILE
SCLogNotice ( " hash passes %u avg chunks %u full %u rows %u (rows/s %u) " ,
hash_passes , hash_passes_chunks / ( hash_passes ? hash_passes : 1 ) ,
hash_full_passes , hash_row_checks ,
hash_row_checks / ( ( uint32_t ) active . tv_sec ? ( uint32_t ) active . tv_sec : 1 ) ) ;
gettimeofday ( & endts , NULL ) ;
struct timeval total_run_time ;
timersub ( & endts , & startts , & total_run_time ) ;