changelog: update for 3.2.1 release

pull/2531/merge suricata-3.2.1
Victor Julien 8 years ago
parent 71710f088e
commit e072a10f64

@ -1,3 +1,36 @@
3.2.1 -- 2017-02-15
Feature #1951: Allow building without libmagic/file
Feature #1972: SURICATA ICMPv6 unknown type 143 for MLDv2 report
Feature #2010: Suricata should confirm SSSE3 presence at runtime when built with Hyperscan support
Bug #467: compilation with unittests & debug validation
Bug #1780: VLAN tags not forwarded in afpacket inline mode
Bug #1827: Mpm AC fails to alloc memory
Bug #1843: Mpm Ac: int overflow during init
Bug #1887: pcap-log sets snaplen to -1
Bug #1946: can't get response info in some situation
Bug #1973: suricata fails to start because of unix socket
Bug #1975: hostbits/xbits memory leak
Bug #1982: tls: invalid record event triggers on valid traffic
Bug #1984: http: protocol detection issue if both sides are malformed
Bug #1985: pcap-log: minor memory leaks
Bug #1987: log-pcap: pcap files created with invalid snaplen
Bug #1988: tls_cert_subject bug
Bug #1989: SMTP protocol detection is case sensitive
Bug #1991: Suricata cannot parse ports: "![1234, 1235]"
Bug #1997: tls-store: bug that cause Suricata to crash
Bug #2001: Handling of unsolicited DNS responses.
Bug #2003: BUG_ON body sometimes contains side-effectual code
Bug #2004: Invalid file hash computation when force-hash is used
Bug #2005: Incoherent sizes between request, capture and http length
Bug #2007: smb: protocol detection just checks toserver
Bug #2008: Suricata 3.2, pcap-log no longer works due to timestamp_pattern PCRE
Bug #2009: Suricata is unable to get offloading settings when run under non-root
Bug #2012: dns.log does not log unanswered queries
Bug #2017: EVE Log Missing Fields
Bug #2019: IPv4 defrag evasion issue
Bug #2022: dns: out of bound memory read
3.2 -- 2016-12-01
Bug #1117: PCAP file count does not persist
