fix ac nocase handling

Anoop Saldanha 15 years ago committed by Victor Julien
parent 174048544d
commit ded1f63323

@ -391,6 +391,10 @@ static int SCACAddPattern(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, uint8_t *pat, uint16_t patlen,
if (mpm_ctx->minlen > patlen)
mpm_ctx->minlen = patlen;
/* we need the max pat id */
if (pid > ctx->max_pat_id)
ctx->max_pat_id = pid;
return 0;
@ -527,7 +531,7 @@ static inline void SCACCreateGotoTable(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx)
/* add each pattern to create the goto table */
for (i = 0; i < mpm_ctx->pattern_cnt; i++) {
SCACEnter(ctx->parray[i]->cs, ctx->parray[i]->len,
SCACEnter(ctx->parray[i]->ci, ctx->parray[i]->len,
ctx->parray[i]->id, mpm_ctx);
@ -839,6 +843,27 @@ static inline void SCACClubOutputStatePresenceWithDeltaTable(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx)
static inline void SCACInsertCaseSensitiveEntriesForPatterns(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx)
SCACCtx *ctx = (SCACCtx *)mpm_ctx->ctx;
uint32_t state = 0;
uint32_t k = 0;
for (state = 0; state < ctx->state_count; state++) {
if (ctx->output_table[state].no_of_entries == 0)
for (k = 0; k < ctx->output_table[state].no_of_entries; k++) {
if (ctx->pid_pat_list[ctx->output_table[state].pids[k]].cs != NULL) {
ctx->output_table[state].pids[k] &= 0x0000FFFF;
ctx->output_table[state].pids[k] |= 1 << 16;
#if 0
static void SCACPrintDeltaTable(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx)
@ -880,6 +905,9 @@ static inline void SCACPrepareStateTable(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx)
/* club the output state presence with delta transition entries */
/* club nocase entries */
#if 0
@ -935,6 +963,32 @@ int SCACPreparePatterns(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx)
/* the memory consumed by a single state in our goto table */
ctx->single_state_size = sizeof(int32_t) * 256;
/* handle no case patterns */
ctx->pid_pat_list = malloc((ctx->max_pat_id + 1)* sizeof(SCACPatternList));
if (ctx->pid_pat_list == NULL) {
SCLogError(SC_ERR_MEM_ALLOC, "Error allocating memory");
memset(ctx->pid_pat_list, 0, (ctx->max_pat_id + 1) * sizeof(SCACPatternList));
for (i = 0; i < mpm_ctx->pattern_cnt; i++) {
if (ctx->parray[i]->flags & MPM_PATTERN_FLAG_NOCASE) {
} else {
if (memcmp(ctx->parray[i]->original_pat, ctx->parray[i]->ci,
ctx->parray[i]->len) != 0) {
ctx->pid_pat_list[ctx->parray[i]->id].cs = malloc(ctx->parray[i]->len);
if (ctx->pid_pat_list[ctx->parray[i]->id].cs == NULL) {
SCLogError(SC_ERR_MEM_ALLOC, "Error allocating memory");
ctx->parray[i]->original_pat, ctx->parray[i]->len);
ctx->pid_pat_list[ctx->parray[i]->id].patlen = ctx->parray[i]->len;
/* prepare the state table required by AC */
@ -1111,6 +1165,7 @@ uint32_t SCACSearch(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx,
SCACCtx *ctx = (SCACCtx *)mpm_ctx->ctx;
int i = 0;
int matches = 0;
int j = 0;
if (ctx->state_count < 65536) {
/* \todo tried loop unrolling with register var, with no perf increase. Need
@ -1118,12 +1173,24 @@ uint32_t SCACSearch(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx,
/* \todo Change it for stateful MPM. Supply the state using mpm_thread_ctx */
register SC_AC_STATE_TYPE_U16 state = 0;
for (i = 0; i < buflen; i++) {
state = ctx->state_table_u16[state][buf[i]];
state = ctx->state_table_u16[state][u8_tolower(buf[i])];
if (ctx->output_table[state].no_of_entries != 0) {
uint32_t k = 0;
for (k = 0; k < ctx->output_table[state].no_of_entries; k++) {
matches += MpmVerifyMatch(mpm_thread_ctx, pmq,
uint32_t no_of_entries = ctx->output_table[state].no_of_entries;
uint32_t *pids = ctx->output_table[state].pids;
for (k = 0; k < no_of_entries; k++) {
if (pids[k] & 0xFFFF0000) {
int ibuf = i;
for (j = ctx->pid_pat_list[pids[k] & 0x0000FFFF].patlen - 1; j >= 0; j--, ibuf--) {
if (buf[ibuf] != ctx->pid_pat_list[pids[k] & 0x0000FFFF].cs[j])
goto loop;
matches += MpmVerifyMatch(mpm_thread_ctx, pmq, pids[k] & 0x0000FFFF);
} else {
matches += MpmVerifyMatch(mpm_thread_ctx, pmq, pids[k]);
} /* for (i = 0; i < buflen; i++) */
@ -1134,20 +1201,31 @@ uint32_t SCACSearch(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx,
SC_AC_STATE_TYPE_U32 (*state_table_u32)[256] = ctx->state_table_u32;
register SC_AC_STATE_TYPE_U32 state = 0;
for (i = 0; i < buflen; i++) {
state = state_table_u32[state & 0x00FFFFFF][buf[i]];
state = state_table_u32[state & 0x00FFFFFF][u8_tolower(buf[i])];
if (state & 0xFF000000) {
uint32_t no_of_entries = ctx->output_table[state & 0x00FFFFFF].no_of_entries;
uint32_t *pids = ctx->output_table[state & 0x00FFFFFF].pids;
uint32_t k;
for (k = 0; k < no_of_entries; k++) {
if (pmq->pattern_id_bitarray[pids[k] / 8] & (1 << (pids[k] % 8))) {
if (pids[k] & 0xFFFF0000) {
int ibuf = i;
for (j = ctx->pid_pat_list[pids[k] & 0x0000FFFF].patlen - 1; j >= 0; j--, ibuf--) {
if (buf[ibuf] != ctx->pid_pat_list[pids[k] & 0x0000FFFF].cs[j])
goto loop1;
matches += MpmVerifyMatch(mpm_thread_ctx, pmq, pids[k] & 0x0000FFFF);
} else {
pmq->pattern_id_bitarray[pids[k] / 8] |= (1 << (pids[k] % 8));
pmq->pattern_id_array[pmq->pattern_id_array_cnt++] = pids[k];
if (pmq->pattern_id_bitarray[pids[k] / 8] & (1 << (pids[k] % 8))) {
} else {
pmq->pattern_id_bitarray[pids[k] / 8] |= (1 << (pids[k] % 8));
pmq->pattern_id_array[pmq->pattern_id_array_cnt++] = pids[k];
matches += no_of_entries;
} /* for (i = 0; i < buflen; i++) */
} /* else - if (ctx->state_count < 65536) */
@ -2016,7 +2094,7 @@ static int SCACTest25(void)
SCACAddPatternCI(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"ABCD", 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
SCACAddPatternCI(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"bCdEfG", 6, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
SCACAddPatternCI(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"fghJikl", 7, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0);
SCACAddPatternCI(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"fghiJkl", 7, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0);

@ -42,6 +42,11 @@ typedef struct SCACPattern_ {
struct SCACPattern_ *next;
} SCACPattern;
typedef struct SCACPatternList_ {
uint8_t *cs;
uint16_t patlen;
} SCACPatternList;
typedef struct SCACOutputTable_ {
/* list of pattern sids */
uint32_t *pids;
@ -68,9 +73,11 @@ typedef struct SCACCtx_ {
int32_t (*goto_table)[256];
int32_t *failure_table;
SCACOutputTable *output_table;
SCACPatternList *pid_pat_list;
/* the size of each state */
uint16_t single_state_size;
uint16_t max_pat_id;
} SCACCtx;
typedef struct SCACThreadCtx_ {
