@ -247,6 +247,20 @@ ConfGet(char *name, char **vptr)
int ConfGetChildValue ( ConfNode * base , char * name , char * * vptr )
ConfNode * node = ConfNodeLookupChild ( base , name ) ;
if ( node = = NULL ) {
SCLogDebug ( " failed to lookup configuration parameter '%s' " , name ) ;
return 0 ;
else {
* vptr = node - > val ;
return 1 ;
* \ brief Retrieve a configuration value as an integer .
@ -278,6 +292,28 @@ ConfGetInt(char *name, intmax_t *val)
return 1 ;
int ConfGetChildValueInt ( ConfNode * base , char * name , intmax_t * val )
char * strval ;
intmax_t tmpint ;
char * endptr ;
if ( ConfGetChildValue ( base , name , & strval ) = = 0 )
return 0 ;
errno = 0 ;
tmpint = strtoimax ( strval , & endptr , 0 ) ;
if ( strval [ 0 ] = = ' \0 ' | | * endptr ! = ' \0 ' )
return 0 ;
if ( errno = = ERANGE & & ( tmpint = = INTMAX_MAX | | tmpint = = INTMAX_MIN ) )
return 0 ;
* val = tmpint ;
return 1 ;
* \ brief Retrieve a configuration value as an boolen .
@ -302,6 +338,23 @@ ConfGetBool(char *name, int *val)
return 1 ;
int ConfGetChildValueBool ( ConfNode * base , char * name , int * val )
char * strval ;
* val = 0 ;
if ( ConfGetChildValue ( base , name , & strval ) = = 0 )
return 0 ;
* val = ConfValIsTrue ( strval ) ;
* val = ConfValIsTrue ( strval ) ;
return 1 ;
* \ brief Check if a value is true .
@ -560,6 +613,32 @@ ConfNodeLookupChildValue(ConfNode *node, const char *name)
return NULL ;
* \ brief Lookup for a key value under a specific node
* \ return the ConfNode matching or NULL
ConfNode * ConfNodeLookupKeyValue ( ConfNode * base , const char * key , const char * value )
ConfNode * child ;
TAILQ_FOREACH ( child , & base - > head , next ) {
SCLogWarning ( SC_ERR_MEM_ALLOC , " conf:found one child %s:%s " , child - > name , child - > val ) ;
if ( ! strncmp ( child - > val , key , sizeof ( child - > val ) ) ) {
ConfNode * subchild ;
TAILQ_FOREACH ( subchild , & child - > head , next ) {
if ( ( ! strcmp ( subchild - > name , key ) ) & & ( ! strcmp ( subchild - > val , value ) ) ) {
SCLogWarning ( SC_ERR_MEM_ALLOC , " was looking for %s:%s " , subchild - > name , subchild - > val ) ;
return child ;
return NULL ;
* \ brief Test if a configuration node has a true value .