@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
# include "tm-modules.h"
# include "output.h"
# include "output-tx.h"
# include "stream.h"
# include "app-layer.h"
# include "app-layer-parser.h"
# include "util-profiling.h"
@ -384,13 +385,21 @@ static TmEcode OutputTxLog(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, void *thread_data)
uint64_t max_id = tx_id ;
int logged = 0 ;
int gap = 0 ;
const bool file_logging_active = ( op_thread_data - > file | | op_thread_data - > filedata ) ;
const bool support_files = AppLayerParserSupportsFiles ( p - > proto , alproto ) ;
const uint8_t pkt_dir = STREAM_FLAGS_FOR_PACKET ( p ) ;
SCLogDebug ( " tx_id % " PRIu64 " total_txs % " PRIu64 , tx_id , total_txs ) ;
SCLogDebug ( " pcap_cnt % " PRIu64 " : tx_id % " PRIu64 " total_txs % " PRIu64 , p - > pcap_cnt , tx_id ,
total_txs ) ;
AppLayerGetTxIteratorFunc IterFunc = AppLayerGetTxIterator ( ipproto , alproto ) ;
AppLayerGetTxIterState state ;
memset ( & state , 0 , sizeof ( state ) ) ;
const int complete_ts =
AppLayerParserGetStateProgressCompletionStatus ( alproto , STREAM_TOSERVER ) ;
const int complete_tc =
AppLayerParserGetStateProgressCompletionStatus ( alproto , STREAM_TOCLIENT ) ;
while ( 1 ) {
AppLayerGetTxIterTuple ires = IterFunc ( ipproto , alproto , alstate , tx_id , total_txs , & state ) ;
if ( ires . tx_ptr = = NULL )
@ -403,35 +412,57 @@ static TmEcode OutputTxLog(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, void *thread_data)
AppLayerParserGetStateProgress ( p - > proto , alproto , tx , ts_disrupt_flags ) ;
const int tx_progress_tc =
AppLayerParserGetStateProgress ( p - > proto , alproto , tx , tc_disrupt_flags ) ;
const bool tx_complete = ( tx_progress_ts = = AppLayerParserGetStateProgressCompletionStatus (
alproto , STREAM_TOSERVER ) & &
tx_progress_tc = = AppLayerParserGetStateProgressCompletionStatus (
alproto , STREAM_TOCLIENT ) ) ;
const bool ts_ready = tx_progress_ts = = AppLayerParserGetStateProgressCompletionStatus (
alproto , STREAM_TOSERVER ) ;
const bool tc_ready = tx_progress_tc = = AppLayerParserGetStateProgressCompletionStatus (
alproto , STREAM_TOCLIENT ) ;
SCLogDebug ( " ts_ready %d tc_ready %d " , ts_ready , tc_ready ) ;
const bool tx_complete = ( tx_progress_ts = = complete_ts & & tx_progress_tc = = complete_tc ) ;
SCLogDebug ( " file_thread_data %p filedata_thread_data %p " , op_thread_data - > file ,
op_thread_data - > filedata ) ;
AppLayerTxData * txd = AppLayerParserGetTxData ( ipproto , alproto , tx ) ;
if ( txd & & ( op_thread_data - > file | | op_thread_data - > filedata ) & &
AppLayerParserSupportsFiles ( p - > proto , alproto ) ) {
OutputTxLogFiles ( tv , op_thread_data - > file , op_thread_data - > filedata , p , f , tx , tx_id ,
txd , tx_complete , ts_ready , tc_ready , ts_eof , tc_eof , eof ) ;
if ( txd )
SCLogDebug ( " logger: expect %08x, have %08x " , logger_expectation , txd - > logged . flags ) ;
if ( txd = = NULL ) {
if ( unlikely ( txd = = NULL ) ) {
SCLogDebug ( " NO TXD " ) ;
/* make sure this tx, which can't be properly logged is skipped */
logged = 1 ;
max_id = tx_id ;
goto next_tx ;
if ( file_logging_active ) {
if ( AppLayerParserIsFileTx ( txd ) ) { // need to process each tx that might be a file tx,
// even if there are not files (yet)
const bool ts_ready = ( tx_progress_ts = = complete_ts ) ;
const bool tc_ready = ( tx_progress_tc = = complete_tc ) ;
SCLogDebug ( " ts_ready %d tc_ready %d " , ts_ready , tc_ready ) ;
const bool eval_files = ts_ready | tc_ready | tx_complete | ts_eof | tc_eof | eof ;
SCLogDebug ( " eval_files: %u, ts_ready %u, tc_ready %u, tx_complete %u, ts_eof %u, "
" tc_eof %u, eof %u " ,
eval_files , ts_ready , tc_ready , tx_complete , ts_eof , tc_eof , eof ) ;
SCLogDebug ( " txd->file_tx & pkt_dir: %02x & %02x -> %02x " , txd - > file_tx , pkt_dir ,
( txd - > file_tx & pkt_dir ) ) ;
/* call only for the correct direction, except when it looks anything like a end of
* transaction or end of stream . Since OutputTxLogFiles has complicated logic around
* that , we just leave it to that function to sort things out for now . */
if ( eval_files | | AppLayerParserIsFileTxInDir (
txd , pkt_dir ) ) { // need to process each tx that might
// be a file tx, even if there
OutputTxLogFiles ( tv , op_thread_data - > file , op_thread_data - > filedata , p , f , tx ,
tx_id , txd , tx_complete , ts_ready , tc_ready , ts_eof , tc_eof , eof ) ;
} else if ( support_files ) {
if ( op_thread_data - > file ) {
txd - > logged . flags | = BIT_U32 ( LOGGER_FILE ) ;
SCLogDebug ( " not a file_tx: setting LOGGER_FILE => %08x " , txd - > logged . flags ) ;
if ( op_thread_data - > filedata ) {
txd - > logged . flags | = BIT_U32 ( LOGGER_FILEDATA ) ;
SCLogDebug ( " not a file_tx: setting LOGGER_FILEDATA => %08x " , txd - > logged . flags ) ;
SCLogDebug ( " logger: expect %08x, have %08x " , logger_expectation , txd - > logged . flags ) ;
if ( list [ ALPROTO_UNKNOWN ] ! = 0 ) {
OutputTxLogList0 ( tv , op_thread_data , p , f , tx , tx_id ) ;
if ( list [ alproto ] = = NULL )