detect: add ldap.responses.operation

ldap.responses.operation matches on Lightweight Directory Access Protocol response operations
This keyword maps to the eve field ldap.responses[].operation
It is an unsigned 8-bit integer
Doesn't support prefiltering

Ticket: #7453
Alice Akaki 1 month ago committed by Victor Julien
parent cdb043810f
commit da593abd99

@ -66,3 +66,66 @@ Example of a signatures that would alert if the packet has an LDAP bind request
.. container:: example-rule
alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"Test LDAP bind request"; :example-rule-emphasis:`ldap.request.operation:bind_request;` sid:1;)
Suricata has a ``ldap.responses.operation`` keyword that can be used in signatures to identify
and filter network packets based on Lightweight Directory Access Protocol response operations.
ldap.responses.operation: operation[,index];
ldap.responses.operation uses :ref:`unsigned 8-bit integer <rules-integer-keywords>`.
This keyword maps to the eve field ``ldap.responses[].operation``
An LDAP request operation can receive multiple responses. By default, the ldap.responses.operation
keyword matches all indices, but it is possible to specify a particular index for matching
and also use flags such as ``all`` and ``any``.
.. table:: **Index values for ldap.responses.operation keyword**
========= ================================================
Value Description
========= ================================================
[default] Match with any index
all Match only if all indexes match
any Match with any index
0>= Match specific index
0< Match specific index with back to front indexing
========= ================================================
Example of a signatures that would alert if the packet has an LDAP bind response operation:
.. container:: example-rule
alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"Test LDAP bind response"; :example-rule-emphasis:`ldap.responses.operation:1;` sid:1;)
.. container:: example-rule
alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"Test LDAP bind response"; :example-rule-emphasis:`ldap.responses.operation:bind_response;` sid:1;)
Example of a signature that would alert if the packet has an LDAP search_result_done response operation at index 1:
.. container:: example-rule
alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"Test LDAP search response"; :example-rule-emphasis:`ldap.responses.operation:search_result_done,1;` sid:1;)
Example of a signature that would alert if all the responses are of type search_result_entry:
.. container:: example-rule
alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"Test LDAP search response"; :example-rule-emphasis:`ldap.responses.operation:search_result_entry,all;` sid:1;)
The keyword ldap.responses.operation supports back to front indexing with negative numbers,
this means that -1 will represent the last index, -2 the second to last index, and so on.
This is an example of a signature that would alert if a search_result_entry response is found at the last index:
.. container:: example-rule
alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"Test LDAP search response"; :example-rule-emphasis:`ldap.responses.operation:search_result_entry,-1;` sid:1;)

@ -23,13 +23,33 @@ use crate::detect::{
DetectHelperBufferRegister, DetectHelperKeywordRegister, DetectSignatureSetAppProto,
SCSigTableElmt, SigMatchAppendSMToList,
use crate::ldap::types::ProtocolOpCode;
use crate::ldap::types::{LdapMessage, ProtocolOpCode};
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::os::raw::{c_int, c_void};
use std::str::FromStr;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum LdapIndex {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct DetectLdapRespData {
/// Ldap response code
pub du8: DetectUintData<u8>,
/// Index can be Any to match with any responses index,
/// All to match if all indices, or an i32 integer
/// Negative values represent back to front indexing.
pub index: LdapIndex,
static mut G_LDAP_REQUEST_OPERATION_KW_ID: c_int = 0;
static mut G_LDAP_RESPONSES_OPERATION_KW_ID: c_int = 0;
unsafe extern "C" fn ldap_parse_protocol_req_op(
ustr: *const std::os::raw::c_char,
@ -88,6 +108,117 @@ unsafe extern "C" fn ldap_detect_request_free(_de: *mut c_void, ctx: *mut c_void
fn aux_ldap_parse_protocol_resp_op(s: &str) -> Option<DetectLdapRespData> {
let parts: Vec<&str> = s.split(',').collect();
if parts.len() > 2 {
return None;
let index = if parts.len() == 2 {
match parts[1] {
"all" => LdapIndex::All,
"any" => LdapIndex::Any,
_ => {
let i32_index = i32::from_str(parts[1]).ok()?;
} else {
if let Some(ctx) = detect_parse_uint_enum::<u8, ProtocolOpCode>(parts[0]) {
let du8 = ctx;
return Some(DetectLdapRespData { du8, index });
return None;
unsafe extern "C" fn ldap_parse_protocol_resp_op(
ustr: *const std::os::raw::c_char,
) -> *mut DetectUintData<u8> {
let ft_name: &CStr = CStr::from_ptr(ustr); //unsafe
if let Ok(s) = ft_name.to_str() {
if let Some(ctx) = aux_ldap_parse_protocol_resp_op(s) {
let boxed = Box::new(ctx);
return Box::into_raw(boxed) as *mut _;
return std::ptr::null_mut();
unsafe extern "C" fn ldap_detect_responses_operation_setup(
de: *mut c_void, s: *mut c_void, raw: *const libc::c_char,
) -> c_int {
if DetectSignatureSetAppProto(s, ALPROTO_LDAP) != 0 {
return -1;
let ctx = ldap_parse_protocol_resp_op(raw) as *mut c_void;
if ctx.is_null() {
return -1;
if SigMatchAppendSMToList(
ldap_detect_responses_free(std::ptr::null_mut(), ctx);
return -1;
return 0;
unsafe extern "C" fn ldap_detect_responses_operation_match(
_de: *mut c_void, _f: *mut c_void, _flags: u8, _state: *mut c_void, tx: *mut c_void,
_sig: *const c_void, ctx: *const c_void,
) -> c_int {
let tx = cast_pointer!(tx, LdapTransaction);
let ctx = cast_pointer!(ctx, DetectLdapRespData);
match ctx.index {
LdapIndex::Any => {
for response in &tx.responses {
let option: u8 = response.protocol_op.to_u8();
if rs_detect_u8_match(option, &ctx.du8) == 1 {
return 1;
return 0;
LdapIndex::All => {
for response in &tx.responses {
let option: u8 = response.protocol_op.to_u8();
if rs_detect_u8_match(option, &ctx.du8) == 0 {
return 0;
return 1;
LdapIndex::Index(idx) => {
let index = if idx < 0 {
// negative values for backward indexing.
((tx.responses.len() as i32) + idx) as usize
} else {
idx as usize
if tx.responses.len() <= index {
return 0;
let response: &LdapMessage = &tx.responses[index];
let option: u8 = response.protocol_op.to_u8();
return rs_detect_u8_match(option, &ctx.du8);
unsafe extern "C" fn ldap_detect_responses_free(_de: *mut c_void, ctx: *mut c_void) {
// Just unbox...
let ctx = cast_pointer!(ctx, DetectLdapRespData);
pub unsafe extern "C" fn ScDetectLdapRegister() {
let kw = SCSigTableElmt {
@ -106,4 +237,21 @@ pub unsafe extern "C" fn ScDetectLdapRegister() {
false, //to client
true, //to server
let kw = SCSigTableElmt {
name: b"ldap.responses.operation\0".as_ptr() as *const libc::c_char,
desc: b"match LDAP responses operation\0".as_ptr() as *const libc::c_char,
url: b"/rules/ldap-keywords.html#ldap.responses.operation\0".as_ptr()
as *const libc::c_char,
AppLayerTxMatch: Some(ldap_detect_responses_operation_match),
Setup: ldap_detect_responses_operation_setup,
Free: Some(ldap_detect_responses_free),
flags: 0,
G_LDAP_RESPONSES_OPERATION_KW_ID = DetectHelperKeywordRegister(&kw);
b"ldap.responses.operation\0".as_ptr() as *const libc::c_char,
true, //to client
false, //to server
