We have different types of checks, all in a single list.
Adding a title of sorts to each group in the hopes of highlighting
their purposes.
When we add new items to the json schema, many times we don't add their
descriptions, while this would be the perfect time to also do that.
- [ ] I have signed the Open Information Security Foundation contribution agreement at
https://suricata.io/about/contribution-agreement/ (note: this is only required once)
- [ ] I have updated the user guide (in doc/userguide/) to reflect the changes made (if applicable)
## Changes (if applicable):
- [ ] I have updated the User Guide (in [doc/userguide/](https://github.com/OISF/suricata/tree/304271e63a9e388412f25f0f94a1a0da4bf619d9/doc/userguide)) to reflect the changes made
- [ ] I have updated the JSON schema (in [etc/schema.json](https://github.com/OISF/suricata/blob/304271e63a9e388412f25f0f94a1a0da4bf619d9/etc/schema.json)) to reflect all logging changes