@ -679,11 +679,11 @@ static void NapatechReleasePacket(struct Packet_ *p)
* If the packet is to be dropped we need to set the wirelength
* before releasing the Napatech buffer back to NTService.
if (is_inline && PACKET_TEST_ACTION(p, ACTION_DROP)) {
p->ntpv.dyn3->wireLength = 0;
* If this flow is to be programmed for hardware bypass we do it now. This is done
* here because the action is not available in the packet structure at the time of the
@ -847,11 +847,11 @@ TmEcode NapatechPacketLoop(ThreadVars *tv, void *data, void *slot)
SC_ATOMIC_ADD(stream_count, 1);
if (SC_ATOMIC_GET(stream_count) == NapatechGetNumConfiguredStreams()) {
if (ConfGetBool("napatech.inline", &is_inline) == 0) {
is_inline = 0;
/* Initialize the port map before we setup traffic filters */
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PORTS; ++i) {
inline_port_map[i] = -1;