doc: port user install and build instruction from master-6.0.x

Ticket: #6686
Lukas Sismis 1 year ago committed by Victor Julien
parent cd7c35eb5a
commit bd9608771e

@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ EXTRA_DIST = ChangeLog COPYING LICENSE \
lua \
acsite.m4 \
scripts/ \
.github/workflows/builds.yml \
scripts/ \
scripts/ \
SUBDIRS = $(HTP_DIR) rust src qa rules doc contrib etc python ebpf \

@ -64,61 +64,19 @@ Common configure options
Enables `DPDK <>`_ packet capture method.
For Suricata's compilation you'll need the following libraries and their development headers installed::
libjansson, libpcap, libpcre2, libyaml, zlib
The following tools are required::
make gcc (or clang) pkg-config rustc cargo
Rust support::
rustc, cargo
Some distros don't provide or provide outdated Rust packages.
Rust can also be installed directly from the Rust project itself::
1) Install Rust
2) Install cbindgen - if the cbindgen is not found in the repository
or the cbindgen version is lower than required, it can be
alternatively installed as: cargo install --force cbindgen
3) Make sure the cargo path is within your PATH environment
e.g. echo 'export PATH=”${PATH}:~/.cargo/bin”' >> ~/.bashrc
e.g. export PATH="${PATH}:/root/.cargo/bin"
Dependencies and compilation
.. note:: The following instructions require ``sudo`` to be installed.
# Installed Rust and cargo as indicated above
sudo apt-get install build-essential git libjansson-dev libpcap-dev \
libpcre2-dev libtool libyaml-dev make pkg-config zlib1g-dev
# On most distros installing cbindgen with package manager should be enough
sudo apt-get install cbindgen # alternative: cargo install --force cbindgen
# Installed Rust and cargo as indicated above
sudo apt-get install autoconf automake build-essential ccache clang curl git \
gosu jq libbpf-dev libcap-ng0 libcap-ng-dev libelf-dev \
libevent-dev libgeoip-dev libhiredis-dev libjansson-dev \
libmagic-dev libnet1-dev libpcap-dev libpcre2-dev libtool \
libyaml-0-2 libyaml-dev m4 make pkg-config python3 \
python3-dev python3-yaml sudo zlib1g zlib1g-dev
cargo install --force cbindgen
Extra for iptables/nftables IPS integration::
sudo apt-get install libnetfilter-queue-dev libnetfilter-queue1 \
libnetfilter-log-dev libnetfilter-log1 \
libnfnetlink-dev libnfnetlink0
.. literalinclude:: ../../scripts/
:caption: Minimal dependencies for Ubuntu/Debian
:language: bash
:start-after: # install-guide-documentation tag start: Minimal dependencies
:end-before: # install-guide-documentation tag end: Minimal dependencies
CentOS, AlmaLinux, RockyLinux, Fedora, etc
@ -130,46 +88,50 @@ repository in most distros. You can enable it possibly by
one of the following ways::
sudo dnf -y update
sudo dnf -y install dnf-plugins-core
# AlmaLinux 8
sudo dnf -y install epel-release dnf-plugins-core
# AlmaLinux 8 / RockyLinux 8
sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools
# AlmaLinux 9
# AlmaLinux 9 / RockyLinux 9
sudo dnf config-manager --set-enable crb
# Oracle Linux 8
sudo dnf config-manager --set-enable ol8_codeready_builder
# Oracle Linux 9
sudo dnf config-manager --set-enable ol9_codeready_builder
# Installed Rust and cargo as indicated above
sudo dnf install -y gcc gcc-c++ git jansson-devel libpcap-devel libtool \
libyaml-devel make pcre2-devel which zlib-devel
cargo install --force cbindgen
# Installed Rust and cargo as indicated above
sudo dnf install -y autoconf automake diffutils file-devel gcc gcc-c++ git \
jansson-devel jq libcap-ng-devel libevent-devel \
libmaxminddb-devel libnet-devel libnetfilter_queue-devel \
libnfnetlink-devel libpcap-devel libtool libyaml-devel \
lua-devel lz4-devel make pcre2-devel pkgconfig \
python3-devel python3-sphinx python3-yaml sudo which \
cargo install --force cbindgen
.. literalinclude:: ../../scripts/
:caption: Minimal dependencies for RPM-based distributions
:language: bash
:start-after: # install-guide-documentation tag start: Minimal RPM-based dependencies
:end-before: # install-guide-documentation tag end: Minimal RPM-based dependencies
Follow these steps from your Suricata directory::
./configure # you may want to add additional parameters here
# ./configure --help to get all available parameters
make -j8 # j is for paralleling, you may de/increase depending on your CPU
# j is for adding concurrency to make; the number indicates how much
# concurrency so choose a number that is suitable for your build system
make -j8
make install # to install your Suricata compiled binary
# make install-full - installs configuration and rulesets as well
Rust support
Rust packages can be found in package managers but some distributions
don't provide Rust or provide outdated Rust packages.
In case of insufficient version you can install Rust directly
from the Rust project itself::
1) Install Rust
2) Install cbindgen - if the cbindgen is not found in the repository
or the cbindgen version is lower than required, it can be
alternatively installed as: cargo install --force cbindgen
3) Make sure the cargo path is within your PATH environment
echo 'export PATH="~/.cargo/bin:${PATH}"' >> ~/.bashrc
export PATH="~/.cargo/bin:${PATH}"
