@ -250,6 +250,7 @@ struct tcp_hdr
# define COLOR_IS_SPAN 0x00001000
static int is_inline = 0 ;
static int inline_port_map [ MAX_PORTS ] = { - 1 } ;
@ -642,21 +643,40 @@ TmEcode NapatechStreamThreadInit(ThreadVars *tv, const void *initdata, void **da
SCReturnInt ( TM_ECODE_OK ) ;
static PacketQueue packets_to_release [ MAX_STREAMS ] ;
* \ brief Callback to indicate that the packet buffer can be returned to the hardware .
* Called when Suricata is done processing the packet . The packet is placed into
* a queue so that it can be retrieved and released by the packet processing thread .
* Called when Suricata is done processing the packet . Before the packet is released
* this also checks the action to see if the packet should be dropped and programs the
* flow hardware if the flow is to be bypassed and the Napatech packet buffer is released .
* \ param p Packet to return to the system .
static void NapatechReleasePacket ( struct Packet_ * p )
* If the packet is to be dropped we need to set the wirelength
* before releasing the Napatech buffer back to NTService .
if ( is_inline & & PACKET_TEST_ACTION ( p , ACTION_DROP ) ) {
p - > ntpv . dyn3 - > wireLength = 0 ;
* If this flow is to be programmed for hardware bypass we do it now . This is done
* here because the action is not available in the packet structure at the time of the
* bypass callback and it needs to be done before we release the packet structure .
if ( p - > ntpv . bypass = = 1 ) {
ProgramFlow ( p , is_inline ) ;
# endif
NT_NetRxRelease ( p - > ntpv . rx_stream , p - > ntpv . nt_packet_buf ) ;
PacketFreeOrRelease ( p ) ;
PacketEnqueue ( & packets_to_release [ p - > ntpv . stream_id ] , p ) ;
@ -756,15 +776,11 @@ TmEcode NapatechPacketLoop(ThreadVars *tv, void *data, void *slot)
int numa_node = - 1 ;
int set_cpu_affinity = 0 ;
int closer = 0 ;
int is_inline = 0 ;
int is_autoconfig = 0 ;
/* This just keeps the startup output more orderly. */
usleep ( 200000 * ntv - > stream_id ) ;
if ( ConfGetBool ( " napatech.inline " , & is_inline ) = = 0 ) {
is_inline = 0 ;
if ( ConfGetBool ( " napatech.auto-config " , & is_autoconfig ) = = 0 ) {
is_autoconfig = 0 ;
@ -800,7 +816,11 @@ TmEcode NapatechPacketLoop(ThreadVars *tv, void *data, void *slot)
SC_ATOMIC_ADD ( stream_count , 1 ) ;
if ( SC_ATOMIC_GET ( stream_count ) = = NapatechGetNumConfiguredStreams ( ) ) {
if ( ConfGetBool ( " napatech.inline " , & is_inline ) = = 0 ) {
is_inline = 0 ;
/* Initialize the port map before we setup traffic filters */
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAX_PORTS ; + + i ) {
inline_port_map [ i ] = - 1 ;
@ -878,6 +898,8 @@ TmEcode NapatechPacketLoop(ThreadVars *tv, void *data, void *slot)
p - > ntpv . bypass = 0 ;
# endif
p - > ntpv . rx_stream = ntv - > rx_stream ;
if ( unlikely ( p = = NULL ) ) {
NT_NetRxRelease ( ntv - > rx_stream , packet_buffer ) ;
@ -953,22 +975,11 @@ TmEcode NapatechPacketLoop(ThreadVars *tv, void *data, void *slot)
/* Release any packets that were returned by the callback function */
Packet * rel_pkt = PacketDequeue ( & packets_to_release [ ntv - > stream_id ] ) ;
while ( rel_pkt ! = NULL ) {
if ( rel_pkt - > ntpv . bypass = = 1 ) {
if ( is_inline ) {
rel_pkt - > ntpv . dyn3 - > wireLength = 0 ;
ProgramFlow ( rel_pkt , is_inline ) ;
# endif
NT_NetRxRelease ( ntv - > rx_stream , rel_pkt - > ntpv . nt_packet_buf ) ;
rel_pkt = PacketDequeue ( & packets_to_release [ ntv - > stream_id ] ) ;
* At this point the packet and the Napatech Packet Buffer have been returned
* to the system in the NapatechReleasePacket ( ) Callback .
StatsSyncCountersIfSignalled ( tv ) ;
} // while