@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
* \param det_ctx Detection engine thread context
* \param s Signature to inspect
* \param sm SigMatch to inspect
* \param p Packet
* \param f flow (for pcre flowvar storage)
* \param payload ptr to the payload to inspect
* \param payload_len length of the payload
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
static int DoInspectPacketPayload(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx,
DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, Signature *s, SigMatch *sm,
Packet *p, uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_len)
Packet *p, Flow *f, uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_len)
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ static int DoInspectPacketPayload(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx,
/* see if the next payload keywords match. If not, we will
* search for another occurence of this content and see
* if the others match then until we run out of matches */
int r = DoInspectPacketPayload(de_ctx,det_ctx,s,sm->next, p, payload, payload_len);
int r = DoInspectPacketPayload(de_ctx,det_ctx,s,sm->next, p, f, payload, payload_len);
if (r == 1) {
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ static int DoInspectPacketPayload(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx,
SCLogDebug("inspecting pcre");
int r = DetectPcrePayloadMatch(det_ctx, p, s, sm);
int r = DetectPcrePayloadMatch(det_ctx, s, sm, p, f, payload, payload_len);
if (r == 1) {
goto match;
@ -286,20 +286,20 @@ match:
/* this sigmatch matched, inspect the next one. If it was the last,
* the payload portion of the signature matched. */
if (sm->next != NULL) {
int r = DoInspectPacketPayload(de_ctx,det_ctx,s,sm->next, p, payload, payload_len);
int r = DoInspectPacketPayload(de_ctx,det_ctx,s,sm->next, p, f, payload, payload_len);
} else {
/** \brief Do the content inspection & validation for a signature
* \brief Do the content inspection & validation for a signature
* \param de_ctx Detection engine context
* \param det_ctx Detection engine thread context
* \param s Signature to inspect
* \param sm SigMatch to inspect
* \param f Flow
* \param f flow (for pcre flowvar storage)
* \param flags app layer flags
* \param state App layer state
* \param p Packet
@ -320,7 +320,45 @@ int DetectEngineInspectPacketPayload(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx,
det_ctx->payload_offset = 0;
r = DoInspectPacketPayload(de_ctx, det_ctx, s, s->pmatch, p, p->payload, p->payload_len);
r = DoInspectPacketPayload(de_ctx, det_ctx, s, s->pmatch, p, f, p->payload, p->payload_len);
if (r == 1) {
* \brief Do the content inspection & validation for a signature for a stream chunk
* \param de_ctx Detection engine context
* \param det_ctx Detection engine thread context
* \param s Signature to inspect
* \param f flow (for pcre flowvar storage)
* \param payload ptr to the payload to inspect
* \param payload_len length of the payload
* \retval 0 no match
* \retval 1 match
* \todo we might also pass the packet to this function for the pktvar
* storage. Only, would that be right? We're not inspecting data
* from the current packet here.
int DetectEngineInspectStreamPayload(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx,
DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, Signature *s, Flow *f,
uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_len)
int r = 0;
if (s->pmatch == NULL) {
det_ctx->payload_offset = 0;
r = DoInspectPacketPayload(de_ctx, det_ctx, s, s->pmatch, NULL, f, payload, payload_len);
if (r == 1) {