@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
# include "detect-engine.h"
# include "detect-engine-state.h"
# include "detect-parse.h"
# include "detect-pcre.h"
# include "util-mpm.h"
# include "flow.h"
# include "flow-util.h"
@ -405,7 +406,290 @@ _Bool DetectContentPMATCHValidateCallback(const Signature *s)
return TRUE ;
/** \brief apply depth/offset and distance/within to content matches
* The idea is that any limitation we can set is a win , as the mpm
* can use this to reduce match candidates .
* E . g . if we have ' content : " 1 " ; depth : 1 ; content : " 2 " ; distance : 0 ; within : 1 ; '
* we know that we can add ' offset : 1 ; depth : 2 ; ' to the 2 nd condition . This
* will then be used in mpm if the 2 nd condition would be selected for mpm .
* Another example : ' content : " 1 " ; depth : 1 ; content : " 2 " ; distance : 0 ; ' . Here we
* cannot set a depth , but we can set an offset of ' offset : 1 ; ' . This will
* make the mpm a bit more precise .
void DetectContentPropagateLimits ( Signature * s )
BUG_ON ( s = = NULL | | s - > init_data = = NULL ) ;
int nlists = DetectBufferTypeMaxId ( ) ;
int list = 0 ;
for ( list = 0 ; list < nlists ; list + + ) {
uint16_t offset = 0 ;
uint16_t offset_plus_pat = 0 ;
uint16_t depth = 0 ;
bool last_reset = false ; // TODO really last reset 'depth'
bool has_depth = false ;
bool has_ends_with = false ;
uint16_t ends_with_depth = 0 ;
bool have_anchor = false ;
SigMatch * sm = s - > init_data - > smlists [ list ] ;
for ( ; sm ! = NULL ; sm = sm - > next ) {
switch ( sm - > type ) {
DetectContentData * cd = ( DetectContentData * ) sm - > ctx ;
offset = depth = 0 ;
offset_plus_pat = cd - > content_len ;
SCLogDebug ( " reset " ) ;
last_reset = true ;
have_anchor = false ;
continue ;
if ( cd - > flags & DETECT_CONTENT_NEGATED ) {
offset = depth = 0 ;
offset_plus_pat = 0 ;
SCLogDebug ( " reset because of negation " ) ;
last_reset = true ;
have_anchor = false ;
continue ;
if ( cd - > depth ) {
has_depth = true ;
have_anchor = true ;
SCLogDebug ( " sm %p depth %u offset %u distance %d within %d " , sm , cd - > depth , cd - > offset , cd - > distance , cd - > within ) ;
SCLogDebug ( " stored: offset %u depth %u offset_plus_pat %u " , offset , depth , offset_plus_pat ) ;
if ( ( cd - > flags & DETECT_CONTENT_WITHIN ) = = 0 ) {
if ( depth )
SCLogDebug ( " no within, reset depth " ) ;
depth = 0 ;
if ( ( cd - > flags & DETECT_CONTENT_DISTANCE ) = = 0 ) {
if ( offset_plus_pat )
SCLogDebug ( " no distance, reset offset_plus_pat & offset " ) ;
offset_plus_pat = offset = 0 ;
SCLogDebug ( " stored: offset %u depth %u offset_plus_pat %u " , offset , depth , offset_plus_pat ) ;
if ( cd - > flags & DETECT_CONTENT_DISTANCE & & cd - > distance > = 0 ) {
offset = cd - > offset = offset_plus_pat + cd - > distance ;
SCLogDebug ( " updated content to have offset %u " , cd - > offset ) ;
if ( have_anchor & & ! last_reset & & offset_plus_pat & & cd - > flags & DETECT_CONTENT_WITHIN & & cd - > within > = 0 ) {
if ( depth & & depth > offset_plus_pat ) {
SCLogDebug ( " depth %u + cd->within %u " , depth , cd - > within ) ;
depth = cd - > depth = depth + cd - > within ;
} else {
SCLogDebug ( " offset %u + cd->within %u " , offset , cd - > within ) ;
depth = cd - > depth = offset + cd - > within ;
SCLogDebug ( " updated content to have depth %u " , cd - > depth ) ;
} else {
if ( cd - > depth = = 0 & & depth ! = 0 ) {
if ( cd - > within > 0 ) {
SCLogDebug ( " within %d distance %d " , cd - > within , cd - > distance ) ;
if ( cd - > flags & DETECT_CONTENT_DISTANCE & & cd - > distance > = 0 ) {
cd - > offset = offset_plus_pat + cd - > distance ;
SCLogDebug ( " updated content to have offset %u " , cd - > offset ) ;
cd - > depth = cd - > within + depth ;
depth = cd - > depth ;
SCLogDebug ( " updated content to have depth %u " , cd - > depth ) ;
if ( cd - > flags & DETECT_CONTENT_ENDS_WITH ) {
has_ends_with = true ;
if ( ends_with_depth = = 0 )
ends_with_depth = depth ;
ends_with_depth = MIN ( ends_with_depth , depth ) ;
if ( cd - > offset = = 0 ) { // && offset != 0) {
if ( cd - > flags & DETECT_CONTENT_DISTANCE & & cd - > distance > = 0 ) {
cd - > offset = offset_plus_pat ;
SCLogDebug ( " update content to have offset %u " , cd - > offset ) ;
if ( cd - > distance > = 0 ) {
// only distance
offset = cd - > offset = offset_plus_pat + cd - > distance ;
offset_plus_pat = offset + cd - > content_len ;
SCLogDebug ( " offset %u offset_plus_pat %u " , offset , offset_plus_pat ) ;
if ( cd - > flags & DETECT_CONTENT_OFFSET ) {
offset = cd - > offset ;
offset_plus_pat = offset + cd - > content_len ;
SCLogDebug ( " stored offset %u offset_plus_pat %u " , offset , offset_plus_pat ) ;
if ( cd - > depth ) {
depth = cd - > depth ;
SCLogDebug ( " stored depth now %u " , depth ) ;
offset_plus_pat = offset + cd - > content_len ;
if ( cd - > flags & DETECT_CONTENT_ENDS_WITH ) {
has_ends_with = true ;
if ( ends_with_depth = = 0 )
ends_with_depth = depth ;
ends_with_depth = MIN ( ends_with_depth , depth ) ;
if ( ( cd - > flags & ( DETECT_CONTENT_WITHIN | DETECT_CONTENT_DEPTH ) ) = = 0 ) {
last_reset = true ;
depth = 0 ;
} else {
last_reset = false ;
break ;
case DETECT_PCRE : {
// relative could leave offset_plus_pat set.
DetectPcreData * pd = ( DetectPcreData * ) sm - > ctx ;
if ( pd - > flags & DETECT_PCRE_RELATIVE ) {
depth = 0 ;
last_reset = true ;
} else {
SCLogDebug ( " non-anchored PCRE not supported, reset offset_plus_pat & offset " ) ;
offset_plus_pat = offset = depth = 0 ;
last_reset = true ;
break ;
default : {
SCLogDebug ( " keyword not supported, reset offset_plus_pat & offset " ) ;
offset_plus_pat = offset = depth = 0 ;
last_reset = true ;
break ;
/* apply anchored 'ends with' as depth to all patterns */
if ( has_depth & & has_ends_with ) {
sm = s - > init_data - > smlists [ list ] ;
for ( ; sm ! = NULL ; sm = sm - > next ) {
switch ( sm - > type ) {
DetectContentData * cd = ( DetectContentData * ) sm - > ctx ;
if ( cd - > depth = = 0 )
cd - > depth = ends_with_depth ;
cd - > depth = MIN ( ends_with_depth , cd - > depth ) ;
if ( cd - > depth )
cd - > flags | = DETECT_CONTENT_DEPTH ;
break ;
static bool TestLastContent ( const Signature * s , uint16_t o , uint16_t d )
const SigMatch * sm = s - > init_data - > smlists_tail [ DETECT_SM_LIST_PMATCH ] ;
if ( ! sm ) {
SCLogDebug ( " no sm " ) ;
return false ;
if ( ! ( sm - > type = = DETECT_CONTENT ) ) {
SCLogDebug ( " not content " ) ;
return false ;
const DetectContentData * cd = ( const DetectContentData * ) sm - > ctx ;
if ( o ! = cd - > offset ) {
SCLogDebug ( " offset mismatch %u != %u " , o , cd - > offset ) ;
return false ;
if ( d ! = cd - > depth ) {
SCLogDebug ( " depth mismatch %u != %u " , d , cd - > depth ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
# define TEST_RUN(sig, o, d) \
{ \
SCLogDebug ( " TEST_RUN start: '%s' " , ( sig ) ) ; \
DetectEngineCtx * de_ctx = DetectEngineCtxInit ( ) ; \
FAIL_IF_NULL ( de_ctx ) ; \
char rule [ 2048 ] ; \
snprintf ( rule , sizeof ( rule ) , " alert tcp any any -> any any (%s sid:1; rev:1;) " , ( sig ) ) ; \
Signature * s = DetectEngineAppendSig ( de_ctx , rule ) ; \
FAIL_IF_NULL ( s ) ; \
SigAddressPrepareStage1 ( de_ctx ) ; \
bool res = TestLastContent ( s , ( o ) , ( d ) ) ; \
FAIL_IF ( res = = false ) ; \
DetectEngineCtxFree ( de_ctx ) ; \
# define TEST_DONE \
/** \test test propagation of depth/offset/distance/within */
static int DetectContentDepthTest01 ( void )
// straight depth/offset
TEST_RUN ( " content: \" abc \" ; offset:1; depth:3; " , 1 , 4 ) ;
// dsize applied as depth
TEST_RUN ( " dsize:10; content: \" abc \" ; " , 0 , 10 ) ;
// relative match, directly following anchored content
TEST_RUN ( " content: \" abc \" ; depth:3; content: \" xyz \" ; distance:0; within:3; " , 3 , 6 ) ;
// relative match, directly following anchored content
TEST_RUN ( " content: \" abc \" ; offset:3; depth:3; content: \" xyz \" ; distance:0; within:3; " , 6 , 9 ) ;
TEST_RUN ( " content: \" abc \" ; depth:6; content: \" xyz \" ; distance:0; within:3; " , 3 , 9 ) ;
// multiple relative matches after anchored content
TEST_RUN ( " content: \" abc \" ; depth:3; content: \" klm \" ; distance:0; within:3; content: \" xyz \" ; distance:0; within:3; " , 6 , 9 ) ;
// test 'reset' due to unanchored content
TEST_RUN ( " content: \" abc \" ; depth:3; content: \" klm \" ; content: \" xyz \" ; distance:0; within:3; " , 3 , 0 ) ;
// test 'reset' due to unanchored pcre
TEST_RUN ( " content: \" abc \" ; depth:3; pcre:/ \" klm \" /; content: \" xyz \" ; distance:0; within:3; " , 0 , 0 ) ;
// test relative pcre. We can use previous offset+pattern len
TEST_RUN ( " content: \" abc \" ; depth:3; pcre:/ \" klm \" /R; content: \" xyz \" ; distance:0; within:3; " , 3 , 0 ) ;
TEST_RUN ( " content: \" abc \" ; offset:3; depth:3; pcre:/ \" klm \" /R; content: \" xyz \" ; distance:0; within:3; " , 6 , 0 ) ;
TEST_RUN ( " content: \" abc \" ; depth:3; content: \" klm \" ; within:3; content: \" xyz \" ; within:3; " , 0 , 9 ) ;
TEST_RUN ( " content: \" abc \" ; depth:3; content: \" klm \" ; distance:0; content: \" xyz \" ; distance:0; " , 6 , 0 ) ;
// tests to see if anchored 'ends_with' is applied to other content as depth
TEST_RUN ( " content: \" abc \" ; depth:6; isdataat:!1,relative; content: \" klm \" ; " , 0 , 6 ) ;
TEST_RUN ( " content: \" abc \" ; depth:3; content: \" klm \" ; within:3; content: \" xyz \" ; within:3; isdataat:!1,relative; content: \" def \" ; " , 0 , 9 ) ;
TEST_RUN ( " content: \" |03| \" ; depth:1; content: \" |e0| \" ; distance:4; within:1; " , 5 , 6 ) ;
TEST_RUN ( " content: \" |03| \" ; depth:1; content: \" |e0| \" ; distance:4; within:1; content: \" Cookie|3a| \" ; distance:5; within:7; " , 11 , 18 ) ;
TEST_RUN ( " content: \" this \" ; content: \" is \" ; within:6; content: \" big \" ; within:8; content: \" string \" ; within:8; " , 0 , 0 ) ;
TEST_RUN ( " dsize:<80; content:! \" |00 22 02 00| \" ; depth: 4; content: \" |00 00 04| \" ; distance:8; within:3; content: \" |00 00 00 00 00| \" ; distance:6; within:5; " , 17 , 80 ) ;
TEST_RUN ( " content:! \" |00 22 02 00| \" ; depth: 4; content: \" |00 00 04| \" ; distance:8; within:3; content: \" |00 00 00 00 00| \" ; distance:6; within:5; " , 17 , 0 ) ;
TEST_RUN ( " content: \" |0d 0a 0d 0a| \" ; content: \" code= \" ; distance:0; " , 4 , 0 ) ;
TEST_RUN ( " content: \" |0d 0a 0d 0a| \" ; content: \" code= \" ; distance:0; content: \" xploit.class \" ; distance:2; within:18; " , 11 , 0 ) ;
TEST_RUN ( " content: \" |16 03| \" ; depth:2; content: \" |55 04 0a| \" ; distance:0; " , 2 , 0 ) ;
TEST_RUN ( " content: \" |16 03| \" ; depth:2; content: \" |55 04 0a| \" ; distance:0; content: \" |0d|LogMeIn, Inc. \" ; distance:1; within:14; " , 6 , 0 ) ;
TEST_RUN ( " content: \" |16 03| \" ; depth:2; content: \" |55 04 0a| \" ; distance:0; content: \" |0d|LogMeIn, Inc. \" ; distance:1; within:14; content: \" .app \" ; " , 0 , 0 ) ;
* \ brief Print list of DETECT_CONTENT SigMatch ' s allocated in a
* SigMatch list , from the current sm to the end
@ -2703,6 +2987,8 @@ static void DetectContentRegisterTests(void)
g_file_data_buffer_id = DetectBufferTypeGetByName ( " file_data " ) ;
g_dce_stub_data_buffer_id = DetectBufferTypeGetByName ( " dce_stub_data " ) ;
UtRegisterTest ( " DetectContentDepthTest01 " , DetectContentDepthTest01 ) ;
UtRegisterTest ( " DetectContentParseTest01 " , DetectContentParseTest01 ) ;
UtRegisterTest ( " DetectContentParseTest02 " , DetectContentParseTest02 ) ;
UtRegisterTest ( " DetectContentParseTest03 " , DetectContentParseTest03 ) ;