@ -99,6 +99,67 @@ FileContainer *AppLayerGetFilesFromFlow(Flow *f, uint8_t direction) {
/** \brief Get the decoder events from the flow
* \param f flow pointer to a LOCKED flow
* \param tx_id transaction id
* \retval files void pointer to the state
* \retval NULL in case we have no state */
AppLayerDecoderEvents *AppLayerGetEventsFromFlowByTx(Flow *f, uint64_t tx_id) {
uint16_t alproto = f->alproto;
if (alproto == ALPROTO_UNKNOWN)
SCReturnPtr(NULL, "AppLayerDecoderEvents");
if (al_proto_table[alproto].StateGetEvents != NULL) {
AppLayerDecoderEvents *ptr = al_proto_table[alproto].StateGetEvents(AppLayerGetProtoStateFromFlow(f), tx_id);
SCReturnPtr(ptr, "AppLayerDecoderEvents");
} else {
SCReturnPtr(NULL, "AppLayerDecoderEvents");
/** \brief check if we have decoder events */
int AppLayerFlowHasDecoderEvents(Flow *f, uint8_t flags) {
AppLayerDecoderEvents *decoder_events;
uint64_t tx_id, max_id;
if (f->alproto <= ALPROTO_UNKNOWN || f->alproto >= ALPROTO_MAX)
return 0;
if (AppLayerProtoIsTxEventAware(f->alproto)) {
tx_id = AppLayerTransactionGetInspectId(f, flags);
max_id = AppLayerGetTxCnt(f->alproto, f->alstate);
for ( ; tx_id < max_id; tx_id++) {
decoder_events = AppLayerGetEventsFromFlowByTx(f, tx_id);
if (decoder_events && decoder_events->cnt)
return 1;
decoder_events = AppLayerGetDecoderEventsForFlow(f);
if (decoder_events && decoder_events->cnt)
return 1;
return 0;
/** \brief Return true if alproto uses per TX events
* \param alproto proto to check
int AppLayerProtoIsTxEventAware(uint16_t alproto) {
if (alproto > ALPROTO_UNKNOWN && alproto < ALPROTO_MAX &&
al_proto_table[alproto].StateGetEvents != NULL)
return 1;
return 0;
/** \brief Alloc a AppLayerParserResultElmt func for the pool */
static void *AlpResultElmtPoolAlloc()
@ -735,6 +796,12 @@ void AppLayerRegisterGetAlstateProgressCompletionStatus(uint16_t alproto,
void AppLayerRegisterGetEventsFunc(uint16_t proto,
AppLayerDecoderEvents *(*StateGetEvents)(void *, uint64_t))
al_proto_table[proto].StateGetEvents = StateGetEvents;
/** \brief Indicate to the app layer parser that a logger is active
* for this protocol.