detect-state: fix state storing

Fix storing state and bypassing detection. Previously we'd store
on a match only, meaning that StartDetection would rerun often.

Make sure StartDetection only stores if there is something to store.
Victor Julien 10 years ago
parent 359e2d68f5
commit 9d198e6662

@ -447,6 +447,8 @@ int DeStateDetectStartDetection(ThreadVars *tv, DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx,
total_txs = AppLayerParserGetTxCnt(f->proto, alproto, alstate);
SCLogDebug("total_txs %"PRIu64, total_txs);
SCLogDebug("starting: start tx %u, packet %u", (uint)tx_id, (uint)p->pcap_cnt);
for (; tx_id < total_txs; tx_id++) {
int total_matches = 0;
void *tx = AppLayerParserGetTx(f->proto, alproto, alstate, tx_id);
@ -490,14 +492,33 @@ int DeStateDetectStartDetection(ThreadVars *tv, DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx,
DetectSignatureApplyActions(p, s);
alert_cnt = 1;
SCLogDebug("MATCH: tx %u packet %u", (uint)tx_id, (uint)p->pcap_cnt);
/* if this is the last tx in our list, and it's incomplete: then
* we store the state so that ContinueDetection knows about it */
int tx_is_done = (AppLayerParserGetStateProgress(f->proto, alproto, tx, flags) >=
AppLayerParserGetStateProgressCompletionStatus(f->proto, alproto, flags));
/* see if we need to consider the next tx in our decision to add
* a sig to the 'no inspect array'. */
int next_tx_no_progress = 0;
if (!TxIsLast(tx_id, total_txs)) {
void *next_tx = AppLayerParserGetTx(f->proto, alproto, alstate, tx_id+1);
if (next_tx != NULL) {
int c = AppLayerParserGetStateProgress(f->proto, alproto, next_tx, flags);
if (c == 0) {
next_tx_no_progress = 1;
SCLogDebug("tx %u, packet %u, rule %u, alert_cnt %u, last tx %d, tx_is_done %d, next_tx_no_progress %d",
(uint)tx_id, (uint)p->pcap_cnt, s->num, alert_cnt,
TxIsLast(tx_id, total_txs), tx_is_done, next_tx_no_progress);
if ((engine == NULL && total_matches > 0) || (inspect_flags & DE_STATE_FLAG_SIG_CANT_MATCH)) {
/* if we have something to store (partial match or file store info),
* then we do it now. */
if (inspect_flags != 0) {
if (!(TxIsLast(tx_id, total_txs)) || !tx_is_done) {
if (engine == NULL || inspect_flags & DE_STATE_FLAG_SIG_CANT_MATCH) {
inspect_flags |= DE_STATE_FLAG_FULL_INSPECT;
@ -509,7 +530,11 @@ int DeStateDetectStartDetection(ThreadVars *tv, DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx,
} else {
StoreStateTxFileOnly(det_ctx, f, flags, tx_id, tx, file_no_match);
} else {
SCLogDebug("no state to store");
if (next_tx_no_progress)
} /* for */
/* DCERPC matches */
@ -645,6 +670,9 @@ static int DoInspectItem(ThreadVars *tv,
if (item->flags & DE_STATE_FLAG_FULL_INSPECT) {
if (TxIsLast(inspect_tx_id, total_txs) || inprogress || next_tx_no_progress) {
det_ctx->de_state_sig_array[item->sid] = DE_STATE_MATCH_NO_NEW_STATE;
SCLogDebug("skip and bypass: tx %u packet %u", (uint)inspect_tx_id, (uint)p->pcap_cnt);
} else {
SCLogDebug("just skip: tx %u packet %u", (uint)inspect_tx_id, (uint)p->pcap_cnt);
return 0;
@ -668,6 +696,9 @@ static int DoInspectItem(ThreadVars *tv,
} else {
if (TxIsLast(inspect_tx_id, total_txs) || inprogress || next_tx_no_progress) {
det_ctx->de_state_sig_array[item->sid] = DE_STATE_MATCH_NO_NEW_STATE;
SCLogDebug("skip and bypass: tx %u packet %u", (uint)inspect_tx_id, (uint)p->pcap_cnt);
} else {
SCLogDebug("just skip: tx %u packet %u", (uint)inspect_tx_id, (uint)p->pcap_cnt);
return 0;
@ -687,6 +718,8 @@ static int DoInspectItem(ThreadVars *tv,
det_ctx->tx_id = inspect_tx_id;
det_ctx->tx_id_set = 1;
SCLogDebug("inspecting: tx %u packet %u", (uint)inspect_tx_id, (uint)p->pcap_cnt);
DetectEngineAppInspectionEngine *engine = app_inspection_engine[f->protomap][alproto][(flags & STREAM_TOSERVER) ? 0 : 1];
void *inspect_tx = AppLayerParserGetTx(f->proto, alproto, alstate, inspect_tx_id);
if (inspect_tx == NULL) {
@ -725,8 +758,11 @@ static int DoInspectItem(ThreadVars *tv,
item->flags |= inspect_flags;
if (TxIsLast(inspect_tx_id, total_txs)) {
/* flag this sig to don't inspect again from the detection loop it if
* there is no need for it */
if (TxIsLast(inspect_tx_id, total_txs) || inprogress || next_tx_no_progress) {
det_ctx->de_state_sig_array[item->sid] = DE_STATE_MATCH_NO_NEW_STATE;
SCLogDebug("inspected, now bypass: tx %u packet %u", (uint)inspect_tx_id, (uint)p->pcap_cnt);
RULE_PROFILING_END(det_ctx, s, (alert == 1), p);
@ -741,6 +777,7 @@ static int DoInspectItem(ThreadVars *tv,
} else {
SCLogDebug("MATCH: tx %u packet %u", (uint)inspect_tx_id, (uint)p->pcap_cnt);
DetectFlowvarProcessList(det_ctx, f);
