@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ int DetectBytejumpDoMatch(DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, Signature *s,
val + = 4 - ( val % 4 ) ;
val + = extbytes + data- > post_offset ;
val + = data- > post_offset ;
/* Calculate the jump location */
if ( flags & DETECT_BYTEJUMP_BEGIN ) {
@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ int DetectBytejumpDoMatch(DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, Signature *s,
//printf("NEWVAL: payload %p + %ld = %p\n", p->payload, val, jumpptr);
else {
val + = extbytes ;
jumpptr = ptr + val ;
//printf("NEWVAL: ptr %p + %ld = %p\n", ptr, val, jumpptr);
@ -287,7 +288,7 @@ int DetectBytejumpMatch(ThreadVars *t, DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx,
val + = 4 - ( val % 4 ) ;
val + = extbytes + data- > post_offset ;
val + = data- > post_offset ;
/* Calculate the jump location */
if ( data - > flags & DETECT_BYTEJUMP_BEGIN ) {
@ -295,6 +296,7 @@ int DetectBytejumpMatch(ThreadVars *t, DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx,
//printf("NEWVAL: payload %p + %ld = %p\n", p->payload, val, jumpptr);
else {
val + = extbytes ;
jumpptr = ptr + val ;
//printf("NEWVAL: ptr %p + %ld = %p\n", ptr, val, jumpptr);
@ -1249,6 +1251,94 @@ end:
return result ;
* \ test check matches of with from_beginning ( bug 626 / 627 )
int DetectByteJumpTestPacket04 ( void ) {
int result = 0 ;
uint8_t * buf = ( uint8_t * ) " XYZ04abcdABCD " ;
uint16_t buflen = strlen ( ( char * ) buf ) ;
Packet * p ;
p = UTHBuildPacket ( ( uint8_t * ) buf , buflen , IPPROTO_TCP ) ;
if ( p = = NULL )
goto end ;
char sig [ ] = " alert tcp any any -> any any (content: \" XYZ \" ; byte_jump:2,0,relative,string,dec; content: \" ABCD \" ; distance:0; within:4; sid:1; rev:1;) " ;
result = UTHPacketMatchSig ( p , sig ) ;
UTHFreePacket ( p ) ;
end :
return result ;
* \ test check matches of with from_beginning ( bug 626 / 627 )
int DetectByteJumpTestPacket05 ( void ) {
int result = 0 ;
uint8_t * buf = ( uint8_t * ) " XYZ04abcdABCD " ;
uint16_t buflen = strlen ( ( char * ) buf ) ;
Packet * p ;
p = UTHBuildPacket ( ( uint8_t * ) buf , buflen , IPPROTO_TCP ) ;
if ( p = = NULL )
goto end ;
char sig [ ] = " alert tcp any any -> any any (content: \" XYZ \" ; byte_jump:2,0,relative,string,dec; content: \" cdABCD \" ; within:6; sid:1; rev:1;) " ;
result = UTHPacketMatchSig ( p , sig ) ? 0 : 1 ;
UTHFreePacket ( p ) ;
end :
return result ;
* \ test check matches of with from_beginning ( bug 626 / 627 )
int DetectByteJumpTestPacket06 ( void ) {
int result = 0 ;
uint8_t * buf = ( uint8_t * ) " XX04abcdABCD " ;
uint16_t buflen = strlen ( ( char * ) buf ) ;
Packet * p ;
p = UTHBuildPacket ( ( uint8_t * ) buf , buflen , IPPROTO_TCP ) ;
if ( p = = NULL )
goto end ;
char sig [ ] = " alert tcp any any -> any any (content: \" XX \" ; byte_jump:2,0,relative,string,dec,from_beginning; content: \" ABCD \" ; distance:4; within:4; sid:1; rev:1;) " ;
result = UTHPacketMatchSig ( p , sig ) ;
UTHFreePacket ( p ) ;
end :
return result ;
* \ test check matches of with from_beginning ( bug 626 / 627 )
int DetectByteJumpTestPacket07 ( void ) {
int result = 0 ;
uint8_t * buf = ( uint8_t * ) " XX04abcdABCD " ;
uint16_t buflen = strlen ( ( char * ) buf ) ;
Packet * p ;
p = UTHBuildPacket ( ( uint8_t * ) buf , buflen , IPPROTO_TCP ) ;
if ( p = = NULL )
goto end ;
char sig [ ] = " alert tcp any any -> any any (content: \" XX \" ; byte_jump:2,0,relative,string,dec,from_beginning; content: \" abcdABCD \" ; distance:0; within:8; sid:1; rev:1;) " ;
result = UTHPacketMatchSig ( p , sig ) ? 1 : 0 ;
UTHFreePacket ( p ) ;
end :
return result ;
# endif /* UNITTESTS */
@ -1273,6 +1363,10 @@ void DetectBytejumpRegisterTests(void) {
UtRegisterTest ( " DetectByteJumpTestPacket01 " , DetectByteJumpTestPacket01 , 1 ) ;
UtRegisterTest ( " DetectByteJumpTestPacket02 " , DetectByteJumpTestPacket02 , 1 ) ;
UtRegisterTest ( " DetectByteJumpTestPacket03 " , DetectByteJumpTestPacket03 , 1 ) ;
UtRegisterTest ( " DetectByteJumpTestPacket04 " , DetectByteJumpTestPacket04 , 1 ) ;
UtRegisterTest ( " DetectByteJumpTestPacket05 " , DetectByteJumpTestPacket05 , 1 ) ;
UtRegisterTest ( " DetectByteJumpTestPacket06 " , DetectByteJumpTestPacket06 , 1 ) ;
UtRegisterTest ( " DetectByteJumpTestPacket07 " , DetectByteJumpTestPacket07 , 1 ) ;
# endif /* UNITTESTS */