@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
* Foundation , Inc . , 51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor , Boston , MA
* 02110 - 1301 , USA .
* /
use crate ::applayer ::* ;
use crate ::applayer ::{ self , * } ;
use crate ::core ::{ self , AppProto , ALPROTO_FAILED , ALPROTO_UNKNOWN , IPPROTO_TCP } ;
use std ::ffi ::CString ;
@ -123,6 +123,27 @@ impl ModbusState {
fn tx_iterator (
& mut self ,
min_tx_id : u64 ,
state : & mut u64 ,
) -> Option < ( & ModbusTransaction , u64 , bool ) > {
let mut index = * state as usize ;
let len = self . transactions . len ( ) ;
while index < len {
let tx = & self . transactions [ index ] ;
if tx . id < min_tx_id + 1 {
index + = 1 ;
continue ;
* state = index as u64 ;
return Some ( ( tx , tx . id - 1 , ( len - index ) > 1 ) ) ;
return None ;
/// Searches the requests in order to find one matching the given response. Returns the matching
/// transaction, if it exists
pub fn find_request_and_validate (
@ -362,6 +383,32 @@ pub unsafe extern "C" fn rs_modbus_state_get_tx(
#[ no_mangle ]
pub unsafe extern "C" fn rs_modbus_state_get_tx_iterator (
_ipproto : u8 ,
_alproto : AppProto ,
state : * mut std ::os ::raw ::c_void ,
min_tx_id : u64 ,
_max_tx_id : u64 ,
istate : & mut u64 ,
) -> applayer ::AppLayerGetTxIterTuple {
let state = cast_pointer ! ( state , ModbusState ) ;
match state . tx_iterator ( min_tx_id , istate ) {
Some ( ( tx , out_tx_id , has_next ) ) = > {
let c_tx = tx as * const _ as * mut _ ;
let ires = applayer ::AppLayerGetTxIterTuple ::with_values (
c_tx ,
out_tx_id ,
has_next ,
) ;
return ires ;
None = > {
return applayer ::AppLayerGetTxIterTuple ::not_found ( ) ;
#[ no_mangle ]
pub unsafe extern "C" fn rs_modbus_tx_get_alstate_progress (
tx : * mut std ::os ::raw ::c_void , _direction : u8 ,
@ -433,7 +480,7 @@ pub unsafe extern "C" fn rs_modbus_register_parser() {
localstorage_new : None ,
localstorage_free : None ,
get_files : None ,
get_tx_iterator : None ,
get_tx_iterator : Some( rs_modbus_state_get_tx_iterator ) ,
get_de_state : rs_modbus_state_get_tx_detect_state ,
set_de_state : rs_modbus_state_set_tx_detect_state ,
get_tx_data : rs_modbus_state_get_tx_data ,