@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
/* Copyright (c) 2008 Victor Julien <victor@inliniac.net> */
/* 2009 Gurvinder Singh <gurvindersinghdahiya@gmail.com>*/
#include "decode.h"
#include "decode.h"
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
@ -26,10 +26,11 @@
#include "util-pool.h"
#include "util-unittest.h"
#include "util-print.h"
#include "stream-tcp-private.h"
#include "stream-tcp-reassemble.h"
#include "stream-tcp.h"
#include "stream.h"
#include "stream-tcp.h"
@ -39,10 +40,25 @@ int StreamTcpThreadDeinit(ThreadVars *, void *);
void StreamTcpExitPrintStats(ThreadVars *, void *);
static int ValidReset(TcpSession * , Packet *);
static int StreamTcpHandleFin(TcpSession *, Packet *);
void StreamTcpStreamReturntoPool (Packet *);
void StreamTcpSessionPoolFree (Packet *);
void StreamTcpRegisterTests (void);
void StreamTcpReturnStreamSegments (TcpStream *);
void StreamTcpInitConfig(char);
extern void StreamTcpSegmentReturntoPool(TcpSegment *);
#define StreamTcpSessionFree free
static Pool *ssn_pool;
static pthread_mutex_t ssn_pool_mutex;
void *StreamTcpSessionAlloc(void *null) {
typedef struct StreamTcpThread_ {
u_int64_t pkts;
} StreamTcpThread;
void *StreamTcpSessionPoolAlloc(void *null) {
void *ptr = malloc(sizeof(TcpSession));
if (ptr == NULL)
return NULL;
@ -51,10 +67,6 @@ void *StreamTcpSessionAlloc(void *null) {
return ptr;
#define StreamTcpSessionFree free
static Pool *ssn_pool;
static pthread_mutex_t ssn_pool_mutex;
void TmModuleStreamTcpRegister (void) {
@ -65,18 +77,58 @@ void TmModuleStreamTcpRegister (void) {
tmm_modules[TMM_STREAMTCP].ExitPrintStats = StreamTcpExitPrintStats;
tmm_modules[TMM_STREAMTCP].Deinit = StreamTcpThreadDeinit;
tmm_modules[TMM_STREAMTCP].RegisterTests = StreamTcpRegisterTests;
ssn_pool = PoolInit(262144, 32768, StreamTcpSessionAlloc, NULL, StreamTcpSessionFree);
/** \brief To initialize the stream global configuration data
* \param quiet It tells the mode of operation, if it is TRUE nothing will
* be get printed.
void StreamTcpInitConfig(char quiet) {
if (quiet == FALSE)
printf("Initializing Stream:\n");
memset(&stream_config, 0, sizeof(stream_config));
/*set defaults*/
stream_config.max_sessions = STREAMTCP_DEFAULT_SESSIONS;
stream_config.prealloc_sessions = STREAMTCP_DEFAULT_PREALLOC;
stream_config.midstream = TRUE;
/*XXX GS should we need different function as last argument here not StreamTcpSessionPoolFree(),
* this function will free () the memory not retrun to the pool !!*/
ssn_pool = PoolInit(stream_config.max_sessions, stream_config.prealloc_sessions, StreamTcpSessionPoolAlloc, NULL, StreamTcpSessionFree);
if (ssn_pool == NULL) {
pthread_mutex_init(&ssn_pool_mutex, NULL);
typedef struct StreamTcpThread_ {
uint64_t pkts;
} StreamTcpThread;
/** \brief The function is used to to fetch a TCP session from the
* ssn_pool, when a TCP SYN is received.
* \param quiet Packet P, which has been recieved for the new TCP session.
* \retval TcpSession A new TCP session with field initilaized to 0/NULL.
TcpSession *StreamTcpNewSession (Packet *p) {
TcpSession *ssn = (TcpSession *)p->flow->stream;
if (ssn == NULL) {
p->flow->stream = PoolGet(ssn_pool);
ssn = (TcpSession *)p->flow->stream;
if (ssn == NULL)
return NULL;
ssn->state = 0;
ssn->l7data = NULL;
return ssn;
* \brief Function to handle the TCP_CLOSED or NONE state. The function handles
@ -88,17 +140,15 @@ typedef struct StreamTcpThread_ {
* \param stt Strean Thread module registered to handle the stream handling
static int StreamTcpPacketStateNone(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThread *stt) {
static int StreamTcpPacketStateNone(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThread *stt, TcpSession *ssn) {
switch (p->tcph->th_flags) {
case TH_SYN:
/* get a stream */
p->flow->stream = PoolGet(ssn_pool);
TcpSession *ssn = (TcpSession *)p->flow->stream;
if (ssn == NULL)
return -1;
if (ssn == NULL) {
ssn = StreamTcpNewSession(p);
if (ssn == NULL)
return -1;
/* set the state */
ssn->state = TCP_SYN_SENT;
@ -113,14 +163,100 @@ static int StreamTcpPacketStateNone(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThread *
//ssn->server.last_ack = ssn->client.isn + 1;
//ssn->server.last_ack = TCP_GET_ACK(p);
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateNone (%p): ssn->client.isn %" PRIu32 ", ssn->client.next_seq %" PRIu32 ", ssn->SERVER.last_ack %" PRIu32 "\n",
ssn, ssn->client.isn, ssn->client.next_seq, ssn->server.last_ack);
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateNone (%p): ssn->client.isn %" PRIu32 ", ssn->client.next_seq %" PRIu32 "\n",
ssn, ssn->client.isn, ssn->client.next_seq);
if (p->tcpvars.ws != NULL) {
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateNone (%p): p->tcpvars.ws %p, %02x\n", ssn, p->tcpvars.ws, *p->tcpvars.ws->data);
ssn->client.wscale = *p->tcpvars.ws->data;
if (stream_config.midstream == FALSE)
if (ssn == NULL) {
ssn = StreamTcpNewSession(p);
if (ssn == NULL)
return -1;
/* set the state */
ssn->state = TCP_SYN_RECV;
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateNone (%p): =~ midstream picked ssn state is now TCP_SYN_RECV\n", ssn);
/* sequence number & window */
ssn->server.isn = TCP_GET_SEQ(p);
ssn->server.ra_base_seq = ssn->server.isn;
ssn->server.next_seq = ssn->server.isn + 1;
ssn->server.window = TCP_GET_WINDOW(p);
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateNone: (%p): server window %u\n", ssn, ssn->server.window);
ssn->client.isn = TCP_GET_ACK(p) - 1;
ssn->client.ra_base_seq = ssn->client.isn;
ssn->client.next_seq = ssn->client.isn + 1;
ssn->client.last_ack = TCP_GET_ACK(p);
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateNone (%p): ssn->client.isn %u, ssn->client.next_seq %u\n",
ssn, ssn->client.isn, ssn->client.next_seq);
if (p->tcpvars.ws != NULL) {
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateNone (%p): p->tcpvars.ws %p, %02x\n", ssn, p->tcpvars.ws, *p->tcpvars.ws->data);
ssn->server.wscale = *p->tcpvars.ws->data;
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateNone (%p): ssn->server.isn %u, ssn->server.next_seq %u, ssn->CLIENT.last_ack %u\n",
ssn, ssn->server.isn, ssn->server.next_seq, ssn->client.last_ack);
/*Handle SYN/ACK and 3WHS shake missed together as it is almost similar. ryt ?*/
case TH_ACK:
if (stream_config.midstream == FALSE)
if (ssn == NULL) {
ssn = StreamTcpNewSession(p);
if (ssn == NULL)
return -1;
/* set the state */
ssn->state = TCP_ESTABLISHED;
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateNone (%p): =~ midstream picked ssn state is now TCP_ESTABLISHED\n", ssn);
/* set the sequence numbers and window */
ssn->client.isn = TCP_GET_SEQ(p) - 1;
ssn->client.ra_base_seq = ssn->client.isn;
ssn->client.next_seq = TCP_GET_SEQ(p) + p->payload_len;
ssn->client.window = TCP_GET_WINDOW(p);
ssn->client.last_ack = TCP_GET_SEQ(p);
ssn->client.next_win = ssn->client.last_ack + ssn->client.window;
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateNone (%p): ssn->client.isn %u, ssn->client.next_seq %u\n",
ssn, ssn->client.isn, ssn->client.next_seq);
ssn->server.isn = TCP_GET_ACK(p) - 1;
ssn->server.ra_base_seq = ssn->server.isn;
ssn->server.next_seq = ssn->server.isn + 1;
ssn->server.last_ack = TCP_GET_ACK(p);
/*XXX GS window scaling*/
ssn->client.wscale = 0;
ssn->server.wscale = 0;
StreamTcpReassembleHandleSegment(ssn, &ssn->client, p);
case TH_RST:
case TH_FIN:
p->flow->stream = NULL;
printf ("StreamTcpPacketStateNone: FIN or RST packet received, no session setup\n");
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateNone: default case\n");
@ -138,8 +274,9 @@ static int StreamTcpPacketStateNone(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThread *
* \param stt Strean Thread module registered to handle the stream handling
static int StreamTcpPacketStateSynSent(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThread *stt) {
TcpSession *ssn = (TcpSession *)p->flow->stream;
static int StreamTcpPacketStateSynSent(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThread *stt, TcpSession *ssn) {
if (ssn == NULL)
return -1;
switch (p->tcph->th_flags) {
case TH_SYN:
@ -193,7 +330,7 @@ static int StreamTcpPacketStateSynSent(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThrea
if(ValidReset(ssn, p)){
if(SEQ_EQ(TCP_GET_SEQ(p), ssn->client.isn) && SEQ_EQ(TCP_GET_WINDOW(p), 0) && SEQ_EQ(TCP_GET_ACK(p), (ssn->client.isn + 1))) {
ssn->state = TCP_CLOSED;
} else
return -1;
@ -216,8 +353,9 @@ static int StreamTcpPacketStateSynSent(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThrea
* \param stt Strean Thread module registered to handle the stream handling
static int StreamTcpPacketStateSynRecv(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThread *stt) {
TcpSession *ssn = (TcpSession *)p->flow->stream;
static int StreamTcpPacketStateSynRecv(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThread *stt, TcpSession *ssn) {
if (ssn == NULL)
return -1;
switch (p->tcph->th_flags) {
case TH_SYN:
@ -236,6 +374,15 @@ static int StreamTcpPacketStateSynRecv(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThrea
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateSynRecv (%p): ACK received in the wrong direction\n", ssn);
return -1;
ssn->server.last_ack = TCP_GET_ACK(p);
if (ssn->flags & STREAMTCP_FLAG_MIDSTREAM) {
ssn->client.window = TCP_GET_WINDOW(p);
ssn->server.next_win = ssn->server.last_ack + ssn->server.window;
/*XXX GS window scaling need to be addressed!!*/
ssn->server.wscale = 0;
ssn->client.wscale = 0;
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateSynRecv (%p): pkt (%" PRIu32 ") is to server: SEQ %" PRIu32 ", ACK %" PRIu32 "\n",
ssn, p->payload_len, TCP_GET_SEQ(p), TCP_GET_ACK(p));
@ -246,7 +393,6 @@ static int StreamTcpPacketStateSynRecv(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThrea
ssn->client.next_seq += p->payload_len;
ssn->client.window = TCP_GET_WINDOW(p) << ssn->client.wscale;
ssn->server.last_ack = TCP_GET_ACK(p);
ssn->client.next_win = ssn->client.last_ack + ssn->client.window;
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateSynRecv (%p): next_win %" PRIu32 "\n", ssn, ssn->client.next_win);
@ -254,7 +400,7 @@ static int StreamTcpPacketStateSynRecv(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThrea
if(ValidReset(ssn, p)) {
ssn->state = TCP_CLOSED;
} else
return -1;
@ -282,8 +428,9 @@ static int StreamTcpPacketStateSynRecv(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThrea
* \param stt Strean Thread module registered to handle the stream handling
static int StreamTcpPacketStateEstablished(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThread *stt) {
TcpSession *ssn = (TcpSession *)p->flow->stream;
static int StreamTcpPacketStateEstablished(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThread *stt, TcpSession *ssn) {
if (ssn == NULL)
return -1;
switch (p->tcph->th_flags) {
case TH_SYN:
@ -321,12 +468,21 @@ static int StreamTcpPacketStateEstablished(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpT
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateEstablished (%p): server !!!!! => SEQ mismatch, packet SEQ %" PRIu32 ", payload size %" PRIu32 " (%" PRIu32 "), last_ack %" PRIu32 ", next_win %" PRIu32 "\n",
ssn, TCP_GET_SEQ(p), p->payload_len, TCP_GET_SEQ(p) + p->payload_len, ssn->client.last_ack, ssn->client.next_win);
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateEstablished (%p): next SEQ %" PRIu32 ", last ACK %" PRIu32 ", next win %" PRIu32 ", win %" PRIu32 "\n",
ssn, ssn->client.next_seq, ssn->server.last_ack, ssn->client.next_win, ssn->client.window);
} else { /* implied to client */
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateEstablished (%p): =+ pkt (%" PRIu32 ") is to client: SEQ %" PRIu32 ", ACK %" PRIu32 "\n",
ssn, p->payload_len, TCP_GET_SEQ(p), TCP_GET_ACK(p));
/*To get the server window value from the servers packet, when connection
is picked up as midstream*/
ssn->server.window = TCP_GET_WINDOW(p);
ssn->server.next_win = ssn->server.last_ack + ssn->server.window;
if (SEQ_EQ(ssn->server.next_seq, TCP_GET_SEQ(p))) {
ssn->server.next_seq += p->payload_len;
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateEstablished (%p): ssn->server.next_seq %" PRIu32 "\n", ssn, ssn->server.next_seq);
@ -380,7 +536,7 @@ static int StreamTcpPacketStateEstablished(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpT
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateEstablished (%p): =+ next SEQ %" PRIu32 ", last ACK %" PRIu32 "\n",
ssn, ssn->client.next_seq, ssn->server.last_ack);
} else {
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateEstablished (%p): Reset received and state changed to TCP_CLOSED\n", ssn);
ssn->state = TCP_CLOSED;
@ -397,7 +553,7 @@ static int StreamTcpPacketStateEstablished(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpT
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateEstablished (%p): =+ next SEQ %" PRIu32 ", last ACK %" PRIu32 "\n",
ssn, ssn->server.next_seq, ssn->client.last_ack);
} else
return -1;
@ -482,8 +638,9 @@ static int StreamTcpHandleFin(TcpSession *ssn, Packet *p) {
* \param stt Strean Thread module registered to handle the stream handling
static int StreamTcpPacketStateFinWait1(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThread *stt) {
TcpSession *ssn = (TcpSession *)p->flow->stream;
static int StreamTcpPacketStateFinWait1(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThread *stt, TcpSession *ssn) {
if (ssn == NULL)
return -1;
switch (p->tcph->th_flags) {
case TH_ACK:
@ -574,7 +731,7 @@ static int StreamTcpPacketStateFinWait1(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThre
if(ValidReset(ssn, p)) {
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateFinWait1 (%p): Reset received state changed to TCP_CLOSED\n", ssn);
ssn->state = TCP_CLOSED;
return -1;
@ -597,8 +754,9 @@ static int StreamTcpPacketStateFinWait1(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThre
* \param stt Strean Thread module registered to handle the stream handling
static int StreamTcpPacketStateFinWait2(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThread *stt) {
TcpSession *ssn = (TcpSession *)p->flow->stream;
static int StreamTcpPacketStateFinWait2(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThread *stt, TcpSession *ssn) {
if (ssn == NULL)
return -1;
switch (p->tcph->th_flags) {
case TH_ACK:
@ -651,7 +809,7 @@ static int StreamTcpPacketStateFinWait2(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThre
if(ValidReset(ssn, p)) {
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateFinWait2 (%p): Reset received state changed to TCP_CLOSED\n", ssn);
ssn->state = TCP_CLOSED;
return -1;
@ -720,8 +878,9 @@ static int StreamTcpPacketStateFinWait2(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThre
* \param stt Strean Thread module registered to handle the stream handling
static int StreamTcpPacketStateClosing(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThread *stt) {
TcpSession *ssn = (TcpSession *)p->flow->stream;
static int StreamTcpPacketStateClosing(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThread *stt, TcpSession *ssn) {
if (ssn == NULL)
return -1;
switch(p->tcph->th_flags) {
case TH_ACK:
@ -786,8 +945,9 @@ static int StreamTcpPacketStateClosing(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThrea
* \param stt Strean Thread module registered to handle the stream handling
static int StreamTcpPacketStateCloseWait(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThread *stt) {
TcpSession *ssn = (TcpSession *)p->flow->stream;
static int StreamTcpPacketStateCloseWait(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThread *stt, TcpSession *ssn) {
if (ssn == NULL)
return -1;
switch(p->tcph->th_flags) {
case TH_FIN:
@ -831,8 +991,9 @@ static int StreamTcpPacketStateCloseWait(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThr
* \param stt Strean Thread module registered to handle the stream handling
static int StreamTcpPakcetStateLastAck(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThread *stt) {
TcpSession *ssn = (TcpSession *)p->flow->stream;
static int StreamTcpPakcetStateLastAck(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThread *stt, TcpSession *ssn) {
if (ssn == NULL)
return -1;
switch(p->tcph->th_flags) {
case TH_ACK:
@ -857,7 +1018,7 @@ static int StreamTcpPakcetStateLastAck(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThrea
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateLastAck (%p): =+ next SEQ %" PRIu32 ", last ACK %" PRIu32 "\n",
ssn, ssn->client.next_seq, ssn->server.last_ack);
@ -877,8 +1038,9 @@ static int StreamTcpPakcetStateLastAck(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThrea
* \param stt Strean Thread module registered to handle the stream handling
static int StreamTcpPacketStateTimeWait(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThread *stt) {
TcpSession *ssn = (TcpSession *)p->flow->stream;
static int StreamTcpPacketStateTimeWait(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThread *stt, TcpSession *ssn) {
if (ssn == NULL)
return -1;
switch(p->tcph->th_flags) {
case TH_ACK:
@ -903,7 +1065,7 @@ static int StreamTcpPacketStateTimeWait(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThre
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateTimeWait (%p): =+ next SEQ %" PRIu32 ", last ACK %" PRIu32 "\n",
ssn, ssn->client.next_seq, ssn->server.last_ack);
} else {
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateTimeWait (%p): pkt (%" PRIu32 ") is to client: SEQ %" PRIu32 ", ACK %" PRIu32 "\n",
ssn, p->payload_len, TCP_GET_SEQ(p), TCP_GET_ACK(p));
@ -925,7 +1087,7 @@ static int StreamTcpPacketStateTimeWait(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThre
printf("StreamTcpPacketStateTimeWait (%p): =+ next SEQ %" PRIu32 ", last ACK %" PRIu32 "\n",
ssn, ssn->server.next_seq, ssn->client.last_ack);
@ -941,35 +1103,45 @@ static int StreamTcpPacket (ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, StreamTcpThread *stt) {
TcpSession *ssn = (TcpSession *)p->flow->stream;
if (ssn == NULL || ssn->state == 0 || ssn->state == TCP_CLOSED) {
StreamTcpPacketStateNone(tv, p, stt);
if (StreamTcpPacketStateNone(tv, p, stt, ssn) == -1)
return -1;
} else {
switch (ssn->state) {
StreamTcpPacketStateSynSent(tv, p, stt);
if(StreamTcpPacketStateSynSent(tv, p, stt, ssn))
return -1;
StreamTcpPacketStateSynRecv(tv, p, stt);
if(StreamTcpPacketStateSynRecv(tv, p, stt, ssn))
return -1;
StreamTcpPacketStateEstablished(tv, p, stt);
if(StreamTcpPacketStateEstablished(tv, p, stt, ssn))
return -1;
StreamTcpPacketStateFinWait1(tv, p, stt);
if(StreamTcpPacketStateFinWait1(tv, p, stt, ssn))
return -1;
StreamTcpPacketStateFinWait2(tv, p, stt);
if(StreamTcpPacketStateFinWait2(tv, p, stt, ssn))
return -1;
StreamTcpPacketStateClosing(tv, p, stt);
if(StreamTcpPacketStateClosing(tv, p, stt, ssn))
return -1;
StreamTcpPacketStateCloseWait(tv, p, stt);
if(StreamTcpPacketStateCloseWait(tv, p, stt, ssn))
return -1;
StreamTcpPakcetStateLastAck(tv, p, stt);
if(StreamTcpPakcetStateLastAck(tv, p, stt, ssn))
return -1;
StreamTcpPacketStateTimeWait(tv, p, stt);
if(StreamTcpPacketStateTimeWait(tv, p, stt, ssn))
return -1;
@ -1151,101 +1323,414 @@ static int ValidReset(TcpSession *ssn, Packet *p) {
* \brief Function to return the stream back to the pool.
* \brief Function to return the stream back to the pool. It returns the
* segments in the stream to the segment pool.
* \param p Packet used to identify the stream.
void StreamTcpStreamReturntoPool (Packet *p) {
/* get a stream */
void StreamTcpSessionPoolFree (Packet *p) {
TcpSession *ssn = (TcpSession *)p->flow->stream;
if (ssn == NULL)
PoolReturn(ssn_pool, p->flow->stream);
/*XXX GS i think this will suffice then as when ssn_pool is initialize
StreamTcpSessionPoolAlloc () sets the ssn to 0 also. I think this will keep
the session in the pool as clean. your thoughts ??*/
memset(ssn, 0, sizeof(TcpSession));
p->flow->stream = NULL;
/*static int StreamTcpReassembleTest01 (void) {
void StreamTcpReturnStreamSegments (TcpStream *stream) {
TcpSegment *temp = stream->seg_list;
TcpSegment *prev;
for (; temp!=NULL; ) {
if (temp->next != NULL) {
prev = temp;
temp = temp->next;
} else {
temp = temp->next;
* \test Test the allocation of TCP session for a given packet from the
* ssn_pool.
* \retval On success it returns 1 and on failure 0.
static int StreamTcpTest01 (void) {
Packet p;
Flow f;
TcpSession ssn1;
memset (&p, 0, sizeof(Packet));
memset (&f, 0, sizeof(Flow));
memset(&ssn1, 0, sizeof (TcpSession));
f.stream = &ssn1;
p.flow = &f;
TcpSession *ssn = StreamTcpNewSession(&p);
if (ssn == NULL) {
printf("Session can not be allocated \n");
return 0;
if (ssn->l7data != NULL) {
printf("Layer 7 field not set to NULL \n");
return 0;
if (ssn->state != 0) {
printf("TCP state field not set to 0 \n");
return 0;
return 1;
* \test Test the deallocation of TCP session for a given packet and return
* the memory back to ssn_pool and corresponding segments to segment
* pool.
* \retval On success it returns 1 and on failure 0.
static int StreamTcpTest02 (void) {
Packet p;
Flow f;
TcpSession ssn;
TcpStream cstream, sstream;
ThreadVars tv;
StreamTcpThread stt;
u_int8_t payload[4];
TCPHdr tcph;
memset (&p, 0, sizeof(Packet));
memset (&f, 0, sizeof(Flow));
memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof (TcpSession));
memset(&tv, 0, sizeof (ThreadVars));
memset(&stt, 0, sizeof (StreamTcpThread));
memset(&tcph, 0, sizeof (TCPHdr));
f.stream = &ssn;
p.flow = &f;
tcph.th_win = htons(5480);
tcph.th_flags = TH_SYN;
p.tcph = &tcph;
p.flowflags = FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER;
if (StreamTcpPacket(&tv, &p, &stt) == -1)
return 0;
p.tcph->th_ack = htonl(1);
p.tcph->th_flags = TH_SYN | TH_ACK;
p.flowflags = FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT;
if (StreamTcpPacket(&tv, &p, &stt) == -1)
return 0;
p.tcph->th_ack = htonl(1);
p.tcph->th_seq = htonl(1);
p.tcph->th_flags = TH_ACK;
p.flowflags = FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER;
if (StreamTcpPacket(&tv, &p, &stt) == -1)
return 0;
p.tcph->th_ack = htonl(1);
p.tcph->th_seq = htonl(2);
p.tcph->th_flags = TH_PUSH | TH_ACK;
p.flowflags = FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER;
StreamTcpCreateTestPacket(payload, 0x41, 3); /*AAA*/
p.payload = payload;
p.payload_len = 3;
if (StreamTcpPacket(&tv, &p, &stt) == -1)
return 0;
p.flowflags = FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT;
if (StreamTcpPacket(&tv, &p, &stt) == -1)
return 0;
p.tcph->th_ack = htonl(1);
p.tcph->th_seq = htonl(6);
p.tcph->th_flags = TH_PUSH | TH_ACK;
p.flowflags = FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER;
StreamTcpCreateTestPacket(payload, 0x42, 3); /*BBB*/
p.payload = payload;
p.payload_len = 3;
if (StreamTcpPacket(&tv, &p, &stt) == -1)
return 0;
p.flowflags = FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT;
if (StreamTcpPacket(&tv, &p, &stt) == -1)
return 0;
if (p.flow->stream != NULL)
return 0;
return 1;
* \test Test the setting up a TCP session when we missed the intial
* SYN packet of the session. The session is setup only if midstream
* sessions are allowed to setup.
* \retval On success it returns 1 and on failure 0.
static int StreamTcpTest03 (void) {
Packet p;
Flow f;
TcpSession ssn;
ThreadVars tv;
StreamTcpThread stt;
TCPHdr tcph;
memset (&p, 0, sizeof(Packet));
memset (&f, 0, sizeof(Flow));
memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof (TcpSession));
memset(&tv, 0, sizeof (ThreadVars));
memset(&stt, 0, sizeof (StreamTcpThread));
memset(&tcph, 0, sizeof (TCPHdr));
f.stream = &ssn;
p.flow = &f;
tcph.th_win = htons(5480);
tcph.th_seq = htonl(10);
tcph.th_ack = htonl(20);
tcph.th_flags = TH_SYN|TH_ACK;
p.tcph = &tcph;
if (StreamTcpPacket(&tv, &p, &stt) == -1)
return 0;
p.tcph->th_seq = htonl(20);
p.tcph->th_ack = htonl(11);
p.tcph->th_flags = TH_ACK;
p.flowflags = FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER;
if (StreamTcpPacket(&tv, &p, &stt) == -1)
return 0;
p.tcph->th_seq = htonl(19);
p.tcph->th_ack = htonl(11);
p.tcph->th_flags = TH_ACK|TH_PUSH;
p.flowflags = FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER;
if (StreamTcpPacket(&tv, &p, &stt) == -1)
return 0;
if (stream_config.midstream != TRUE)
return 1;
if (((TcpSession *)(p.flow->stream))->state != TCP_ESTABLISHED)
return 0;
if (((TcpSession *)(p.flow->stream))->client.next_seq != 20 ||
((TcpSession *)(p.flow->stream))->server.next_seq != 11)
return 0;
return 1;
* \test Test the setting up a TCP session when we missed the intial
* SYN/ACK packet of the session. The session is setup only if
* midstream sessions are allowed to setup.
* \retval On success it returns 1 and on failure 0.
static int StreamTcpTest04 (void) {
Packet p;
Flow f;
TcpSession ssn;
ThreadVars tv;
StreamTcpThread stt;
TCPHdr tcph;
uint8_t payload[] = { 0x41, 0x41, 0x41 };
memset(&tv, 0, sizeof(ThreadVars));
memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(TcpSession));
memset(&cstream, 0, sizeof(TcpStream));
memset(&sstream, 0, sizeof(TcpStream));
memset(&p, 0, sizeof(Packet));
memset(&f, 0, sizeof(Flow));
memset(&stt, 0, sizeof(StreamTcpThread));
memset(&tcph, 0, sizeof(TCPHdr));
cstream.os_policy = OS_POLICY_BSD;
sstream.os_policy = OS_POLICY_BSD;
//ssn.state = 0;
ssn.client = cstream;
ssn.server = sstream;
ssn.client.isn = 10;
ssn.server.isn = 30;
memset (&p, 0, sizeof(Packet));
memset (&f, 0, sizeof(Flow));
memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof (TcpSession));
memset(&tv, 0, sizeof (ThreadVars));
memset(&stt, 0, sizeof (StreamTcpThread));
memset(&tcph, 0, sizeof (TCPHdr));
f.stream = &ssn;
p.src.family = AF_INET;
p.dst.family = AF_INET;
//p.src = Address"";
//p.dst = "";
p.payload = NULL;
p.payload_len = 0;
p.proto = IPPROTO_TCP;
p.flow = &f;
tcph.th_win = htons(5480);
tcph.th_seq = htonl(10);
tcph.th_win = 5480;
tcph.th_flags = TH_SYN;
tcph.th_ack = htonl(20);
tcph.th_flags = TH_ACK;
p.tcph = &tcph;
if (StreamTcpPacket(&tv, &p, &stt) == -1)
return 0;
p.tcph->th_seq = htonl(9);
p.tcph->th_ack = htonl(19);
p.tcph->th_flags = TH_ACK|TH_PUSH;
p.flowflags = FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER;
if (StreamTcpPacket(&tv, &p, &stt) == -1)
return 0;
if (stream_config.midstream != TRUE)
return 1;
if (((TcpSession *)(p.flow->stream))->state != TCP_ESTABLISHED)
return 0;
if (((TcpSession *)(p.flow->stream))->client.next_seq != 10 ||
((TcpSession *)(p.flow->stream))->server.next_seq != 20)
return 0;
return 1;
* \test Test the setting up a TCP session when we missed the intial
* 3WHS packet of the session. The session is setup only if
* midstream sessions are allowed to setup.
* \retval On success it returns 1 and on failure 0.
static int StreamTcpTest05 (void) {
Packet p;
Flow f;
TcpSession ssn;
ThreadVars tv;
StreamTcpThread stt;
TCPHdr tcph;
u_int8_t payload[4];
memset (&p, 0, sizeof(Packet));
memset (&f, 0, sizeof(Flow));
memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof (TcpSession));
memset(&tv, 0, sizeof (ThreadVars));
memset(&stt, 0, sizeof (StreamTcpThread));
memset(&tcph, 0, sizeof (TCPHdr));
f.stream = &ssn;
p.flow = &f;
tcph.th_win = htons(5480);
tcph.th_seq = htonl(10);
tcph.th_ack = htonl(20);
tcph.th_flags = TH_ACK|TH_PUSH;
p.tcph = &tcph;
StreamTcpCreateTestPacket(payload, 0x41, 3); /*AAA*/
p.payload = payload;
p.payload_len = 3;
if (StreamTcpPacket(&tv, &p, &stt) == -1)
return 0;
p.tcph->th_seq = htonl(20);
p.tcph->th_ack = htonl(13);
p.tcph->th_flags = TH_ACK|TH_PUSH;
p.flowflags = FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT;
StreamTcpCreateTestPacket(payload, 0x42, 3); /*BBB*/
p.payload = payload;
p.payload_len = 3;
if (StreamTcpPacket(&tv, &p, &stt) == -1)
return 0;
p.tcph->th_seq = htonl(13);
p.tcph->th_ack = htonl(23);
p.tcph->th_flags = TH_ACK|TH_PUSH;
p.flowflags = FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER;
StreamTcpCreateTestPacket(payload, 0x43, 3); /*CCC*/
p.payload = payload;
p.payload_len = 3;
if (StreamTcpPacket(&tv, &p, &stt) == -1)
return 0;
p.tcph->th_seq = htonl(19);
p.tcph->th_ack = htonl(16);
p.tcph->th_flags = TH_ACK|TH_PUSH;
p.flowflags = FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT;
StreamTcpCreateTestPacket(payload, 0x44, 3); /*DDD*/
p.payload = payload;
p.payload_len = 3;
if (StreamTcpPacket(&tv, &p, &stt) == -1)
return 0;
if (stream_config.midstream != TRUE)
return 1;
if (((TcpSession *)(p.flow->stream))->state != TCP_ESTABLISHED)
return 0;
if (((TcpSession *)(p.flow->stream))->client.next_seq != 16 ||
((TcpSession *)(p.flow->stream))->server.next_seq != 23)
return 0;
return 1;
* \test Test the setting up a TCP session when we have seen only the
* FIN, RST packets packet of the session. The session is setup only if
* midstream sessions are allowed to setup.
* \retval On success it returns 1 and on failure 0.
static int StreamTcpTest06 (void) {
Packet p;
Flow f;
TcpSession ssn;
ThreadVars tv;
StreamTcpThread stt;
TCPHdr tcph;
memset (&p, 0, sizeof(Packet));
memset (&f, 0, sizeof(Flow));
memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof (TcpSession));
memset(&tv, 0, sizeof (ThreadVars));
memset(&stt, 0, sizeof (StreamTcpThread));
memset(&tcph, 0, sizeof (TCPHdr));
f.stream = &ssn;
p.flow = &f;
printf("I am executing hello world!!\n");
//for (i=0; i<39; i++) {
//p = (Packet)pkts[i];
StreamTcpPacket(&tv, &p, &stt);
tcph.th_seq = htonl(30);
tcph.th_ack = htonl(11);
tcph.th_win = 5480;
tcph.th_flags = TH_SYN|TH_ACK;
p.tcph = &tcph;
p.flowflags = FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT;
StreamTcpPacket(&tv, &p, &stt);
tcph.th_seq = htonl(11);
tcph.th_ack = htonl(31);
tcph.th_win = 5480;
tcph.th_flags = TH_ACK;
p.tcph = &tcph;
p.flowflags = FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER;
StreamTcpPacket(&tv, &p, &stt);
tcph.th_seq = htonl(12);
tcph.th_ack = htonl(31);
tcph.th_win = 5480;
tcph.th_flags = TH_PUSH|TH_ACK;
p.tcph = &tcph;
//payload =
p.payload = payload;
p.payload_len = 3;
p.flowflags = FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER;
StreamTcpPacket(&tv, &p, &stt);
tcph.th_flags = TH_FIN;
p.tcph = &tcph;
if (StreamTcpPacket(&tv, &p, &stt) == -1)
return 0;
if (((TcpSession *)(p.flow->stream)) != NULL)
return 0;
p.tcph->th_flags = TH_RST;
if (StreamTcpPacket(&tv, &p, &stt) == -1)
return 0;
if (((TcpSession *)(p.flow->stream)) != NULL)
return 0;
return 1;
void StreamTcpRegisterTests (void) {
//UtRegisterTest("StreamTcpReassembleTest01", StreamTcpReassembleTest01, 1);
UtRegisterTest("StreamTcpTest01 -- TCP session allocation", StreamTcpTest01, 1);
UtRegisterTest("StreamTcpTest02 -- TCP session deallocation", StreamTcpTest02, 1);
UtRegisterTest("StreamTcpTest03 -- SYN missed MidStream session", StreamTcpTest03, 1);
UtRegisterTest("StreamTcpTest04 -- SYN/ACK missed MidStream session", StreamTcpTest04, 1);
UtRegisterTest("StreamTcpTest05 -- 3WHS missed MidStream session", StreamTcpTest05, 1);
UtRegisterTest("StreamTcpTest06 -- FIN, RST message MidStream session", StreamTcpTest06, 1);
/* set up the reassembly tests as well */
#endif /* UNITTESTS */