@ -99,6 +99,10 @@ StreamingBufferConfig htp_sbcfg = STREAMING_BUFFER_CONFIG_INITIALIZER;
/** Limit to the number of libhtp messages that can be handled */
#define HTP_MAX_MESSAGES 512
/** a boundary should be smaller in size */
// RFC 2046 states that max boundary size is 70
SC_ATOMIC_DECLARE(uint32_t, htp_config_flags);
#ifdef DEBUG
@ -368,8 +372,8 @@ static void HtpTxUserDataFree(HtpState *state, HtpTxUserData *htud)
if (htud->response_headers_raw)
HTPFree(htud->response_headers_raw, htud->response_headers_raw_len);
if (htud->boundary)
HTPFree(htud->boundary, htud->boundary_len);
if (htud->mime_state)
if (htud->tx_data.de_state != NULL) {
@ -1114,92 +1118,6 @@ static int HTTPParseContentDispositionHeader(uint8_t *name, size_t name_len,
return 0;
* \param name /Lowercase/ version of the variable name
static int HTTPParseContentTypeHeader(uint8_t *name, size_t name_len,
uint8_t *data, size_t len, uint8_t **retptr, size_t *retlen)
#ifdef PRINT
printf("DATA START: \n");
PrintRawDataFp(stdout, data, len);
printf("DATA END: \n");
size_t x;
int quote = 0;
for (x = 0; x < len; x++) {
if (!(isspace(data[x])))
if (x >= len) {
uint8_t *line = data+x;
size_t line_len = len-x;
size_t offset = 0;
#ifdef PRINT
printf("LINE START: \n");
PrintRawDataFp(stdout, line, line_len);
printf("LINE END: \n");
for (x = 0 ; x < line_len; x++) {
if (x > 0) {
if (line[x - 1] != '\\' && line[x] == '\"') {
if (((line[x - 1] != '\\' && line[x] == ';') || ((x + 1) == line_len)) && (quote == 0 || quote % 2 == 0)) {
uint8_t *token = line + offset;
size_t token_len = x - offset;
if ((x + 1) == line_len) {
offset = x + 1;
while (offset < line_len && isspace(line[offset])) {
#ifdef PRINT
printf("TOKEN START: \n");
PrintRawDataFp(stdout, token, token_len);
printf("TOKEN END: \n");
if (token_len > name_len) {
if (name == NULL || SCMemcmpLowercase(name, token, name_len) == 0) {
uint8_t *value = token + name_len;
size_t value_len = token_len - name_len;
if (value[0] == '\"') {
if (value[value_len-1] == '\"') {
#ifdef PRINT
printf("VALUE START: \n");
PrintRawDataFp(stdout, value, value_len);
printf("VALUE END: \n");
*retptr = value;
*retlen = value_len;
* \brief setup multipart parsing: extract boundary and store it
@ -1218,123 +1136,15 @@ static int HtpRequestBodySetupMultipart(htp_tx_t *tx, HtpTxUserData *htud)
htp_header_t *h = (htp_header_t *)htp_table_get_c(tx->request_headers,
if (h != NULL && bstr_len(h->value) > 0) {
uint8_t *boundary = NULL;
size_t boundary_len = 0;
int r = HTTPParseContentTypeHeader((uint8_t *)"boundary=", 9,
(uint8_t *) bstr_ptr(h->value), bstr_len(h->value),
&boundary, &boundary_len);
if (r == 1) {
#ifdef PRINT
printf("BOUNDARY START: \n");
PrintRawDataFp(stdout, boundary, boundary_len);
printf("BOUNDARY END: \n");
if (boundary_len < HTP_BOUNDARY_MAX) {
htud->boundary = HTPMalloc(boundary_len);
if (htud->boundary == NULL) {
return -1;
htud->boundary_len = (uint8_t)boundary_len;
memcpy(htud->boundary, boundary, boundary_len);
htud->tsflags |= HTP_BOUNDARY_SET;
} else {
SCLogDebug("invalid boundary");
return -1;
htud->mime_state = rs_mime_state_init(bstr_ptr(h->value), bstr_len(h->value));
if (htud->mime_state) {
htud->tsflags |= HTP_BOUNDARY_SET;
#define C_D_HDR "content-disposition:"
#define C_D_HDR_LEN 20
#define C_T_HDR "content-type:"
#define C_T_HDR_LEN 13
static void HtpRequestBodyMultipartParseHeader(HtpState *hstate,
HtpTxUserData *htud,
uint8_t *header, uint32_t header_len,
uint8_t **filename, uint16_t *filename_len,
uint8_t **filetype, uint16_t *filetype_len)
uint8_t *fn = NULL;
size_t fn_len = 0;
uint8_t *ft = NULL;
size_t ft_len = 0;
#ifdef PRINT
printf("HEADER START: \n");
PrintRawDataFp(stdout, header, header_len);
printf("HEADER END: \n");
while (header_len > 0) {
uint8_t *next_line = Bs2bmSearch(header, header_len, (uint8_t *)"\r\n", 2);
uint8_t *line = header;
uint32_t line_len;
if (next_line == NULL) {
line_len = header_len;
} else {
line_len = next_line - header;
uint8_t *sc = (uint8_t *)memchr(line, ':', line_len);
if (sc == NULL) {
HTPSetEvent(hstate, htud, STREAM_TOSERVER,
/* if the : we found is the final char, it means we have
* no value */
} else if (line_len > 0 && sc == &line[line_len - 1]) {
HTPSetEvent(hstate, htud, STREAM_TOSERVER,
} else {
#ifdef PRINT
printf("LINE START: \n");
PrintRawDataFp(stdout, line, line_len);
printf("LINE END: \n");
if (line_len >= C_D_HDR_LEN &&
SCMemcmpLowercase(C_D_HDR, line, C_D_HDR_LEN) == 0) {
uint8_t *value = line + C_D_HDR_LEN;
uint32_t value_len = line_len - C_D_HDR_LEN;
/* parse content-disposition */
(void)HTTPParseContentDispositionHeader((uint8_t *)"filename=", 9,
value, value_len, &fn, &fn_len);
} else if (line_len >= C_T_HDR_LEN &&
SCMemcmpLowercase(C_T_HDR, line, C_T_HDR_LEN) == 0) {
SCLogDebug("content-type line");
uint8_t *value = line + C_T_HDR_LEN;
uint32_t value_len = line_len - C_T_HDR_LEN;
(void)HTTPParseContentTypeHeader(NULL, 0,
value, value_len, &ft, &ft_len);
if (next_line == NULL) {
SCLogDebug("no next_line");
header_len -= ((next_line + 2) - header);
header = next_line + 2;
} /* while (header_len > 0) */
if (fn_len > USHRT_MAX)
fn_len = USHRT_MAX;
if (ft_len > USHRT_MAX)
ft_len = USHRT_MAX;
*filename = fn;
*filename_len = (uint16_t)fn_len;
*filetype = ft;
*filetype_len = (uint16_t)ft_len;
* \brief Create a single buffer from the HtpBodyChunks in our list
@ -1364,336 +1174,104 @@ static void FlagDetectStateNewFile(HtpTxUserData *tx, int dir)
* \brief Setup boundary buffers
static void HtpRequestBodySetupBoundary(HtpTxUserData *htud,
uint8_t *boundary, uint32_t boundary_len)
memset(boundary, '-', boundary_len);
memcpy(boundary + 2, htud->boundary, htud->boundary_len);
static int HtpRequestBodyHandleMultipart(HtpState *hstate, HtpTxUserData *htud, void *tx,
const uint8_t *chunks_buffer, uint32_t chunks_buffer_len)
const uint8_t *chunks_buffer, uint32_t chunks_buffer_len, bool eof)
int result = 0;
uint8_t boundary[htud->boundary_len + 4]; /**< size limited to HTP_BOUNDARY_MAX + 4 */
uint16_t expected_boundary_len = htud->boundary_len + 2;
uint16_t expected_boundary_end_len = htud->boundary_len + 4;
int tx_progress = 0;
#ifdef PRINT
printf("CHUNK START: \n");
PrintRawDataFp(stdout, chunks_buffer, chunks_buffer_len);
printf("CHUNK END: \n");
HtpRequestBodySetupBoundary(htud, boundary, htud->boundary_len + 4);
/* search for the header start, header end and form end */
const uint8_t *header_start = Bs2bmSearch(chunks_buffer, chunks_buffer_len,
boundary, expected_boundary_len);
/* end of the multipart form */
const uint8_t *form_end = NULL;
/* end marker belonging to header_start */
const uint8_t *header_end = NULL;
if (header_start != NULL) {
header_end = Bs2bmSearch(header_start, chunks_buffer_len - (header_start - chunks_buffer),
(uint8_t *)"\r\n\r\n", 4);
form_end = Bs2bmSearch(header_start, chunks_buffer_len - (header_start - chunks_buffer),
boundary, expected_boundary_end_len);
SCLogDebug("header_start %p, header_end %p, form_end %p", header_start,
header_end, form_end);
/* we currently only handle multipart for ts. When we support it for tc,
* we will need to supply right direction */
tx_progress = AppLayerParserGetStateProgress(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP1, tx, STREAM_TOSERVER);
/* if we're in the file storage process, deal with that now */
if (htud->tsflags & HTP_FILENAME_SET) {
if (header_start != NULL || (tx_progress > HTP_REQUEST_BODY)) {
SCLogDebug("reached the end of the file");
const uint8_t *filedata = chunks_buffer;
uint32_t filedata_len = 0;
uint8_t flags = 0;
if (header_start != NULL) {
if (header_start == filedata + 2) {
/* last chunk had all data, but not the boundary */
SCLogDebug("last chunk had all data, but not the boundary");
filedata_len = 0;
} else if (header_start > filedata + 2) {
SCLogDebug("some data from last file before the boundary");
/* some data from last file before the boundary */
filedata_len = header_start - filedata - 2;
/* body parsing done, we did not get our form end. Use all data
* we still have and signal to files API we have an issue. */
if (tx_progress > HTP_REQUEST_BODY) {
filedata_len = chunks_buffer_len;
if (filedata_len > chunks_buffer_len) {
HTPSetEvent(hstate, htud, STREAM_TOSERVER,
goto end;
#ifdef PRINT
printf("FILEDATA (final chunk) START: \n");
PrintRawDataFp(stdout, filedata, filedata_len);
printf("FILEDATA (final chunk) END: \n");
if (!(htud->tsflags & HTP_DONTSTORE)) {
if (HTPFileClose(htud, filedata, filedata_len, flags, STREAM_TOSERVER) == -1) {
goto end;
htud->tsflags &=~ HTP_FILENAME_SET;
/* fall through */
} else {
SCLogDebug("not yet at the end of the file");
if (chunks_buffer_len > expected_boundary_end_len) {
const uint8_t *filedata = chunks_buffer;
uint32_t filedata_len = chunks_buffer_len - expected_boundary_len;
for (; filedata_len < chunks_buffer_len; filedata_len++) {
// take as much as we can until the beginning of a new line
if (chunks_buffer[filedata_len] == '\r') {
if (filedata_len + 1 == chunks_buffer_len ||
chunks_buffer[filedata_len + 1] == '\n') {
#ifdef PRINT
printf("FILEDATA (part) START: \n");
PrintRawDataFp(stdout, filedata, filedata_len);
printf("FILEDATA (part) END: \n");
if (!(htud->tsflags & HTP_DONTSTORE)) {
result = HTPFileStoreChunk(htud, filedata, filedata_len, STREAM_TOSERVER);
if (result == -1) {
goto end;
} else if (result == -2) {
/* we know for sure we're not storing the file */
htud->tsflags |= HTP_DONTSTORE;
// libhtp will not call us back too late
// should libhtp send a callback eof for 0 chunked ?
htud->request_body.body_parsed += filedata_len;
} else {
SCLogDebug("chunk too small to already process in part");
const uint8_t *cur_buf = chunks_buffer;
uint32_t cur_buf_len = chunks_buffer_len;
goto end;
if (eof) {
// abrupt end of connection
if (htud->tsflags & HTP_FILENAME_SET && !(htud->tsflags & HTP_DONTSTORE)) {
/* we currently only handle multipart for ts. When we support it for tc,
* we will need to supply right direction */
HTPFileClose(htud, cur_buf, cur_buf_len, FILE_TRUNCATED, STREAM_TOSERVER);
htud->tsflags &= ~HTP_FILENAME_SET;
goto end;
while (header_start != NULL && header_end != NULL &&
header_end != form_end &&
header_start < (chunks_buffer + chunks_buffer_len) &&
header_end < (chunks_buffer + chunks_buffer_len) &&
header_start < header_end)
uint8_t *filename = NULL;
uint16_t filename_len = 0;
uint8_t *filetype = NULL;
uint16_t filetype_len = 0;
uint32_t header_len = header_end - header_start;
SCLogDebug("header_len %u", header_len);
uint8_t *header = (uint8_t *)header_start;
/* skip empty records */
if (expected_boundary_len == header_len) {
goto next;
} else if ((uint32_t)(expected_boundary_len + 2) <= header_len) {
header_len -= (expected_boundary_len + 2);
header = (uint8_t *)header_start + (expected_boundary_len + 2); // + for 0d 0a
uint32_t consumed;
uint32_t warnings;
int result = 0;
const uint8_t *filename = NULL;
uint16_t filename_len = 0;
// keep parsing mime and use callbacks when needed
while (cur_buf_len > 0) {
MimeParserResult r =
rs_mime_parse(htud->mime_state, cur_buf, cur_buf_len, &consumed, &warnings);
DEBUG_VALIDATE_BUG_ON(consumed > cur_buf_len);
htud->request_body.body_parsed += consumed;
if (warnings) {
HtpRequestBodyMultipartParseHeader(hstate, htud, header, header_len,
&filename, &filename_len, &filetype, &filetype_len);
if (filename != NULL) {
const uint8_t *filedata = NULL;
uint32_t filedata_len = 0;
SCLogDebug("we have a filename");
htud->tsflags |= HTP_FILENAME_SET;
htud->tsflags &= ~HTP_DONTSTORE;
SCLogDebug("header_end %p", header_end);
SCLogDebug("form_end %p", form_end);
/* everything until the final boundary is the file */
if (form_end != NULL) {
SCLogDebug("have form_end");
filedata = header_end + 4;
if (form_end == filedata) {
HTPSetEvent(hstate, htud, STREAM_TOSERVER,
goto end;
} else if (form_end < filedata) {
HTPSetEvent(hstate, htud, STREAM_TOSERVER,
goto end;
filedata_len = form_end - (header_end + 4 + 2);
SCLogDebug("filedata_len %"PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)filedata_len);
/* or is it? */
uint8_t *header_next = Bs2bmSearch(filedata, filedata_len,
boundary, expected_boundary_len);
if (header_next != NULL) {
filedata_len -= (form_end - header_next);
if (filedata_len > chunks_buffer_len) {
HTPSetEvent(hstate, htud, STREAM_TOSERVER,
goto end;
SCLogDebug("filedata_len %"PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)filedata_len);
#ifdef PRINT
printf("FILEDATA START: \n");
PrintRawDataFp(stdout, filedata, filedata_len);
printf("FILEDATA END: \n");
result = HTPFileOpen(hstate, htud, filename, filename_len, filedata, filedata_len,
if (result == -1) {
goto end;
} else if (result == -2) {
htud->tsflags |= HTP_DONTSTORE;
} else {
if (HTPFileClose(htud, NULL, 0, 0, STREAM_TOSERVER) == -1) {
goto end;
FlagDetectStateNewFile(htud, STREAM_TOSERVER);
htud->request_body.body_parsed += (header_end - chunks_buffer);
htud->tsflags &= ~HTP_FILENAME_SET;
} else {
SCLogDebug("chunk doesn't contain form end");
filedata = header_end + 4;
filedata_len = chunks_buffer_len - (filedata - chunks_buffer);
SCLogDebug("filedata_len %u (chunks_buffer_len %u)", filedata_len, chunks_buffer_len);
if (filedata_len > chunks_buffer_len) {
HTPSetEvent(hstate, htud, STREAM_TOSERVER,
goto end;
#ifdef PRINT
printf("FILEDATA START: \n");
PrintRawDataFp(stdout, filedata, filedata_len);
printf("FILEDATA END: \n");
/* form doesn't end in this chunk, but the part might. Lets
* see if have another coming up */
uint8_t *header_next = Bs2bmSearch(filedata, filedata_len,
boundary, expected_boundary_len);
SCLogDebug("header_next %p", header_next);
if (header_next == NULL) {
SCLogDebug("more file data to come");
uint32_t offset = (header_end + 4) - chunks_buffer;
SCLogDebug("offset %u", offset);
htud->request_body.body_parsed += offset;
if (filedata_len >= (uint32_t)(expected_boundary_len + 2)) {
filedata_len -= (expected_boundary_len + 2 - 1);
// take as much as we can until start of boundary
for (size_t nb = 0; nb < (size_t)expected_boundary_len + 1; nb++) {
if (filedata[filedata_len] == '\r') {
if (nb == expected_boundary_len ||
filedata[filedata_len + 1] == '\n') {
SCLogDebug("opening file with partial data");
} else {
filedata = NULL;
filedata_len = 0;
result = HTPFileOpen(hstate, htud, filename, filename_len, filedata,
filedata_len, STREAM_TOSERVER);
switch (r) {
case MimeNeedsMore:
// there is not enough data, wait for more next time
goto end;
case MimeFileOpen:
// get filename owned by mime state
rs_mime_state_get_filename(htud->mime_state, &filename, &filename_len);
if (filename_len > 0) {
htud->tsflags |= HTP_FILENAME_SET;
htud->tsflags &= ~HTP_DONTSTORE;
result = HTPFileOpen(
hstate, htud, filename, filename_len, NULL, 0, STREAM_TOSERVER);
if (result == -1) {
goto end;
} else if (result == -2) {
htud->tsflags |= HTP_DONTSTORE;
FlagDetectStateNewFile(htud, STREAM_TOSERVER);
htud->request_body.body_parsed += filedata_len;
SCLogDebug("htud->request_body.body_parsed %"PRIu64, htud->request_body.body_parsed);
} else if (header_next - filedata > 2) {
filedata_len = header_next - filedata - 2;
SCLogDebug("filedata_len %u", filedata_len);
result = HTPFileOpen(hstate, htud, filename, filename_len, filedata,
filedata_len, STREAM_TOSERVER);
case MimeFileChunk:
if (htud->tsflags & HTP_FILENAME_SET && !(htud->tsflags & HTP_DONTSTORE)) {
result = HTPFileStoreChunk(htud, cur_buf, consumed, STREAM_TOSERVER);
if (result == -1) {
goto end;
} else if (result == -2) {
/* we know for sure we're not storing the file */
htud->tsflags |= HTP_DONTSTORE;
} else {
if (HTPFileClose(htud, NULL, 0, 0, STREAM_TOSERVER) == -1) {
goto end;
case MimeFileClose:
if (htud->tsflags & HTP_FILENAME_SET && !(htud->tsflags & HTP_DONTSTORE)) {
uint32_t lastsize = consumed;
if (lastsize > 0 && cur_buf[lastsize - 1] == '\n') {
if (lastsize > 0 && cur_buf[lastsize - 1] == '\r') {
FlagDetectStateNewFile(htud, STREAM_TOSERVER);
htud->tsflags &= ~HTP_FILENAME_SET;
htud->request_body.body_parsed += (header_end - chunks_buffer);
HTPFileClose(htud, cur_buf, lastsize, 0, STREAM_TOSERVER);
SCLogDebug("header_start %p, header_end %p, form_end %p",
header_start, header_end, form_end);
/* Search next boundary entry after the start of body */
uint32_t cursizeread = header_end - chunks_buffer;
header_start = Bs2bmSearch(header_end + 4,
chunks_buffer_len - (cursizeread + 4),
boundary, expected_boundary_len);
if (header_start != NULL) {
header_end = Bs2bmSearch(header_end + 4,
chunks_buffer_len - (cursizeread + 4),
(uint8_t *) "\r\n\r\n", 4);
/* if we're parsing the multipart and we're not currently processing a
* file, we move the body pointer forward. */
if (form_end == NULL && !(htud->tsflags & HTP_FILENAME_SET) && header_start == NULL) {
if (chunks_buffer_len > expected_boundary_end_len) {
uint32_t move = chunks_buffer_len - expected_boundary_end_len + 1;
htud->request_body.body_parsed += move;
SCLogDebug("form not ready, file not set, parsing non-file "
"record: moved %u", move);
htud->tsflags &= ~HTP_FILENAME_SET;
// TODO event on parsing error ?
cur_buf += consumed;
cur_buf_len -= consumed;
@ -1931,7 +1509,8 @@ static int HTPCallbackRequestBodyData(htp_tx_data_t *d)
printf("REASSCHUNK END: \n");
HtpRequestBodyHandleMultipart(hstate, tx_ud, d->tx, chunks_buffer, chunks_buffer_len);
HtpRequestBodyHandleMultipart(hstate, tx_ud, d->tx, chunks_buffer, chunks_buffer_len,
(d->data == NULL && d->len == 0));
} else if (tx_ud->request_body_type == HTP_BODY_REQUEST_POST ||
tx_ud->request_body_type == HTP_BODY_REQUEST_PUT) {
@ -6030,7 +5609,11 @@ static int HTPBodyReassemblyTest01(void)
printf("REASSCHUNK END: \n");
HtpRequestBodyHandleMultipart(&hstate, &htud, &tx, chunks_buffer, chunks_buffer_len);
htud.mime_state = rs_mime_state_init((const uint8_t *)"multipart/form-data; boundary=toto",
strlen("multipart/form-data; boundary=toto"));
htud.tsflags |= HTP_BOUNDARY_SET;
HtpRequestBodyHandleMultipart(&hstate, &htud, &tx, chunks_buffer, chunks_buffer_len, false);
if (htud.request_body.content_len_so_far != 669) {
printf("htud.request_body.content_len_so_far %"PRIu64": ", htud.request_body.content_len_so_far);