@ -196,9 +196,33 @@ impl AppLayerTxData {
pub fn update_file_flags ( & mut self , state_flags : u16 ) {
pub fn update_file_flags ( & mut self , state_flags : u16 ) {
if ( self . file_flags & state_flags ) ! = state_flags {
if ( self . file_flags & state_flags ) ! = state_flags {
SCLogDebug ! ( "updating tx file_flags {:04x} with state flags {:04x}" , self . file_flags , state_flags ) ;
SCLogDebug ! ( "updating tx file_flags {:04x} with state flags {:04x}" , self . file_flags , state_flags ) ;
self . file_flags | = state_flags ;
let mut nf = state_flags ;
// With keyword filestore:both,flow :
// There may be some opened unclosed file in one direction without filestore
// As such it has tx file_flags had FLOWFILE_NO_STORE_TS or TC
// But a new file in the other direction may trigger filestore:both,flow
// And thus set state_flags FLOWFILE_STORE_TS
// If the file was opened without storing it, do not try to store just the end of it
if ( self . file_flags & FLOWFILE_NO_STORE_TS ) ! = 0 & & ( state_flags & FLOWFILE_STORE_TS ) ! = 0 {
if ( self . file_flags & FLOWFILE_NO_STORE_TC ) ! = 0 & & ( state_flags & FLOWFILE_STORE_TC ) ! = 0 {
self . file_flags | = nf ;
// need to keep in sync with C flow.h
pub const FLOWFILE_NO_STORE_TS : u16 = BIT_U16 ! ( 2 ) ;
pub const FLOWFILE_NO_STORE_TC : u16 = BIT_U16 ! ( 3 ) ;
pub const FLOWFILE_STORE_TS : u16 = BIT_U16 ! ( 12 ) ;
pub const FLOWFILE_STORE_TC : u16 = BIT_U16 ! ( 13 ) ;
#[ no_mangle ]
pub unsafe extern "C" fn SCTxDataUpdateFileFlags ( txd : & mut AppLayerTxData , state_flags : u16 ) {
txd . update_file_flags ( state_flags ) ;
#[ macro_export ]
#[ macro_export ]