@ -217,24 +217,6 @@
#define SC_ATOMIC_AND(name, val) \
SCAtomicFetchAndAnd(&(name ## _sc_atomic__), (val))
* \brief Bitwise NAND a value to our atomic variable
* \param name the atomic variable
* \param val the value to NAND to the variable
#define SC_ATOMIC_NAND(name, val) \
SCAtomicFetchAndNand(&(name ## _sc_atomic__), (val))
* \brief Bitwise XOR a value to our atomic variable
* \param name the atomic variable
* \param val the value to XOR to the variable
#define SC_ATOMIC_XOR(name, val) \
SCAtomicFetchAndXor(&(name ## _sc_atomic__), (val))
* \brief atomic Compare and Switch